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1. The heart rate of a person can be measured by taking the pulse.

The diagram shows the pulse rate being measured.

(a) Describe how the pulse rate can be measured.




Al-Najah Private School 1

(b) Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee.
You have been given these two jars of coffee.

B lu e r id g e M e llo w
M o u n ta in M ild b le n d
(H ig h (L o w
c a ffe in e ) c a ffe in e )

Describe how you could compare the effect of each type of coffee on human heart rate.









(Total 8 marks)

2. (a) Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body.
Give two properties of red blood cells which makes them suited to carry out this function.

1 ..................................................................................................................................


2 ..................................................................................................................................

(b) (i) Carbon dioxide is released by cells in the body and transported back to
the lungs. In which part of the blood is most of the carbon dioxide carried?


(ii) Name two other substances that are carried around the body in this part of the

1 ........................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................

(c) Platelets are small fragments of cells found in the blood.

(i) Describe the function of the platelets in the blood.



(ii) Explain why this function is important in the human body.



(Total 7 marks)

Al-Najah Private School 3

3. Kate’s pulse rate was measured just before exercise, during the exercise and for a time

The results are shown below.

Time 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Pulse rate 66
66 97 131 152 116 80 66
(beats per min)

The points for 0 and 14 minutes are shown on the grid.

(a) (i) Plot the rest of Kate’s results and complete the graph.





P u lse ra te in
b e a ts p e r 110
m in u te










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
T im e in m in u te s
(ii) Kate stopped exercising after 6 minutes.
Use the graph to find her recovery time.


(b) Kate trained intensively for one month.

(i) After each training session she measured her recovery time.
Why did she do this?



(ii) At the end of the month, she again plotted her pulse rate against time.
In what TWO ways would the new graph be different from the original?




(Total 7 marks)

4. A trainer is preparing an athlete for a marathon. The athlete’s heart rate is measured by a heart
rate monitor. The trainer records the heart rate every tenth minute during a training session. The
results for 3 training sessions are shown below.

Heart rate (beats per minute)

Time 0 min 10 min 20 min 30 min 40 min 50 min 60 min
1st training session 66 77 88 100 122 124 123

2nd training session 64 76 86 98 121 119 120

3rd training session 65 78 88 102 127 126 127

Al-Najah Private School 5

(a) Describe the effect of exercise on the athlete’s heart rate.





(b) Explain why it is important that an athlete’s heart rate increases when they exercise.





(c) Give one reason why heart rate monitors can provide more reliable data than a traditional
method such as counting pulse rate manually.



(d) Give one reason why the trainer recorded the information from three training sessions
instead of just from one training session.


(Total 6 marks)
5. The diagram shows a white blood cell.

(a) (i) Use your ruler to measure the maximum length of the cell in the
diagram in mm.

............... mm

(ii) The magnification is × 100,000.

Calculate the actual length of the white blood cell using the formula:

length of cell in the diagram

actual length = magnification



actual length .................. mm


(b) White blood cells ingest bacteria.

Give one other way that white blood cells help in the defence against infection.


(Total 3 marks)
(a) A description to include two from:
• press finger into vessel/artery/finger on wrist/neck/eq;
[Reject finger on vein]
• count number of throbs/pulses/beats/eq;
per unit time/reference to time/eq; 2

Al-Najah Private School 7

(b) A description to include six from:
• resting rate measured/eq;
• leave time delay before measuring pulse/eq;
• control - some given Blue Mountain and some Mild Blend/eq;
organism - same sex/age/health/person/eq;
replication - replication/use a large number/several in each
group/two groups/eq;
measurement - time pulse/heart rate/take pulse/eq;
standardisation - same conditions/temperature/amount of coffee/eq; 6
(a) Any two from:
1. contain haemoglobin;
2. biconcave shape / maximum surface area /
doughnut shape;
3. size / shape to fit;
4. no nucleus; 2
(b) (i) in plasma; 1
(ii) Any two from:
1. sugars / amino acids / vitamins / minerals;
2. urea / nitrogenous waste;
3. blood proteins / fibrinogen;
4. hormones;
5. water; 2
(c) (i) help with clotting / scab formation / forms a barrier; 1
(ii) stop blood loss / prevent infection; 1
(a) (i) points plotted ±½ square;;
(-1 for each incorrect plot)
reasonable curves drawn;
[could peak at a point which may be slightly above plotted
maximum. Must include all points] 3
(ii) 6 minutes / their value from the graph; 1
(b) (i) to monitor / check fitness / to see if recovery time / it has
decreased / improved / to see if her pulse falls quicker; 1
(ii) pulse rate lower / increases slower / peak lower / upward slope
less steep;
recovery time less / downward slope steeper / decreases faster /
recovery is faster;
[could show this on the original grid] 2
(a) Increases; 1
Further detail such as then levels off/rises until 40 mins 1
(b) Two from the following: 2
Need more energy;
More oxygen needed (for respiration);
Heart beats faster to get blood/oxygen to the cells
(c) Less chance of human error/monitoring may be continuous 1
(d) Idea that data from one training session may not be 1
representative/athlete may not have been feeling well or tired during
one session etc.
(a) (i) 100 accept any number 95-105, inclusive / accept 9.5 cm-10.5 cm
if mm clearly crossed out; 1
(ii) 0.001 accept 0.00095 – 0.00105 inclusive accept 1 × 10 /
9.5 – 9.9 × 10 ;
ecf possible here for 1 mark 1
(b) make antibodies / antitoxins
Allow clear description of antibody action; 1

Al-Najah Private School 9

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