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The Holocaust

Project done by: Josephine, Theresa, Eunice, Hongyu

Factors contributing to The Holocaust

1.Prejudice towards Jews

2.Violent nationalism (Fascism )
Anti-Semitism= Prejudice towards Jews
Christians have told lies about Jews to their children for
countless generations.

Since Jews are a group of gracious people, traditionally

without powerful armies, they have been the subject of
prejudice, bias and blind hatred.

The Nazis developed "The Final Solution", a plan to get rid of

all the Jews. Jews could not protect themselves from it. As a
result, 6 million innocent Jewish men, women and children
were murdered.
Fascism=Violent nationalism

Fascism also often needs an enemy, some group that the

people can focus their anger and hatred on.
In the case of The Holocaust, it would be the Jews.
In identifying "goodness" and "superiority" with "us," there was a
possibility to identify "evil" with "them." This process involves
scapegoating and dehumanization. It was then an easy step to blame all
problems on "them,“ and eliminate them with is the Jews.
Hitler desperately wants to spread his beliefs in
racial "purity" and in the superiority of the
"Germanic race" which is what he called an
"master race." He pronounced that his race must
remain pure in order to one day take over the
Nazi teachers in school classrooms began to
apply the "principles" of racial science. They
measured skull size and nose length, and
recorded the color of their pupils' hair and eyes
to determine whether students belonged to the
true "Aryan race." Jewish and Romani (Gypsy)
students were often humiliated in the process.

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