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Assignment– 2

Research Methodology

Topic: - Consumer preferences towards Beer

Submitted to:- Submitted by:-

Amit sir Navjot Singh


Questionnaire for Consumer preference towards Beer

Dear Sir / Madam,
We are doing a brief survey to find out more about consumer preferences regarding soft
drink concentrate. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to participate
in it.

1- Do you drink Beer?

Yes No

If Yes than continue Q2 and if No then go to Q10.....

2- How often would you want drink Beer?

Daily Weekly

Monthly Occasionally

3- How many Beer can do you consume at one time?

Less than one can of Beer One or two cans of Beer

Three or four cans of Beer More than three cans

4- Where do you usually drink Beer?

At home Club

Bars Pub

5- Which brand of Beer do you drink?

Kingfisher Hayward

Foster Carlsberg

If any other than specify…………………………………..

6- How did you become aware of most of the Beer brand select in Q5?

Advertising Tried it yourself

Family Friends

Other than specify…………………………………………

7- What kind of Beer do you drink most often?

Non-Alcoholic Imported Light

8- With respect to alcohol content, how strong do you like Beer?

Non-Alcoholic Less than 42.2%

Between 30% to 42.2%

9- Please rank the following product attributes from 1 to 5 with respect to their performance in

Choosing Beer brand

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree

Price |______________|____________|__________|____________|

Packaging |______________|____________|__________|____________|

Flavour |______________|____________|__________|____________|

Advertising |______________|____________|__________|____________|

Alcohol content |______________|____________|__________|____________|

Taste |______________|____________|__________|____________|

Hangover |______________|____________|__________|____________|

Brand image |______________|____________|__________|____________|

For non-users
10- Why we don’t preferred Beer?

Bad for health

Money problem

Religious beliefs

Family restrictions

11- If any comment than specify………………………………..

Personal information
12- Name …………………………………….
13- Gender

Male Female

14- Age

18 – 21 22 - 25

26 – 30 Above 30

15- Occupation

Businessman Govt employed

Student Under employed

16- Income own / family

10,000 – 15,000 16,000 – 20,000

21,000 – 25,000 Above 25,000

Thank you for your cooperation.

Justification of questioner
1. This question is appropriate because all persons are not drunker.
2. This question tells about the habit of beer drunker.
3. This question tells about the capacity and preferences of a person.
4. This question is to judge the drinking environment of person along with company
which he prefer while drinking.
5. This question tells about the loyalty of a person about a particular brand.
6. It evaluates that how the person comes under the influence of that particular brand.
7. This question is regarding to the purpose of beer drinking of a person.
8. This question tells about the preference of alcohol content for a person.
9. While purchasing which factor person take into consideration more. It also
indicates that how much priority person gives to these factors.
10. This question evaluates disliking of beer in mind of many people.
11. This question tells about the mind perception of non-alcoholic person.
12. Q12 to Q16 are regarding to the personal detail of a respondent.

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