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Mr. Tuscany Teacher Evaluation

Directions: Please fill out these questions as honestly as possible. You do not need to put down
your name. The feedback you give me will be most appreciated.

1. How well did I explain information such as historical facts, concepts, and big ideas used
in class? ~;)~ ~ 'A.IV ',. \' I, ,\! c'v\?~''fth.r'j PI~. ~ f-{ We l'
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2. What are some things that I did well as a teacher?

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. 3. Was there anything specific that we did in class that we did that you would like to see more of if I
were to continue teaching? 01;:>'( e It, C(QS) Q.. . ~\.I~ I- '_ 'J 11, ~, L..,J I'll
h~ I P rr \\: ,\... ..... ,.; Q~\ d -rh ( +-, I) i( C) bI '/- (rjU( F .

4. What are some things that I can do to improve upon in my teaching?

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5. If you were to give me a letter grade teaching so far, what grade would you give me?
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6. Any other comments that you can give me.-;>

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