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Multicultural Education: A Challenge to Global

No two students are the same. This is the keywords that a
multicultural teacher must know. A teacher goes to school to teach, to
impart knowledge and share experiences with the students. It is a
challenge for him/her to teach in a multicultural classroom wherein the
students may come from different backgrounds and race. The teaching
implementation needs an appropriate strategy that would suit the needed
motivation of the students.

Amidst the diversity of the learners, it is a must for me as future

teacher that whenever I teach, I must ensure that all of the learners will
learn and acquire knowledge from my subject. It is important for me to
know and be knowledgeable about the differences in cultures, religion,
ethnicity, and even language of the students. Sensitivity and respect
among others is very important to achieve unity and peace in a multicultural
classroom. A teacher should also know the appropriate techniques and
strategy in dealing with the students. And since multicultural classroom
requires multiple approaches in teaching, I must know and master different
strategies and approaches in teaching appropriate in implementing a
Republic Act No. 4670: Magna Carta for Public School


Teachers are perceived to be given higher respect but paid with low
salary. They are the persons engaged in any classroom instruction and
performing supervisory and/or administrative function in all schools. Before
the teacher is called a teacher, certain qualifications are needed to qualify
to the standard needed by the Department of Education. It is not easy to be
a teacher because the counterpart of it is a great responsibility.

It is just right that our government provided a law which is the Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers that protect the right of the teachers and
giving them some privileges. I appreciate the fact that this law was made to
promote and improve the social and economic status of public school
teachers, including their living and working conditions, employment and
career prospect. Though I may not know where I am going to teach
whenever I pass the LET, I am grateful that this law gives me information
on what would be my rights and privileges whenever I pursue the teaching
profession. Many people say that I you want to get rich do not enter
teaching profession because nobody get rich in this profession. For me it’s
too shallow to think about it because being a well-off man depends on the
techniques and strategy he/she will be using. Entering the teaching
profession is not just a matter of money but it is how much you love to
teach regardless of how much you will get from it.

As of now, I am certain that teachers are not the lowest paid

profession but still the most respected. The laws are just made to protect
their rights whenever unnecessary things happened and give them
privileges to enjoy while in the profession.
Values Formation and You

All of us have already formed values as a human. The values within

us characterize of what we really are. These may either be taught to us by
someone or we’ve just caught it. No matter how we acquire it, it depends to
us on how e must apply it in our lives.

As a rational being, we are expected to be moral in everything we do.

Right values are considered to be moral. To be morally upright conforms to
the norms of humanity. Whether where you belong, either to the idealist
group, who believes that there are unchanging and universal values, or to
the relativists who claim that there are no universal values and unchanging
values, it would always be up to us to decide what is wrong or right. As we
grow up, all the dimensions of our values are develop according to how we
perceived the things around us. We may influence others, or other people
can influence us. Value formation is a training of the intellect and will,
whether we do what we think is right. Our intellect and will works together
for us to choose the right way to be morally upright and live in a virtuous

Our preferences and decisions have been shown in the hierarchy of

values. Whatever we do can be categorized into it and so, our decisions
and preferences can characterize of what kind of person we really are.
Anyway, God gave us freedom to choose to think and choose what kind of
person we want to be. People around us may influence us in anyway but it
depends to whether we want to be influenced or not. We just have to be
careful in choosing people to be our acquaintances that can lead us to the
right path and virtuous life.

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