Coordination Committee Letter To CC

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CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF CENTRAL, EXCISE GROUP B EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (SUPERINTENDENTS & INSPECTORS), TLYDERABAD ZONE, HYDERABAD. ae: 12-4201, Hyderabad es i= Chief Commissioner, ens Genta Ec ot Sei Tx Hyderabad Zone Hylerabad, sin Sub Notice for Satyr gation Rey In response co thecal given by the National Co-ndinton Commitee of Cea Excise Group "D! Executive Ofices (Superintenlents Inspector) in their Teter sent tothe Charman, CREC, Now Dui vide Ref, Ne. Co-Oed BEC Org011 4 642011, Superintendents of ll Talia Alsocaion of Cental Excise Garzeted Exeettive Offices (ATACEGEO), Hy dea ad Inspectors of Al di Cel Excise Inspectos Assication (AICELA}, Hyderabal Zane Branoh shall paricpae in the co- foeination commie action prograrnme corimencing on 20" Apei.2011 The following ae ato erewith for your kind noraton leans 1. eter vide reference no, Co-CxUICBECION/ON I. 6-4-2011 at the Chaitnan, CEC, New Delhi by ‘he Novioal Cs-uciation Commitee of Cental Excite Group "BY Executive OMioers (Superinandens & aspects). 2, ‘The carter of dena! of AIACEGEO(Syperintennts) ond AICELA nspecions) Assocation: od detailed ation programme. In view ofthe detalld ation programme calke ut by our National Cox ination Comms of Cantal Excise Groups B Eceutve Officers (Superintendents & Inspestrs, we wil be oadting the fll sing ction programme 1, Lust Hour shantgoshibidenenstaton ia front of HORS is Bshecitagh iydrabed on 20" api, 201 2. Whole day Anshun‘osing wt HIQRS Die, Basheertngh, Uyderabad on 6" May 2011 3. One day mass casa! eave a 27" May 2011 Yours tay. ‘ Nae ayer (BPK REDDY) ‘Gegapal 5 ry Aienoral Secretary, Frio AICEIA, fied Zae ys zon rh Copy: ‘The Commissiones, Customs, Catal Excise and Service Ta ‘yma Hl and TY Comes

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