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c A computer is usually used for word processing, databases, Spreadsheet packaging and using

Inter explorer they are one of the most used and usually important equipment in the office. 

c ×he telephone systems in a organisation are usually important as you receive more than one call
and have to us a switchboard.

c ×here are two main types of computer printer, inkjet and laser and there several difference between
the two and difference uses, the future and function on a printer depends upon its type and price
paid for the printer

c Stationary are essential in an office as they are v ery useful for getting documents Ready from using
a stapler to writing with a pen, stationeries are the easiest office equipment and therefore usually
don·t require training.

c Jax Machines are used for sending documents through the telephone system in an organisation they
are usually wired but nowadays they come wireless, they are another way of communicating.

c A Photocopier is usually used for copying documents in abundance it· s Regularly in most offices
as it copies documents fast and it·s cheap they also make the copies from files received whether it·s
in the mail or paper files.

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