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The Evaluation of Macro Diversity and Adaptive Modulation on Fixed Wireless

Communication System in Millimeter-Wave Under Rainy Condition

Name : Indrabayu
NRP : 2203203004
Supervisor : Dr. Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng.
Co-Supervisor : Ir. Titiek Suryani, MT


Fading is one of the degrading factors in a radio communication system. The

used of high frequency (>10 GHz) leads to an inevitable loss from rain attenuation.
Hence, a mitigation technique is proposed in this research, Adaptive Modulation (AM)
and Macro Diversity on a identical dual-link (1-4 km). M-QAM modulation are
considered in the variation of modulation level M. Site-diversity with convergent angle
of 45 and 135 degrees. Combiners are limited in selection combining and maximal ratio
The rain attenuation are modeled with AR process such that the rain attenuation
assumed to be lognormally distributed and stationer. Specific attenuation is obtained
through processes of ITU-R prediction. Then the performance of adaptive modulation
techniques are assessed by measuring the decrease of BER and inclining of efficiency
The same evaluation are observed with the used of site-diversity. The spatial
correlation between two path with identical length is acquired from the Kanellopoulos
and Koukolas. Finally, both mitigation techniques are combined in order to get a better
Adaptive modulation shows a significant drop of BER. On 4 km path length,
non-adaptive modulation 4 QAM shows averages BER 2.1025 x 10-3, whilst MA emerge
with BER 2,532x10-7. Average modulation efficiency of adaptive modulation also
outperform any fixed-modulation of MQAM (M = 4, 16, 64). Diversity also shows an
improved of performance by lower BER and higher efficiency. Only the decline of BER
still above the value of targeted BER.
Without diversity, MA able to get the target BER, however diversity has not
showed the same performance. By combining adaptive modulation and diversity, the
system performance has improved dramatically. On 4km length, AM + diversity MRC-
135 fulfill BER 9,6205x10-8 and effective modulation efficiency 5,652 bps/Hz that is an
increase of 30,57% compare to fixed-modulation 64-QAM.

Keywords: adaptive modulation, macro diversity, rain attenuation


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