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Section I
Evolution of Merchant Banking, scope, functions and its role in Indian context.
SEBl Guide lines for Merchant Bankers.
Issue Management - Public, Rights, Issue, Private placement:
Bought out Deals. Designing & pricing of Instruments preparing for public issues, SEBI Guidelines, Pre-
Issue & Post Issue work.
Section II
Credit Rating - Credit rating agencies in India, Scope, Process and Limitations in credit rating system.
Project Appraisal - Project life cycle, Evaluation, Social Cost benefit Analysis, Capital Cost and Financial
Section III
Long Term Finance & Working Capital Finance - Term Loan Working capital loans, maximum permissible
Bank Finance., Loan syndication, consortium finance, Factoring, Leasing & Hire Purchase. BBA
Syllabus Page 23 of 37
Venture Capital Companies - Evolution, Concept, Role, Importance, SEBI guidelines and present status
of VCC’s in Indian context.
Mergers and Acquisitions, takeovers, sell offs and divestitures.

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