Exercise On Present and Past Participle

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Infinitive Present Participle Past Participle Meaning in Bahasa

(V1) (V-ing) (V-3) Indonesia

1. Offer
2. Complain
3. Whisper
4. Insist
5. Suggest
6. Shout
7. Explain
8. Subscribe
9. Approach
10. Improve

The use of Present Participle (V-ing) and Past Participle (V-3):

A. Present Participle (V-ing)
1. Realizing that there’s nobody in the room, he felt very afraid.
Sitting in the verandah, he was reading.
Feeling so tired, he went to bed.
2. The student wearing glasses smiled at me.
A girl sitting by the window didn’t realize that there’s a man watching her.
B. Past Participle (V-3)
1. Completed with a good sound system, the band is capable to attract audiences.
Hit by the man, the thief hurt and collapsed.
Swept very clean, the room was comfortable enough to study.
2. The city located in the river bank was not too crowded.
I never understood the material discussed in the meeting.

A. Which is right?
1. The man (talked/talking) to another was not a murderer.
2. The sailor (given/giving) Gloria a present was Jack.
3. The cat (grabbed/grabbing) by Hodja didn’t really eat the meat.
4. (known/knowing) there was a new neighbor, Jack tried to have an introduction.
5. The man looked at a woman (brought/bringing) a plastic sack.
6. (given/giving) the meat, the cat ate too passionately.
7. (weighed/weighing) in front of his wife, the cat was two kilograms.

B. Write a new sentence using Present Participle

8. They were discussing a subject matter. They were in quarrel.
9. Because the boy felt very tired, he didn’t continue walking.
10. While the maid was cooking in the kitchen, she was also listening to music.
11. The girl waited the stars. They were shining the brightest in the night.
12. The people looked at the stranger. He was lying in the middle of the road.

C. Write a new sentence using Past Participle

13. The matador was dashed by the bull. He was injured.
14. He was weakened by his disease. He felt wanted to die soon.
15. The woman handed over a letter. It was written in Javanese.
16. A beggar showed something. It was wrapped with brown paper.
17. I went to a city last year. It was located between two provinces.

February 21, 2011


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