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Customer Satisfaction Survey (Original Questionnaire)

1. How did you find out about our products and services?
 Media (television, newspaper, radio)
 Internet
 Word of mouth
 Other

2. How often do you use our services/products? (Kindly tick one)

 Occasionally
 Frequently
 Never
 Often
 Very often

3. Which products/services do you find most appealing and satisfactory?


4. (i) On a scale of 1-5 when 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent, how would you rate the above
 1
 2
 3
 4
 5

5. (i.) Would you recommend our products and services to another person?
 Yes
 No
(ii.) Kindly give a reason for your answer

6. (i.) How are the prices of our products and services?

 Cheap
 Affordable
 Expensive
 Very expensive

(ii) Give reasons for your answer


7. (i) Are our products readily available?

 Yes
 No
(ii) Give reasons for your answer

1. In Question No. 2, the option of ‘Never’ doesn’t make sense, because if customer is
filling the survey form, s/he would have used or at least tried it.

2. Question No. 3 must contain a priority list of products if they are less in number,
while if there are more than 8 products; prominent products should be noted while an
option of ‘Others’ & blank would be left out.

3. The Questionnaire contains much details required by the customer. Customers are
most likely to comment in the form of selections (ticks, dots, circles etc) rather than
detailing out their views. At the end ‘Comments’ & ‘Suggestions’ would be added, if
someone is concerned about the details, s/he would write on it.

4. Since the product is software product and used by computer/internet users, the survey
could be made more easy using websites’ links offering free or paid survey facility.

5. Customers shouldn’t be asked for reasons, as there is in three out of seven questions.
It feels out of courtesy.

6. Question No. 5 must be placed at the last place in survey.

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