Cue/section Column: Notes:: Summary

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Cue/section Column: Notes: In this website it would tell you about Hemophilia

/dci/Diseases/hemophilia/hemo A And B. it Also tell you that 9 out of 10 people
philia_what.html have type A . It also said that Hemophilia would
develop over lifetime. It would show u how some affects in

/dci/Diseases/hemophilia/hemo Replacement Treatment. It Also said that it
philia_treatments.html HIV/AIDS could be transform by clot factor from
another human. But due to the carefully

http://www.allaboutbleeding- In this website it teaches about Hemophilia A. It tells you the symptoms that could happen when
hemophilia.aspx?gclid=COH9- having hemophilia A. The common types of
uHXl6gCFZRd7AodohGKEA Hemophilia A are excessive bleeding and getting
easily bruises in the body. This website tells you about the damages that

/dci/Diseases/hemophilia/hemo could make in the brain. Internal bleeding in the
philia_signs.html brain could cause many damages & cause painful

Summary: I learn that there is many are treatments for Hemophilia A & B.
From clot factor another disease could be pass on by other human Clot Factor XI or
VII. But professional work with the clot factor seeing if there is any other disease or
any problems with the clot factor. I also found out that hemophilia would develop
over time making it worse and more dangerous to that individual. I also found out
about other symptoms that happen when internal bleeding is happening. I have
also learned that just a little hit in the head could cause internal bleeding in the
head and cause very harmful damages in the brain.

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