5th Lent

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email : ourladysbryn@rcaolp.co.uk Archdiocesan website : liverpoolcatholic.org.uk

Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 725522
Masses for the week 9 - 17 April 2011 Rosary Mon - Sat 8.30am ; Sun 9.30am
Fifth Sunday of Lent Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon; 6 - 6.45pm
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Thomas Finigan No Novena
Sunday 10.00am Parishioners Stations of the Cross Tues 2.30pm; Fri 7pm
Weekday Masses Lenten Talks Friday 8.15pm at Holy Trinity
Monday 7.30am Auntie Annie Looking at the Lenten Sunday Gospels.
9.00am Phyllis Calderbank
Tuesday 7.30am Iris King Memorial Book
9.00am John Cummings 11th April Phyllis Calderbank
12th April William Houlton
Wednesday 7.30 am In Thanksgiving
14th April Thomas Kelly
9.00am Anne Cooke
Thursday 7.30am John Mercer
The Sanctuary Lamp
9.00am Thomas Newall
will burn this week for
Friday 9.00am William McDonald
7.00pm Margaret Westmoreland Pauline Maguire.
Saturday 12 noon Sick Parishioners
Holy Childhood
Many thanks to all who contributed to the
Palm Sunday
sale of mini-eggs recently which raised £170
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners
towards the Holy Childhood Appeal.
Sunday 10.00am Phil Johnston
The Gospel of Life : In St John’s Gospel, speaking of himself as the Good Shepherd, Jesus says: “
I came that they may have life and have it to the full.” (Jn 10:10). Following the symbols of water
and light which we have heard in the last two weeks’ gospels, this week we hear of the raising of
Lazarus, the last and greatest of the signs given by Jesus. Even though it points us in the direction
of the Lord’s own Death and Resurrection, the raising of Lazarus is still nothing when compared to
that Resurrection which makes New Life, Eternal Life, possible for us all.
Coffee Morning : Tuesday morning in the Parish Centre between 9.30 -11.00am. All welcome.
Pastoral Area News ; There is a meeting of Parish Representatives from the Ashton parishes on
Tuesday evening and a meeting of Pastoral Area clergy on Wednesday afternoon. Please keep all
those involved in your prayers at this time.
Reconciliation Service: There will be a Service of Reconciliation for the Ashton parishes here on
Wednesday evening of this week at 7.30pm with an opportunity for individual confession. Please
note there will be no Novena this week.
Mass of Anointing : Mass during the day on Saturday of this week will be at 12 noon, during
which we will celebrate the Anointing of the Sick. All are welcome but anyone who wishes to be
anointed is asked to speak to me beforehand.
Sacrament of Confirmation : Any Year 8 + 9 students who live in Our Lady’s parish or regularly
attend Mass here and have not received an invitation to join the Confirmation preparation should
contact me as soon as possible.
Chrism Mass: There are still some places left on the coach for the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral
on Wednesday 20 April. Please note that the coach leaves at 6.00pm prompt.
Car Boot Sale : Saturday 30 April from 9.30am. To reserve a space, please see Pam Hughes or
call 01942 712657.
Last week’s collection ; Gift Aid : £291.30 Loose Plate : £334.20 Total : £625.50. Many
Question of the Week : Christ calls us from Death to New Life. To what New Life are you being
called during this Lent?
Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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