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Protectionism (aka Paternalism)

 In place because State governments believe that Aborigines couldn’t take care of
 Aboriginals were contained, rationed and sometimes worked.
 Encouraged to live a white lifestyle
 Protectionism  (led to) Stolen Generation
 Removed children from parents
 Full blood/Half-Caste (1 black + 1 white parent)
 Taught to be white:
 Christianity
 White was right
 Lost their Aboriginality
 They weren’t able to practise their culture
 Would breed the Aboriginal out from existence.
 Continued until 1951
 Aboriginals would be part of main stream society
 But they wouldn't practise their culture.
 Discrimination from white society followed.
 They didn't ingrain themselves well into society.
 The became fringe dwellers
 In reserves they had a sense of security, but mainstream society forced them to defend
 Started in the 1960s
 1962 ---> Aboriginal had the right to vote in Federal election (referendum?)
 States had different laws; NSW Aborigines had more freedom than Western Australian
Aboriginals and Northern Territory Aboriginals.
 Movement towards other states with greater freedom started.
 Some Aboriginals needed permission to move to other states.
 1967 Referendum was to include Aboriginals to the census (one of the few referendums
passed - need majority of states' agreement)
 Aboriginal affairs came under federal control ---> consistency and to stop movement to
Self Determination
 1972 ---> Whitlam elected
 Whitlam wanted a policy of self determination for Aboriginals (to take care of their own
 Land Rights came around
 Aboriginals tried to claim back their lands - lands important to them.
 From 1995 onwards called Reconciliation
 Apology for the way we have treated Aboriginals -- National Sorry Day
 13th February 2008 (Kevin Rudd)

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