Barber Letter

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4222 Cantrell Rd Acworth,GA

March 23 ,2011

Dear Students,

In order to exceed with these projects you will have to put a much effort as you can in this
class. Ms.Watts is a pretty lenient teacher but in order to get to the fun stuff you have to put at least 30
minutes of hard work into this class. On a usual day you will come in sit down reads the board listen to
Ms.Watts talk and go onto the computer. For those 10 minutes that she is talking you will have to absorb
all the information in order to know what you are going to have to do for all these projects.

Also when you do your assignments make sure you are doing it to your best ability or Swats
will take you paper look at you and ripe it up. So whenever you do any assignment for her make sure it is
not half way done. This class will be as easy as you make it .Because if you are a trustworthy person
always finishing your work at the best extent then you will be given lots of freedom.

Especially with projects and such you will be able to do things that’s some students won’t be
able to do just by the way you act. Ms.Watts will not be pleased and you also shouldn’t be pleased with a C
or under because if you get a C or under that means you’re not trying your hardest.
Also for all you students that like messing with your teachers it’s not going to work she not going to get
mad you are never going to get the reaction you want so don’t try it.

This class is also part of your GPA so don’t take it lightly because maybe this class is the
class that might just be stopping you from doing something in your life. Because when it’s time for you to
go to college they look at how your grades and behavior has been from now till then so make sure the first
thing they see is good grades in every class and all the potential you have. Also in this class you will have
to master all your note taking strategies because you will be using lots of note cards on the computer and
trust me there is nothing more boring than that .So that’s a couple tips about how you should act and how
it’s going to be next year.

Sincerely ,

Jason Coido

555 Street Address

4222 Cantrell Rd

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