Angles International College: 1 Term Examination Paper (History)

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Angles International College

1st Term Examination

Paper (History)
Marks 50 Time Allowed: _______

Part One (10 X 2 = 20)

Give short answers of the following:

1. What is Enlightenment?




2. Name two scientists and their contributions who worked in the era of Enlightenment.




3. When did France declare itself a Republic State?




4. Write names of Revolutionary leaders in French Revolution?



5. What was structure of government in France after revolution?




6. What were the main features of Industrial Revolution?




7. Who invented the first practical engine and when?




8. What are the main contenders of world war I?




9. Which kind of developments took place in medicine after WWI?




10. When did WWII start?

Part Two (5 X 6 = 30)
Attempt any five questions.
1. Explain long term causes of World War II?









2. Why United Nations was established and what is its role to prevent the scourge of war?









3. What was the position of women before and after world war I in Europe?








4. What were the main causes of World Wart I?









5. Why demand of educated workers increased after Industrial Revolution?









6. Write points of Declaration of rights of man during French Revolution.









7. What were 6 points of Enlightenment?









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