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Management Committee

Dec 5, 2007 7:00pm

Call to order

1. Administrative Procedures
• Meeting Protocol
• Code of Conduct

2. Finance Committee Report

• Update - collection of unpaid 2006 dues.
• Update - 2007 dues collection
• Update – 2007 position

3. Communication / Residents Directory / Welcoming Committee Report

• Update on committee membership / call for volunteers
• Activity report

4. Recreation / Social Committee Report

• Activity report

5. Community Beautification Committee Report

• Call for volunteers

6. Physical Plant / Pool Committee Report

• Call for volunteers

7. Entrance Sign Committee Report

SVOA Management Committee June 6, 2007 Agenda
• Committee status update
• Call for new volunteers

8. Design Review Committee Report

• Update on Design Review requests to date
• Covenant Review/Update
• Call for volunteers

9. Government Relations / Legal Committee Report

• Call for volunteers

10. New business

11. Adjournment

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