Defining Democracy

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2010-2011 Advisor Handbook

Why must DEMOCRACY be learned by each

The YMCA Youth & Government program teaches democracy to the youth of our state. In order to
begin the learning process, it is important to think critically about democracy and understand how
democratic processes affect our lives politically, socially and personally.
Democracy, the word and the process, is often taken for granted. Individuals assume their definition of
democracy matches those of others around them. In reality we need to be aware of our own definition
and understand how it fits, or doesn’t fit with those of our friends, family and political leaders.
Definitions of democracy:
¾ Greek – from words “demos” (people) and “kratos” (rule)
¾ Honest Abe – “A government of the people, for the people, and by the people.”
¾ Alexis de Tocqueville - “The very essence of democratic government consists in the
absolute sovereignty of the majority”
Forms of democracy (this is not an exhaustive list, just a sample):
¾ Representative democracy
¾ Socialist democracy
¾ Direct democracy
¾ Anarchist democracy
¾ Liberal democracy
¾ Tribal democracy
¾ Consensus democracy
A list of democratic countries around the world (again, not an exhaustive list):
¾ The USA
¾ Cuba
¾ Holland
¾ Poland
¾ South Africa
¾ Jordan
¾ Italy
¾ Iran
¾ The Navajo Nation
2010-2011 Advisor Handbook

How do YOU define democracy?

1. What does democracy look like?

2. How do you incorporate democracy into your life?

¾ At work?
¾ At home?
¾ With your children?
¾ With your spouse?
¾ At church?
¾ At school?
¾ In meetings?
¾ In your neighborhood?

3. Is democracy the right approach to every situation? Why/why not?

4. Is democracy black and white – are systems and situations either democratic or not? If yes,
how do you know if it is or isn’t? If not, what defines the level of democracy?

5. Should the majority always rule?

6. Rate the following from 1-5 with 1 being the most important aspect of democracy and 5 being
the least important aspect of democracy:
_____ Fairness
_____ Voting Rights
_____ Majority Rule
_____ Volunteerism
_____ Free Speech

7. What are some other words/values that are important to your definition of democracy?

8. If asked by a teacher, friend or parent, how would you explain, describe, or define democracy?
Would your definition change depending on your audience?

9. What would your definition of democracy look like compared to current democratic systems in
the US, Iraq, South Africa, Holland, or another country?

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