Top Marks Bachillerato Exam Practice

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ln secondary school, Patrick was a hard-working and clever student who left school with top marks. Harold was also
very clever but his marks were average because he spent more time with his friends than he did on his studies.
Fifteen years later, Patrick couldn't get a promotion at the company where he worked. He had been through a traumatic
divorce and was miserable with the way his life was turning out. Harold, on the other hand, was happily married and
quite content. And he happened to be the president of the same company that employed Patrick.

Why do some people succeed in life while others don't? For decades, schools, parents and employers have focused on
academic abilities as the key to future success. But studies have shown that intellectual abilities are only part of the
picture. According to Daniel Goleman, author of the best-selling book Emotional Intelligence, if you aren't able to
manage your emotions, then you aren't going to get very far, no matter how good you are at maths. In other words, EQ
is even more important than IQ.
What exactly is EQ? People with high EQs are good at relating to other people and sensing the feelings of others, as
well as being aware of their own feelings. In addition, they don't allow their emotions to take over a situation. When a
person with a low EQ gets angry he or she will react right away, shouting or even becoming violent. But someone with
a high EQ will control this impulse, calming down before taking action.

The good news is that while IQ is mainly genetic, emotional intelligence can be leamed and improved. Goleman would like
to see schools help children learn to manage their emotions as well as teaching them history and physics. He hopes that
with higher EQs, the world will have less violence, fewer divorces, and more happy and successful people.

ijj Choose the best answer according to the text. iff oecide whether the sentences below are true (T)
or false (F). Find evidence in the text to support
1. This article is mainly about your answer.
a. Patrick's and Harold's careers. ...... 1. Harold was a better student than Patrick.
b. how people deal with their emotions.
c. the importance of emotional intelligence.
... 2. Harold got a higher status job than Patrick.
2. People with high EQs
a. are less likely to feel angry.
...... 3. People with high EQs act according to their
b. can easily control their anger.
c. are more likely to shout than to become violent.
3. According to the article
... 4. Emotional lntelligence is easier to improve than
a. schools don't relate enough to emotional intellectual abilities.
b. academic abilities are the key to future success.
......5 Goleman believes that emotional intelligence
c. people with academic abilities are not likely to
can help prevent divorce.

lg ; finU words or expressions in the text that mean: M

f . intelligent (paragraph 1)
iri ffi Write a composition of about 100-120 words
in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
2. unhappy (paragraph 2)
1. A description: Describe someone you know who
3. concentrated (paragraph 3) has been very successful in life. Describe their
4. control (paragraph 4) personality, indicating their intellectual and
5. in addition to (paragraph 5) emotional abilities.
2. An opinion essay: Should schools be responsible
i,i"t Complete the sentences according to the text. Use for teaching students how to manage their
your own words. emotions?

When he was a schoolboy, Harold enjoyed

2. Patrick was unhappy with his life because

3. Without emotional intelligence, it doesn't matter


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