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+20 (+25)
  +8 (+13) 
  18  1
  32/32  43/38
 100/100  130/130
 76  2 Dorsal

c       !

Modified Cypra-Pattern Class 2 Plasma Drive Archeotech - +5
Markov-Pattern Class 1 Warp Engine Best -1 P, -1 S, +3 M +3
Warpsbane Hull Best +1 P, +1 M +4
Repulsor Void Shields Best - 1 P, +5 M +2
Exploration Bridge Best - 1 P, +3 M +3
Clemency-Pattern Life Sustainer Best -1 P, -1 S, +2 M +2
Cold Crew Quarters Best -1 P, -1 S, +5 M +3
R-50 Auspex Multi-Band Auger Array Best -1 P, +3 M +2


  c#       !
Armor Plating Best +1 P, +2 M +4
Empyrean Mantle Best -1 P, +4 M +4
Excess Void Armor Best +1 P, -1 S, +3 M +4

 $       !

Medicae Deck Best -1 S, +1 M +3

Jovian-Pattern Missile Macrobattery Dorsal Best +1 R, +1 STR, +4 M +3
Jovian-Pattern Missile Macrobattery Dorsal Best +1 R, +1 STR, +3 M +3

Jovian-Pattern Missile Macrobattery Dorsal 6 1d10+! 6 7
Jovian-Pattern Missile Macrobattery Dorsal 6 1d10+1 6 7
 When these legends reached the ears of the
Dynasty in Port Wonder, Calixis Sector a small war
was fought with the support of the Imperial Navy to
recapture the exiled vessel. The agreement was not
cheep though. In order to suppress the rumors of the
Reaver known as the Emperor¶s Mercy the Rogue
Trader House made a deal with the Inquisition to
support expeditions and future plans for a widespread
crusade into the Koronus Expanse. The favor to keep
the Imperial Navy¶s lips quiet came at a relative less
 expensive price. To establish a permanent naval base
inside the Koronus Expanse were the new Battlefleet
 Koronus could make port for themselves.

When the Emperor¶s Mercy was recovered
The Emperor¶s Mercy started construction the ship had gone some extreme structural and
in the early days of the Age of Rebirth. At the Jovian internal modifications. The ship had become a deadly
Shipyards The Iconoclast class Destroyer was to be a predator of the void equipped with the best quality
gift for the rising Rogue Trader House Eltanin of equipment that the Imperial Navy, the Adepts of
Halcyon as part of the reward for the extensive Mars, or the Inquisition could provide.
involvement in the logistical support of the Imperium
during the Horus Heresy. It was upon the request of
the newly created Inquisition that the Adepts of Mars
were persuaded in assisting with the construction of a
new ship and it was on the advise of the Inquisitions
that the newly created Council of the High Lords of
Terra signed the Warrant of Trade that empowered
the new Rouge Trader Dynasty.

When the Age of Plunder occurred in the

Calyx Expanse the Rogue Trader Dynasty promoted
itself as Privateers in the name of the Imperium of
Man and started operations in the region. Through the
decades the Emperor¶s Mercy and her crew became
acquainted with the new Battlefleet Calixis that
established order in the Calixis Sector. The Dynasty
developed favorable relations with the Battlefleet
after providing key support in the escort of a convoy
of rare Archeotech that the Thulian Expedition was
bringing back to Mars.

Then the house that was famous for great

deeds during the Age of Rebirth, the Age of Plunder,
and has some of the best-known connections with the
Battlefleet Calixis and Adeptus Mechanius went
dark. The Rogue Trader House disappeared in transit
to the region known as the Koronus Expanse.

The next report that are known about the

Emperor¶s Mercy are some of the most classified
records of House Eltanin of Halcyon. It seems that
the Reaver clans of the Unbeholden Reach in the
Koronus Expanse captured the once proud ship. Soon
legends started to come of a ship known as the
Emperor¶s Mercy that hunted the new trade routes.

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