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Civics is the study of rights and duties of citizenship. In other words, it is

the study of government with attention to the role of citizen’s ― as
opposed to external factors ― in the operation and oversight of
government. Therefore, Civic minded is concerned with civic interests or
active in community affairs.


Civic Education in a democratic country is education in self management.

Democratic of self management means those citizens are actively
involved in their own control; they do not just passively accept or agree
to the demands of others.

Civic education in a democratic society most assuredly needs to be

concerned with promoting understanding of the ideals of democracy and
a reasoned commitment to the values and principles of democracy. That
does not mean, however, that democracy should be presented as utopia.
To be effective civic education must be reasonable; it must address the
central truths about political life. Its statement of purpose calls for more
realistic teaching about the nature of political life and a better
understanding of "the complex elements of 'the art of the possible'."

A message of importance, therefore, is that politics need not, indeed

must not, be a zero-sum game. The idea that "winner takes all" has no
place in a democracy, because if losers lose all they will opt out of the
democratic game. Sharing is essential in a democratic society-the
sharing of power, of resources, and of responsibilities. In a democratic
society the possibility of effecting social change is ever present, if
citizens have the knowledge, the skills and the will to bring it about. That
knowledge, those skills and the will or necessary traits of private and
public character are the products of a good civic education.

An interview was done to students of MSU to ask about their opinion on

civic education in Malaysia.

Ms, do you think civic education is important to you? Why?

Mr, in your perspective, what is civic education is all about?

Did you receive civic education before this?

Ms, do you think civic education is important to you?

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