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Rainfall Consideration in Storm Drainage Introduction Lately, Indian cities have been going in for efficient storm water drainage systems. Ear- lier, the emphasis was on providing basic necessities such as water supply and sewerage systems. Frovision of storm water drainage systems was a low priority item then. After having made some progress towards provision of water supply and sewerage systems, the cities are now poised to have efficient storm water drainage systems. ‘The city of Bombay is the latest example, where a storm water drainage system is going to be executed with the loan assistance from the World Bank. Methods of Design ‘The design of a storm water drainage system carried out in two steps as follows: i) Estimation of run off contribution to a storm water drain, and if) Sizing of the storm water drain "The second step involves hydraulic design of the drain using suitable formula or graphic aids to arrive at the size and gradient for the drain and is normally a very simple and straight forward procedure. The first step which consists of computing the run off tributary te 2 point on the storm water drain under the design is not such a straight for- ward procedure. ‘The most ideal method to compute the run off is to use the Unit Hydrograph method. How- ever this method requires data on the shed- ding characteristies of the region such as actual observations of run off for the region corresponding to separate rain storms. Such a data are today non-existant even for major System — Case Studies $.D. Chawathe, Public Health Specialist FSA Pavamani, Director Tata Consulting Engineers Bombay 400 008 cities like Bombay, Calcutta ete. Designers therefore have to go for alternative methods. ‘The next best method available to a designer ig the ‘Rational Method of Design’. This method involves repeated use of the equation. Q = (CNT (A ql) where ‘C’ is the coefficient of run off, ‘A’ is the aren tributary to the point on a storm watar drain under design, ‘INT’ the intensity of the storm of a particular duration and a par- ticular frequency and Q the design discharge. ‘The duration of the storm is generally taken ‘to be equal to the concentration time for the point under design. The concentration time is the sum of the inlet time or time required for the run off to gain entrance in a storm water drain and the time of flow in the drain to the point under design. The time of flow in the system increases as points further away from the inlet are considered successively for design. The run off coefficient ‘C’ indicates the shedding characteristics of the area under consideration, The intensity of the storm to be used in the equation No.1 is a function of the concentra- tion time and the frequency of occurrence of the storm. A point to point design of a storm water drain requires repeatative computation of the magnitodes of intensity of rain fall for which the drain is then designed at various points downstream. This can only be done if the rainfall-intensity-duration frequency relationships for the city under consi are available ta the designer; otherwise the same need be first developed by analysing the AFRO-ASIAN CONFERENCE IL past, rainfall records for the city. In the past, research workers have made available rai fall intensity duration frequency relationshipa for the cities of Calcutta, Delhi and Bombay (Ref. 1-4). It is necessary to develop these relationships for other major cities in India so as to make them available to designers of storm water drainage systems. This paper describes the methodology used to develop such relationships for the cities of Pune and Ahmedabad and presents them in a form suitable for different ranges of frequencies of occurrence. Intensity - Duration - Frequency Relationships by Least Square Method The relationship amongst rainfall intensity, duration and the frequency of occurrence for a storm can be deseribed by the equation: INT: SU (DUR+CON3/CO™* where intensity of rainfall INT’ is in mm/hr, duration of the storm ‘DUR’ in minutes, fre- quency of occurrence ‘FREQ’ in months and CON1, CQN2, CON3, AND CON4 are con- stants. The least sqnares technique to fit the above relationship to the past rainfall data is described in detail by G.M, Fair (Ref.5), and the same is used in this paper. (2) Computer Programme A computer programme ‘RAIN’ was developed to process the raw rainfall data and to obtain the necessary rainfall-intensity-duration-fre- quency relationships for the cities of Pune and Ahmedabad in the present study. The input data needed and the output generated by the programme are briefly described below: Input Data Past rainfall data for 31 years for Pune and for 15 years for Ahmedabad in the form of hyetegrams (24 hre charts) was collected and segments representing individual storms, ranging in durations of 120 min and less were selected from each of these hyetograms and table of cumulative rainfall against cumula- tive time for all such storms were prepared. This formed the major input data for the programme. In addition following data also was input. i) Total number of storms (ii) Duration of rainfall record in years, (iii) Intensity range (mm/hr) with range of durations for storms (min) used for tabulating individual sterms in a two way frequency table, (iv) The accuracy of computation increases if instead of fitting a single relationship over the total frequency range, the range is broken down imlo subgroups and separate relationships are fitted to these subgroups of frequencies. Input con- sisted of the magnitudes of these fre- quencies in each subgroup. Output ‘The output consists of following items: (i) Two way frequency table showing the number of storms for various durations and intensities. Tables showing durations and intensities of storms for specific frequencies of oceur- Gi) ensity-duration-frequency relation- ships of specific subgroups of frequencies of occurrence and Gv) Tables showing observed and calculated values of intensities for assessing good- ness of fit. Results and Discussion Table No.1 to 4 present the number of storms of stated duration and stated intensity or more for Pune and Ahmedabad in a two way frequency table forming part of the programme sutput. Table No. § and Table No. 6 present the Intensity-Duration-Fre- queney relationships obtained for Pune and Ahmedabad respectively. During design, a designer has to take a decision regarding the frequency of occur- rence of storms to be adopted for a given city. Selection of a lower frequency yield high in- tensities and subsequently leads to higher capital costs for the system, while selecting a higher frequency leads to frequent flooding of the area. Lower frequency could be chosen RECORD OF INTENSE RAIN! a 40. 5, cy HIN ‘ORATION a 85. ae 110. 115. 4B. 8. me. 38. aa. a8. 388. 38. aE. eB. 388. ‘Jae. a8, 8. 387. 3H7. 387. ‘3H. a7. wr. 337. Mr. 3a. ai. 387. Rainfall Consideration in Storm Drainage Systems AND STATED INTENSITY OR MORE FOR PUNE IMTENSITY(rm PER HR) 79. us: 38. ML 353. 43. Hb. BL . 315. Mb. ay. uM 30. ma. 2. 768. mM. m0. 186. 163. 145, 12h. 11. 2. wy. 27. m2. Tee m3. za. 178, 1b. B. m2. a. 240. 23. 185. 15. we. 82. m2, 138, uy. my. 2. 5. 1. 62. M, 226. 18. 3, 4. 163. Ls. u. mM, a. 19. uM. MW. 2 i 6. s. 3. 2. i. i. 3. Ibb. 123. ar. ot. oo. 162. 07. Tis , ma. 2. 65. iM, Te M uy nu ch 1. SHOWING NO OF STORMS OF STATED DURATION % . 10h. TABLE 1 TH. Bf. 8S. ne HH a. E. . . 2. ibe 1 17 it, EME Ts RohoW LR A LE att i Bet 2 8 8 0... Geren, oo % ©, i me oe 6 ae, ‘ Mow 4 Te. 18! 9 Cee % wy 2 Fo Ce +7 4 ae Oca.

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