Portfolio Rubric

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exploring positive and negative space in an art portfolio

Name: _______________________

Fill in one blank with the points you believe you have earned (out of 25 points) for each criteria.

____ ____25 points. Objective: Create a portfolio with at least 2 of your initials on the cover using at
least 2 colors of paper. You use at least 2 thumbnail drawings to plan your portfolio.

____ ____25 points. Design: You creatively crop and zoom in on your initials, and you fill the page to
create visually interesting positive and negative space.

____ ____25 points. Studio Skills: The lines are carefully drawn with a pencil first, based on your
thumbnail sketches. You successfully transferred your drawing to colored paper, then cut and glued
neatly. All materials were handled with care; you worked well with others, and you helped to clean up.

____ ____25 points. Presentation: The portfolio paper is folded in half. The initials and lines are neatly
drawn. There are no smudges, smears, creases or tears.

____ ____ 100 points total

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