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10 Features The Pioneer Log, April 8, 2011

How to combat Seasonal affective disorder until the sun arrives

BY ALISHA GORDER weight gain, irritability and feel- dents using light therapy should be successful steps in reducing SAD toms during fall and winter each
Staff Writer ings of tiredness and heaviness.” sure to situate themselves about a symptoms. A combination of an- year and cannot pinpoint other
Lilly also explained that many foot away from the light. ti-depressants and therapy may be stressors that could be causing
Portland is known for its wet students may experience subsyn- Allie Cheroutes (’13) has two of used in more severe cases. your funk, it may be beneficial to
winters and gloomy skies, which dromal Seasonal affective disorder, these lights on her desk for when Lilly indicates the challenge of look into treatments for SAD.
can take a toll on Lewis & Clark distinguished by milder symptoms she does homework. She admits diagnosing seasonal affective disor- Though tricky to diagnose, Lil-
students and weigh down spirits, a and less impairment. that she never thought she would der, remarking that other stressors, ly asserts that there does seem to be
phenomena known as Seasonal af- Light therapy, which uses bright take them out of the box. such as a recent loss, could play a evidence for the existence of SAD,
fective disorder. light to mimic natural sunlight, is “It’s an easy way to help my- role in causing symptoms associ- noting “25 percent of the popu-
Seasonal affective disorder a common form of treatment for self because all I have to do is sit ated with SAD. In such cases, it lation in Alaska reports to have
(SAD) is characterized by yearly SAD. Exposure to these lights is in front in them,” said Cheroutes. is difficult to determine whether problems with SAD, compared to
periods of depression during the offered in the Student Health Cen- “They also help my plants.” SAD or another stressor is advanc- 1% in Florida.” The average age at
fall and winter, with symptoms ter, but Lilly suggests that students Regular exercise may also help ing the symptoms. onset is 23, and SAD is found to
improving in the spring and sum- who feel greatly affected by SAD to beat the blues. Exercise releases If you have been experiencing be more common in women than
mer months. should look into purchasing a light endorphins that promote a general symptoms of SAD, it may be help- men.
According to Jeanne Lilly, a li- of their own. feeling of well-being. ful to identify stressors that could If you feel you are experiencing
censed psychologist working in the Light therapy is most effective Health officials recommend be at the root of your depression seasonal affective disorder, consid-
Counseling Service office in Tem- when the light is used at the same taking vitamin D supplements or and recognize patterns in your er taking advantage of the counsel-
pleton, symptoms of SAD include time every day, preferably in the fish oil tablets (one gram a day), moods. ing and health center services on
“increased sleep and appetite, morning, for thirty minutes. Stu- both of which have evidence as If you experience SAD symp- campus to discuss your concerns.

Victory for Dominican factory provides living wages

Guest Writer
pany, took note and decided to launch Alta
Gracia. One of the many aspects that make
habited the Free Trade Zone that didn’t
come close to upholding these conditions.
this factory unique is that the administra- At Yoopong Corporation’s BJ&B factory, for
Story continued from page 1
Despite glamorous ads and expensive tors of Alta Gracia not only allow a workers’ instance, conditions were so bad that work-
marketing campaigns, most major clothing union, but embrace it. They believe that the ers launched a campaign to form a union
“The Ninth Circuit’s decision [to force
corporations in the U.S., regardless of brand, union is a check on management that can fa- to improve them. In 2002, with the help
the EPA to regulate ballast water] is very im-
source their apparel from factories in the de- cilitate a fair and productive workplace, and of workers and members of USAS, the first
portant for the taxpayers who have been pay-
veloping world. In the long, complex and so far, this has proven true. unionized export apparel factory located in
ing the huge price of EPA’s continuing refus-
cut-throat global supply chain of apparel, Another feature that shows how this fac- a Free Trade Zone in the entire Caribbean
al to implement the Clean Water Act.” said
human rights are often left by the wayside tory is above and beyond others is that it was born. Unfortunately, however, in 2007
Nina Bell, executive director of the North-
while CEO salaries increase. Though one of pays a “living wage” calculated by the WRC, the factory closed in search of cheaper labor,
west Environmental Advocate—an organiza-
the better-paying jobs available to them, ap- which covers all of a family’s basic needs. Ac- and many families were forced to separate in
tion that assisted in the litigation­.
parel factory workers often live paycheck-to- cording to their study, for a family of four search of jobs elsewhere. Later on, Knights
Invasive species from ballast water have
paycheck and face harsh conditions at work. where two of the members are expected to Apparel took note of USAS’s work and de-
wreaked ecological and economic havoc on
Free Trade Zones, a sort of “no-man’s earn an income, the minimum month sal- cided to bring much needed living-wage jobs
waterways in the United States, afflicting
land” with minimal government and labor ary should amount to about $500, meaning to the community.
coasts, rivers, lakes and, more specifically,
rights regulations, in the Dominican Repub- a $2.83 hourly wage, as opposed to the legal As a CIEE intern here in the DR, I, along
the Great Lakes. In San Francisco, invasive
lic and other underdeveloped countries are minimum wage of the Dominican Repub- with countless members of the Alta Gra-
clam species have clogged the intake pipes of
examples of how U.S. corporations come lic, $.84 an hour or about $150 a month. cia community and students at campuses
drinking water facilities and power plants.
short of providing what we think of as stan- This income is expected to provide housing, nation-wide, hope that this revolutionizing
Zebra Mussels, carried to the Great Lakes
dard conditions in the U.S. There are many healthcare, food, transportation, education, factory will provide a model for other busi-
through the St. Lawrence Seaway, have had
people that believe low-wage sweatshops clothing, and discretionary spending. The nesses, but as it has been proven in the past,
similar effects in many cities along that coast.
are necessary for companies to thrive, but salary provided by Alta Gracia is absolutely it greatly depends on the consumers to be
They also wash up on beaches in the millions
Knights Apparel opened a factory in late unheard of for a factory wage, especially in responsible and conscientious of their pur-
and, creating a new hazard for many beach-
2010 that indicates differently. Free Trade Zones. chases instead of settling for an “out of sight,
goers due to their sharp edges.
Fábrica Alta Gracia is located in a Free Prior to Alta Gracia, other factories in- out of mind” train of thought.
Many small recreational and fishing crafts
Trade Zone in Villa Altagracia and is the
also carry ballast water and are able to trans-
only factory in all of the Dominican Re-
port invasive species from large lake systems
public that respects all workers rights, pro-
to many small ones, bringing the problem
vides living wages, health insurance, safe
inland. In small lakes, zebra mussels will feed
and healthy working conditions and allows
on detritus and nutrients in the water. The
freedom of association as monitored by the
result is far clearer lakes, where sunlight can
Workers Rights Consortium. This contrasts
penetrate further and radically alter the eco-
very sharply in relation to just about every
systems at the bottom of a lake; this often
other garment factory here—and the rest of
dramatically alters fish and surrounding bird
the world—where workers face injustices
populations with impacts on tourism econo-
daily, whether that means being prohibited
from organizing a union, facing poor work-
The legislative victory will help to set up
ing conditions, insufficient salaries, physical
one of the only environmental lines of de-
and/or verbal abuse, or general violations of
fense against off-shore invaders. The Center
workers’ rights.
reported in a press release: “We believe that
Thanks to a history of collaboration be-
today’s settlement represents a significant
tween the help of the Fedotrazonas (Fed-
step forward for the environment and is a
eration of Trade Zones) union in Villa Al-
significant victory for PEAC and all of the
tagracia, the Workers’ Rights Consortium
amazing law students who have worked on
(WRC), the United Students Against Sweat- PHOTO BY DRE CHIRIBOGA-FLOR
the lawsuits over the last decade.”
shops (USAS) and other organizations, Workers at Knights Apparel’s factory Fábrica Alta Gracia in the Dominican Republic get paid a living wage,
Knights Apparel, Alta Gracia’s parent com- have health insurance and safe and healthy working conditions, standards taken for granted in the U.S.

nine days out >>>> April 8th to April 16th

friday 8 saturday 9 sunday 10
Presidential Inauguration Spring Into Action! Fauré Requiem by LC Community Cho-
Events include panel, installation ceremony LC Community Service Day capping off rale and Orchestra
and The Bash. Inauguration festivities. Student tickets free in advance. $5 at door.
On-campus and the Crystal Ballroom. All day. Locations on and off-campus, 11:30 a.m. Agnes Flanagan Chapel, 4 p.m.
11 tuesday 12 wednesday 13
ASLC Candidate Debates Professor Harp to Speak at PSU Teacher of the Year Ceremony
Candidates for ASLC office will debate and Professor Jerry Harp of the English The Pamplin Society will be honoring the
answer your questions. Dept will be speaking about his new book. Teacher of the Year.
Council Chamber, 7:30 p.m. Portland State University SMU 238, 7 p.m. Smith Hall, 4:30 p.m.
14 friday 15 saturday 16
Last DIY Bazaar of the semester Poetry Reading Fiesta De Salsa
Featuring music by Anna Spackman, UC Berkeley Assistant Professor Geoffrey Dance and win prizes at this free event
Living Rheum and The Neverdowells. O’Brien will be reading his works. hosted by the Spanish Club.
The Co-Op, 6 p.m. Hoffman Gallery, 3 p.m. Stamm, 8 p.m.

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