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Killara High School

Assessment Task Advice

Course: Australian History, Civics and Citizenship Year: 10

Area/s of study: Topics 5 and 8 Task Number: 2

Date Issued: Week 11 Term 1 Date: Term 2 Week 2

Mark out of: 50 SC weighting: 25%

Outcomes being assessed by this task:

5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.9

Task description:

Half-yearly examination: one hour long. The History examination will be held as a two-hour
exam with the Geography examination and will include the following;
 20 multiple choice questions, including source based questions
 Three short answer questions, requiring a response of about half a page each. At least
one of these will include a source stimulus.
 One extended response question, requiring a response of about two pages

Specific syllabus points being examined:

Topic 5: Australia in the Vietnam War Era

 Australia’s response to the threat of communism in Asia after WWII; Korean War,
 The response to the threat of communism within Australia including; referendum to
ban the Communist Party, the Petrov Affair
Topic 8: Australia’s Social & Cultural History in the Post-War Period
 The impact of changing technology on everyday life in post-war Australia; housing,
home appliances, entertainment, transport, communications
 The social and cultural features of ONE post-war decade; fashion, music,
entertainment , sport, British/American influences on popular culture

Criteria for assessment:

You will be assessed on your ability to:

 Identify the best responses
 Provide sustained, logical and relevant answers to questions
 Comprehend and analyse source material

Additional information

 This is a formal assessment item. If you are absent on the day of the examination, you
must see Head Teacher HSIE, on the first day of your return to school. Do not wait
until the end of the exam period.
 Write in blue or black ink only.

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