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Submitted By:-
Naveen Kr. Chauhan
• A torrent file contains
the URLs of multiple

• A torrent file is a
bencoded dictionary.

• A torrent file has

extension .torrent.
 Common BitTorrent Terms:-

 Seeders

 Leeches

 Peers
Picture This… 2.2
Seeds, Peers & Leechers
A seed is someone
that has the entire file
and is looking to
share it with others.

 The seed systems are

tracked, and the
number in
parenthesis indicates
how many seeds are
online right now.
 A Peer who has 100% of the torrent and is only uploading
to other peers. Seed is also used as a verb, as in "I'm going
to be seeding this file overnight", meaning leave open and
available for other users to download. Usually, a person
with the whole file is a 'seed', while someone with a partial
amount is a peer. Remember that a seed is not a file server.
 Connecting to more seeds does not necessarily mean that

you'll finish downloading any faster. For any random

torrent, you might download faster when connected only to
5 other peers and no seeds than you might with some
other random torrent while connected to 50 seeds and no
other peers. Seeding torrents improves your Share Ratio.
 Peers, sometimes referred to as "leeches", are
people that need parts of the file to complete it
and need to get it from others. Usually peers
get it from seeds but if there are many peers or
few seeds peers will share with each other in
order to make the download as quick as
 Peers who have not already downloaded 100%

of the torrent upload to other peers and

download from them, while seeds just upload
to other peers, improving their own Share Ratio
that way to prevent becoming a leech.
Other Terms used:-
Announce- client announces that it wants to join
the swarm and that the server should add it to
the list of peers in that swarm.
Choked- Describes a peer to whom the client
refuses to send file pieces.
Lurker-A lurker is a user that only downloads files
from the group but does not add new content.
Swarm-Together, all peers (including seeders)
sharing a torrent are called a swarm.
The colored bars
represent the file, with
each color representing
a individual piece of the
file. The pieces are
individually transferred
from client to client.
The original seeder only
needs to send out one
copy of the file for all
the clients to receive a
Download Perfect with Torrents!!

Torrents are used to download files for

free. you can download any type of file.

U just need to install some torrent

software in the machine, download the
torrent file from torrent websites, add the
torrent file to the torrent software, it'll ask
you the path, and then it'll start
downloading automatically.

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