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a, to from, as of through, across

down, below,
to abandon open

to open, unlock absolute

abundant boring to finish

perhaps, maybe action to accept

to approach to accompany to decide

attitude activity active

act present to act

to go, come agreement ahead

in addition, besides,
to acquire to notice, warn

to affect to affirm afflicted

agreeable grateful water

there now air

to, to the to reach happy

to move away,
german something

somebody, someone some, any some, any

there there soul

tall, high, stop height friendly

to love both american

friend love ample

to add analysis elderly

to walk angelic animal

year before, in front of previous

before ancient, old mean, not nice

to announce to appear apart

barely, scarcely applicable to apply

to support, lean to learn appropriate

to take advantage of apt that

here tree weapon

up art to assure

as well as, such, like

like this so, therefore

aspect matter, bussiness attention

apalling athletic back, behind

to dare bold to increase, raise

even still though, although

absent authentic author

authority to advance yesterday

aid, help to help blue

to bring down, lower,

bluish low, short, faint
go down

cheap barcelona neighborhood

base, basis fairly, rather to be enough, suffice

to drink blessed well, good

welcome bilingual white

mouth pretty arm

brute good, well good

to look for, to seek horse to fit, go into

head end, stub each

chain to fall hot

street bed to change

change to walk road

countryside field tired

to sing quantity capacity

able capital quirky

face character meat

expensive running letter

house to marry almost

case catalan cause, reason

to celebrate cell central

center, downtown brain closed

to close small, girl,litlle small

boy, girl shocking sky, heaven

science scientific one hundred

TRUE five cinema, movies

circumstance city citizen

civic civil civilized

clearly, clear class classic

car, automobile,
to take to place, put
coach, carriage

to comment, discuss,
color to begin, start

to eat comical as, since, like

how comfortable partner, companion

company complete, full to buy, purchase

to comprehend, to
to check common

communication with so long as

concept conscience concrete, specific

condition to drive confused

joint, outfit, band to know, meet known

knowlogde consequence to obtain

to conserve to consider to consist

constant to constitute to construct, build

contact to count to contemplate

to contain content to answer, reply

to continue against opposite

control, check to control to convince

conversation to turn into, convert heart

correct to run, race to correspond, belong

current to cut short (length)

thing custom, habit to create

to grow, increase to believe crisis

picture, square,
to cross as, like

which, what any when

how much quarter four

to cover count body

matter, affair careful culture

to accomplish, carry
cultural whose, of whom

to give data of, from

to owe weak decent

to decide to say, tell decision

to declare to dedicate finger, toe

to defend defense to define

definitive to leave of, from

thin delicious rest of the

too much democracy to demonstrate

within, in to depend right

straight, rigth to disappear to develop

to not know, fail to

development unknown
uncovered to discover from, since

to wish desire to wake up

despicable afterwards, then destiny, destination

destructible to stop to determine

day newspaper ten

difference different difficult

difficulty digestible digital

dignified money god, goddes

address, direction direct, straight director, manager

to direct to arrange distance

different diverse entertaining

divine double docile

doctor dogmatic pain

dominant gift, talent where

to sleep two doubt

sweet during hard, difficult

and to throw, cast cheap, economical

age polite efect

effective selfish example

army he, him the

election elegant to choose, select

elementary element elevated

to elevate, raise eloquent elusive

pregnant exciting to begin, start

company in, into, inside, on enchanted

to light, switch on, set

waxed locked up
fire to

on top to find encounter, meeting

illness, disease,
energy energetic
ill, sick enormous to teach

to understand to find out, inform then

entrance, entry to enter between, among

to deliver, give to send enviable

envious epoch, period equipment, team

error, mistake that is to say to escape, run away

scarce to write written

writer to listen, heard that

effort, endeavor,
that space

back spain spanish

scary special species

hope, prospect to hope, wait thick

spirit is to establish

state united States to be, stay

this one this star

structure to study study, studio

wonderful stage europe

european eventual evident

to avoid exact excellent

to demand existence to exist

success experience to explain

expression exquisite to extend

outside, exterior extra foreigner, foreign

strange, foreign extreme fabulous

easy false lack

to lack family familiar

famous fantastic fatal

favorite federal happy

feminine phenomenon ugly

fertile loyal celebration, party

figure, shape to faten, affix end

end, final financial physical, physicist

flagrant flexible loose

flower bottom, rear phonic

shape to form formidable

french france frank

phrase frequency in front

cold, cool fried frivolous

fire source outside of, beyond

hard, strong force, strength function

to work, run, function fundamental melted

soccer, football future to win

spent, worn out general generic

generous genetic genius

people geriatric gesture

glorious government blow

fat grace grand

big, great free grave, serious

to shout, scream boorish group

handsome to keep war

to taste, like taste, pleasure, liking to have, has

able room, bedroom habitual, usual

spoken to speak, talk to do, make

towards to find, discover hungry

until, even handmade fact

frozen brother airtight

beautiful son, daughter history

historical man shoulder

honest hour horrible

today human humid

idea church ignorant

equal illegal illegible

illogical illuminated image

to imagine imaginary impatient

uneven, odd impartial to prevent

impenetrable inexcusable to impose, command

to matter, be
importance important

impossible imprudent wireless

incalculable to include even, in fact

incoherent uncomfortable incomparable

incompatible incompetent incomplete

incorrect incremous incredulous

improper indecent undefined

to indicate native individual

indivisible unpublished childish

infectious unfaithful information

to inform english to initiate

unjust immediate active(hyper)

to insist moment, instant intelligent

to try interest interesting

to interest interior, inner international

to introduce, insert invisible to go

irritable left never

chief, leader, boss young judicial

game, playing player, gambler to play, gambler

playful judgment, sense wise

together, joined, close next to together

sworn just, fair youthful

lip side lamentable

to throw long washable

reader to read far away

language, tongue language slow

to lift, raise law freedom

free book to limit

clean line smooth

smart, ready literature to call, phone

showy flat ground to arrive, come

to fill full to take, carry

to cry, weep rainy the for it

crazy, insane logical to obtain, achieve, get

fight, struggle then, later place

luminous lunatic light, lighting

mother ripe magnetic

badly, poorly,
magnificent majestic

evil bad wicked

tomorrow to command bossy

manageable way, manner to declare

hand to maintain hand written

machine sea to mark

march to march seasick

husband marine but

more mass to kill

matter material maximum

older, greater majority by means of

doctor measurement means

better memory younger, minor

less small, insignificant market

to deserve month it pulls

to put method meter

me, not my my, not me fear

member while whereas, while

thousand military man million

minimum minister minute

mine watched to watch

same half model

modern way, manner, mode wet

moment moral dark-haired

to die to show reason

to move, stir movement, motion boy

many death dead

woman, women worldwide world

music musical very, highly

to be born national nothing

nobody, no-one natural nature

necessary necessity,need to need

to deny business black

nor, neither not even none

no, none, nobody, no

boy, girl level

no night name

normal North American to notice

the news newbie novel

cloudy ours new

number never or

objective object to force, oblige

work to observe to obtain, get

occasion eight busy

to occupy to happen official

to offer to hear eye

to forget operation opinion

optimistic origin gold

dark, obscure another, other patient

father paid to pay

page country, nation word

paper pair, couple for, towards, stop

so that parallel to stop, stand

to seem alike wall

even, couple, pair part to participate

to start off, depart,

particular, private party, game
slipt, divide

past, gone fleeting to happen, pass

step pastoral pasty

paternal pathological patriotic

peace chest to request, ask for

sticky peeled film, movie

danger dangerous red-haired

hair hairy pain, penalty

shameful though to think

pensive worse small

to lose, miss lazy perfect

newspaper journalist harmful

to remain permanent to allow

but dog, bitch person

person personal persuasive

to belong to heavy to weigh

weight pious spicy

foot stone skin

leg picturesque floor

to please placid plan

flat to expound, raise seat, square

full, complete population poor

to be able to, can,

little, few few
might, may

rotten poetic police

police related politics political

to put popular by, for, per

for example because, why to posses, own

possibility posible position

practical cautious price, cost

precise preferred to prefer

a question to ask press

worried to worry prepared

to prepare presence to present

present president to try, court

first first principal

beginning, principle private deprive

privileged probable problem

process to produce product

professional professor, teacher deep

program soon, quick, prompt own

to propose, nominate to cause next

project test, proof, evidence to publish

public town door

then, since, because position, place point

pure that what

broken to stay burnt

to want dear who

quiet, still to remove, take away perhaps, maybe

rabid radial radio

rancid rapid, quick short while

reason reasonable royal, real

reality to make, realize rebellious

overflowing rechargeable distrustful

receptive to receive recyclable

recent to gather, pick up recommended

to recognize recognized to remember, remind

to cross, travel memory,

to recover
through remembrance

to reduce redundant replaceable

to refer refined regime

regional to return, come back to laugh

relation religious to repeat

to represent repugnant to solve

resonant to answer responsible

answer rest result, outcome

to turn out, work out,

meeting to unite, join

reverent magazine king

rich ridiculous risk

river robust to surround, encircle

red romantic to break

hoarse clothes face

blond to know tasty

to remove, take out room, living room exit, departure

to leave, go out blood bloody

holy dry secret

sector to follow according to

second security safe

six select week

similar to indicate, point out sir/madam

sensation, feeling to seat, sit heartfelt,sense

feeling to feel to separate

to be series serious
service to serve sex

sexual yes been

always seven century

to mean following, next silence

nice simple without

but, rather but that system

place, site situation to locate

envelope, on social socialist

society sun solid

alone, only solution shadow

to subjugate to sound to smile

to maintain, support,
smile to surprise

his soft to raise

to happen/ occur dirty ground, floor

dream luck enough

to suffer to surpass superior

to suppose to arise his/her/its

stingy so perhaps

also, too neither so

so much late homewrok

technique technician television

theme to fear to strech out

to have theory third

to finish term text

aunt time earth

uncle / aunt guy to throw

title to touch still

all, everything to take, to drink tone

foolish twisted total

to work job to bring

transparent after to try

three sad your, you

last a, an unanimous

only unit to unite

one to use use

you to use empty

to be worth valiant value

several variety, varied neighbor

twenty speed to sell

to come window to see

summer truth true

green to dress time

travel life old

wind violence vision

to live alive will

to return voice return

and already since

I zone

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