10 Web Content Writing Ways To Connect With Your Customers

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10 Ways to Use Web Content Writing to Connect with your Customers

When it comes to web content writing, there’s more to life than just articles. Here are some ways
to expand and widen your content marketing strategy and better connect with your potential


A whitepaper is a topical report on an issue requiring in depth explanation. Around 8-12 pages in
length, meaty whitepapers are considered to be the most influential content in internet marketing.
Whitepapers allow you to demonstrate your knowledge within your field. They are in depth and
therefore you get to give away something which a customer would normally expect to pay for. This
makes good marketing sense, building your authority, credibility and gaining your clients trust.

This form of web content writing is great for B2B, showcasing technically complex products/services
and discussing new ideas or changing trends.


An e-book is the more reader friendly cousin of the whitepaper. The main difference between an E-
Book and white paper is in the design. E-Books tend to have a more visually stimulating, user
friendly layout which is easy to scan. The tone tends to be more engaging and entertaining. They
tend to be shorter than white papers and more interactive, often including links to additional
multimedia information and focus on the how-to aspect of a subject.

Whether you choose E-Books, Whitepapers or both in your marketing mix make sure that you
provide valuable information and new ideas in your web content writing.

Digital Magazine

A periodical e-magazine is a great way to integrate print content with digital media. Digital
magazines are interactive by nature, the design compels the reader to keep flipping the pages and
see what’s next. The reader gets to interact with your brand through feature articles, news and even
videos or audio content. You can even have built in analytics in your digital magazine enabling you
to track and report on performance, what’s working and what isn’t.

Daily Snippets

A daily snippet is exactly what it says – a snippet of information posted daily on your website. It can
take the form of a news clip, tip, fact, statistic or advice. Daily, fresh web content writing on your
site is great for the user and search engines love it.


Article publishing is one of the most used content marketing tactics. Articles are a great way to
demonstrate your knowledge and authority within your field, addressing relevant issues trends and
topics. To achieve the best ROI from your web content writing, you must publish your articles
plenty and often.

E-Newsletters provide a means to communicate regularly with your customers and potential
customers. Publishing a periodic e-Newsletter will always keep your name in the frame. Keep your
web content writing informative, resisting the urge to sell, sell, sell in your e-mails. This will allow
you to build up a relationship with your readers, promoting loyalty and retention. They are a
nurturance tool for products and services with long sales cycles. Organisations that already have
strong opt-in email lists can benefit instantly.


Blogging is a form of brief web content writing that is frequently refreshed. Business blogging offers
a multitude of benefits; direct interaction with your audience, a voice and personality for your
brand, easy to set up with a very low outlay. Offer you audience interesting, useful blog posts and
keep them coming back for more. Blog posting must be consistent and regular, it may be hard to
find the time/money but a successful blog is well worth the effort. Don’t forget search engines love
blogs too.

Micro Blogging

In other words Tweeting. You may only have 140 characters but the speed and reach of the tweet
offers you a way to interact with customers in realtime. Tweets can be used to direct your audience
to more in depth web content writing posted elsewhere on the web.


The microsite or lens page (like Squidoo) tends to contain more focused content on a specific issue
or topic. Putting together an informative, resource page on a given topic is great for driving traffic
to your website. It may not get you instant results but does have SEO benefits too.

Press Releases

A press release is a fantastic promotional tool, capable of positioning any product, service or
business directly in the media spotlight. Use but don’t abuse! Press releases can have massive
impact when you have something newsworthy to share. A stationary store launching a new line of
paper clips is not news. Watch your tone and be creative in your web content writing.

A freelance content writer can offer advice on the most suitable content strategies for your
business. For instance, if you have a dating website – plenty of social media content would
complement the nature of your business. For a manufacturing company, a Whitepaper that
explained various processes and methods involved would be recommended, rather than tweeting
about it. Visit http://www.web-content-writer.co.uk for more information.

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