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Art & Globalization, 12.03.

2010, Mirjam Rohrbach

Dictionary of the social sciences, Oxford University Press 2002, edited by Craig Calhoun:

Globalization: “A catch-all term for the expansion of diverse forms of economic,

political, and cultural activity beyond national borders.”

Communicative action: “A key concept in Jü rgen Habermas’ work on discursive ethics

and the public sphere, communicative action is oriented toward reflective
understanding and the creation of social relation.”

Sociology: “the scientific study of society, including patterns of social relationships ,

social action, and culture.”

Culture: “the term has acquired a wide range of meanings since its original association
with the cultivation of land, but two modern significations stand out: the humanistic
definition that emerged in the eighteenth-century Europe in reference to the arts, music,
and letters, and the anthropological definition that developed in the nineteenth century
to describe the sum total of human activities.”

Encyclopedia of social theory, 2006, Routledge:

Art and aesthetics: “A central issue for social theorists and philosophers of the arts is
the question of whether art consists in any universally recognizable perceptual qualities
or whether the word “art” must be understood to refer simply to the practices, attitudes
and outlooks of different cultural institutions that elect to classify objects in the world in
particular ways.”

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