The Simple Past Tense

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The Simple Past Tense

1. We use the simple past tense to talk about things that we did in the past.
Example : a) I called my friend last night.

2. add “d” or “ed” to regular verbs.

Example : bake – baked
play – played

3. change verbs that end with “y” to “ied”

Example : fry – fried
cry – cried

4. some spelling doesn’t change at all.

Example : read – read
cut – cut

5. Irregular verbs are spelt differently.

Example :
buy bought
sell sold
bring brought
catch caught
fly flew
think thought

Write out the past tense for the words below :

1 awake 2 burn
3 bear 4 buy
5 become 6 catch
7 begin 8 teach
9 bend 1 dig
1 bite 1 do
1 2
1 blow 1 draw
3 4
1 break 1 drink
5 6
1 feel 1 fall
7 8
1 lend 2 hear
9 0
2 forget 2 go
1 2
2 write 2 eat
3 4
2 rain 2 travel
5 6
2 jump 2 collect
7 8
2 is 3 sit
9 0

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