OATM Conversion

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DEFINITION: In Oracle Applications Release 11i, each Applications product has

been allocated two tablespaces, one for tables and one for indexes. With 191 products
in the 11.5.8 release, this has meant 382 tablespaces, in addition to the temporary
tablespace, system tablespaces, and rollback segments.

The Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM)

introduces a new, consolidated tablespace model in Oracle Applications, that uses 12
locally managed tablespaces for all products, including the temporary tablespace,
system tablespace, and undo segments. In this revised Oracle Applications Tablespace
Model, each Oracle Applications database object is mapped to a tablespace based on
its Input/Output characteristics. This new model allows for easier maintenance,
reduces space usage, and allows for potential run-time performance gains.

The Oracle Applications Tablespace Migration Utility is an interactive menu-based

PERL program including a set of sizing estimate reports. It enables customers to
convert their Oracle Applications databases to the new tablespace model (OATM) for
either all schemas at once or partially for select schema(s) at a time, depending on
acceptable down time and available disk space.

Install the 11.5.9 applications.

Apply the patch set from to (4547809)

 Shut down the all application and database servises.

 After unzipping the patch it will generate the Disk1 directory
 In that directory we need to run the runinstaller and select some options in that
 Next startup the database
 Need to set two parameters like


 Shut down the database

 Startup the database listener by using adalnctl.sh.
 Conn /as sysdba
 Startup migrate the database
 After that need to run the catpatch.sql script
 After completing the catpatch.sql shutdown the database
 Startup again the database
 If any invalids are there need to compile those by running utlrp.sql.

Apply the AD.I.5 Minipack for this (5161676)

According to the AD.I.5 Minipack readme file need to do some steps

 Apply the Udriver

 Need to create the admin directory under $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil directory
 Copy the adgrants.sql script from
$APPL_TOP/admin to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin directory
 Run adgrants.sql by connecting as sysdba

Install the OATM Migration utility

 Applying the patch for OATM like (3942506)

 Run OATM migration utility
Perl $FND_TOP/bin/fndtsmig.pl
 While running the OATM need to givr some parameters like

Enter OATM configuration file or press enter to continue:

Enter APPL_TOP[/u01/applmgr/olc510appl]:

Enter FND_TOP[/u01/applmgr/olc510appl/fnd/11.5.0]

Enter the Database Connect String[OLC510]:

Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema:

Successfully connected to database OLC510 using SYSTEM user.

Enter the ORACLE APPS Schema name[APPS]: apps

Enter the password for APPS:

Successfully connected to database OLC510 using APPS user.

Enter the ORACLE Application Object Library Schema name[APPLSYS]:

FND_TOP =/u01/applmgr/olc510appl/fnd/11.5.0
APPL_TOP =/u01/applmgr/olc510appl
Please review and press 'Y' to accept or 'N' to re-enter[Y]: y

Performing database check...

Database check completed.

Checking required components...

Required components check completed.

OATM Menu Structure : After providing all parameters as in the previous step, you
will get the Main Menu for Oracle Applications Tablespace Migration Utility which
consists of 8 options as following:

Oracle Applications Tablespace Migration Utility Main Menu

1.Migration Sizing Reports

2. Create New Tablespaces
3. Generate Migration Commands
4. Execute Migration Commands
5. Run Migration Status Reports
6. Run Post Migration Steps
7. Run Customization Steps
8. Run Migration in Batch Mode

[Q] Uit [N] ext

Please enter your option -

Here are the details for each menu option:

1. Migration Sizing Reports

Migration Sizing Reports :
These reports are provided to help you gauge the space requirements
for the new Tablespaces. Additionally, they will also help you
determine the type of migration approach that best suits your needs

1. Generate a Report with the list of all the Oracle

Application product schemas that can be migrated
2. Calculate total space required by each new tablespace to
migrate all Oracle Application product schemas (relevant for a complete
3. Calculate total space required by each new tablespace to
migrate each Oracle Application product schema (relevant for a schema-by-
schema migration)
4. Calculate total space required by each Oracle Applications schema, with
details for each object
5. Display Sizing Exception report
[Q]uit [B]ack [N]ext
Please enter your option -

2. Create New Tablespaces

Create New Tablespaces

1. Generate new tablespace creation script

2. Create new tablespaces

[Q]uit [B]ack [N]ext

Please enter your option -

3. Generate Migration Commands

Generate Migration Commands

Generation of Migration commands including disable/enable
commands for triggers, constraints, policies, stop/start for queues.

1. Invalid Indexes Report. Please correct/drop these before

generating migration commands
2. Generate migration commands for all schemas
3. Generate migration commands for a list of schemas

[Q]uit [B]ack [N]ext Please enter your option -

4. Execute Migration Commands

Execute Migration Commands

Execution of Migration commands including disable
commands for triggers constraints, stop/start for queues.



1. Migrate all Schemas

2. Migrate a list of Schemas
3. Migrate CTXSYS Schema
Note: Migrate CTXSYS schema when no other migration process is in

[Q]uit [B]ack [N]ext

Please enter your option -

5. Run Migration Status Reports

Run Migration Status Reports

1. Run migration progress report
2. Run migration error report

[Q] uit [B]ack [N]ext

Please enter your option -

6. Run Post Migration Steps

Run Post Migration Steps

1. Run audit report
2. Enable constraints/triggers/policies & start queues
3. Resize old tablespaces
4. Generate script to drop empty tablespaces Note: Please complete refresh all
the Materialized Views in Oracle Applications before using the system.
[Q]uit [B]ack

Please enter your option -

7. Customization

1. Register new tablespace - tablespace type
2. Change name of the existing tablespace
3. Register object classification
4. Change object classification

[Q]uit [B]ack
Please enter your option -

8. Batch Mode Migration

Batch Mode Migration

1. Run Migration in Batch Mode
2. Run Migration Monitor

[Q]uit [B]ack

Please enter your option -

Following are the tablespace types available out of the box with OATM:

Tablespace Tablespace Name Contents

Transaction APPS_TS_TX_DATA Tables that contain
Tables transactional data.
Transaction APPS_TS_TX_IDX Indexes on transaction tables.
Tablespace Tablespace Name Contents
Reference APPS_TS_SEED Reference and setup data and
Interface APPS_TS_INTERFACE Interface and temporary data
and indexes.
Summary APPS_TS_SUMMARY Summary management
objects, such as materialized
views, and other objects that
record summary information.
Nologging APPS_TS_NOLOGGING Materialized views not used
for summary management
and temporary objects.
Advanced APPS_TS_QUEUES Advanced Queuing and
Queuing/AQ dependent tables and indexes.
Media APPS_TS_MEDIA Multimedia objects, such as
text, video, sound, graphics,
and spatial data.
Archive APPS_TS_ARCHIVE Tables that is obsolete in
Oracle Applications Release
Undo UNDO Automatic Undo
Management (AUM)
tablespace. UNDO segments
are identical to ROLLBACK
segments when AUM is
Temp TEMP Temporary tablespace for
global temporary table, sorts,
and hash joins.
System SYSTEM System tablespace used by
the Oracle Database.

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