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Term Paper (PTY 104)

List of Topics

1 Anatomy of Head, Neck and Face: Cranial bones, Cervical vertebrae – Typical and
Atypical Vertebrae

2 The Cranial Cavity: Cerebral duramater, Sinuses, Anterior triangle of neck and the
Temporal Region: Muscles of Mastication and Temporo-mandibular joint.

3 The Vertebral Column: Thoracic Vertebra, Muscles, Ligaments and Joints of Thorax,
Intervertebral disc and functions, Respiratory Movements and Applied

4 Walls of Thorax – Muscles, Arteries, Nerves, Venous drainage and Lymphatics & the
thoracic cavity, Pleurae & Deformities of chest.

5 Neuroanatomy of Peripheral Nervous System: Introduction and Organization of

Nervous System: The Neurobiology of Neurons and Neuroglia

6 Spinal Cord – Structure of Spinal Cord, Ascending and Descending Tracts of Spinal

7 Brainstem – Medulla oblongata, Pons and Midbrain.

8 The Cerebellum.

9 The Cerebrum: Diencephalon

10 The Cerebrum: Thalamus

11 The Cerebrum: Internal Capsule & Hemispheres: General Appearance and Internal

12 Cranial Nerves: Cranial Nerve nuclei, course and distribution.

13 The Autonomic Nervous System – Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous


14 Ventricular System.

15 The Blood Supply of Brain and Spinal Cord.

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