Australian "Orange Papers" On LGBT Serving in The Armed Forces

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The Australian “Orange Papers” on

Lesbians, Gay’s Bisexual’s and

Transgender (LGBT) serving in the
Armed Forces.
“In Australia there is a history to call important documents regarding National Interest as
“White Papers” I felt that was a bit discriminatory so decided to make some “Orange
Papers” on LGBT serving in the Military”

Should LGBT be allowed to serve in the Australian Defence force?

Yes they should and have been for some time. Yet the culture that is still in place within the
Defence force has been slow to catch up to the current attitudes and protocols of the day.
No Person should be discriminated by Race, Creed, Sex, Age or Religion, as Australians we all
deserve this rights, even if serving in the Army.

Will they disrupt Unit Cohesion?

There may be some time where Units take time to Settle down with the knowledge someone
in their unit is LGBT, but in the end should see them as a Soldier who is their beside them
ready to fight side by side.

Will they be paid the same as other Soldiers?

I hope they are paid the same, otherwise that would Suck right? Hi, thanks for serving for
your country but because you’re LGBT you get paid less.

Should LGBT be “ousted” or Identified to other Armed Service members?

No. Of Course not. No one has to tell anyone what sexuality they are unless they want to
and if people are unable to tell if you’re lying or not or telling the truth then too bad.

Will Enemy’s Target the LGBT?

Well I don’t see how the Enemy can know what soldier is LGBT? Unless there were some
dickheads, that went around and started to name Soldiers as LGBT on Facebook or Twitter or
something. As far as I know the Enemy just sees another Soldier

Where can I meet some of these LGBT serving members?

To any Serving men and women of the Australian Armed forces, that just happen to be LGBT,
where can I meet you guys to show in person my thanks for going off to fight in the war?

Aren’t you Heterosexual?

Depends on who you ask?

Mr Maniskas Page 1

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