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Getting Started on EMS

- Ems was installed under the location of : 'C:\tibco\ems'

- TRA is not required for Ems installation
- Main configuration file for Ems is : 'tibemsd.conf'
- All configuration file is located under the BIN folder i.e. c:\tibco\ems\bin
- At the time of installation, two major things happen:
1. install an Ems server service in the Operating System service
2. install Ems Administration tool
- Before start the Ems Administration tool, must start the Ems server service
- Start Ems server in 2 way:
Way-1: All programs->Tibco->Ems->Running the Ems server
Way-2: From DOS prompt, go to c:\tibco\ems\bin and excute 'tibemsd.exe
- Start Ems Administration tool in 2 way:
Way-1:All programs->Tibco->Ems->Starting the Ems Administration tool
Way-2: From DOS prompt, go to c:\tibco\ems\bin and excute
- Connect to the Ems server by using command (ems in a single computer): connect
tcp:/<host name>:<port number>
ems in the network: connect [server url] [user name] [password]
[server url] is tcp://host-name:port-number

EMS Configuration Files

The Ems installation process places configuration files in two directories

- ems/bin/: contains a subset of configuration files suitable for quickly testing
the installation
- ems/samples/config/: contains the more complete set of sample
configuration files

Mechanics of Configuration:

The EMS server reads configuration files only once, when the server starts. It
ignores subsequent changes
to the configuration files. If you change a configuration file, use the
shutdown command from the EMS
Administration Tool to shutdown the server and then restart the server.

List of Configuration Files:

- tibemsd.conf : The main configuration file controls the characteristics of
the EMS server
- users.conf : Defines EMS user
- groups.conf : Defines EMS group
- topics.conf : Defines EMS Topics
- queues.conf : Defines EMS Queues
- acl.conf : Defines EMS access control lists
- bridges.conf : Defines bridges between destinations
- routes.conf : Defines routes between this and other EMS servers
- factories.conf : Defines the connection factories stored as JNDI names on
the EMS server
- transports.conf: Defines transports used by EMS to import messages from
or export messages to external message service, such as Rendezvous and
- tibrvcm.conf : Defines the TIBCO Rendezvous certified messaging (RVCM)
listeners for use by topics that export messages to a tibrvcm transport
- durables.conf : Defines static durable subscribers

Common Properties btwn Queue and Topic

Queue Topic Common Properties

exclusive import failsafe

prefetch export secure
import maxbytes

Using Message Selectors in TIBCO EMS

One of the main purposes of the JMS message properties is to apply filters
against the message properties. The filters are applied against the header
and properties. JMS refers to these filters as message selectors.

Combined with destination routing and bridging, message selectors can be

an efficient tool. Message selectors are filter statements that are based on
the expression syntax. A discussion for the details of creating the filter
statements is beyond the scope of this document.

The selector function transfers the filtering work from the application to the
infrastructure. This infrastructure filtering reduces the processing overhead
from the application. However, it should be noted that this increases the
processing overhead on the messaging infrastructure!
This can be important in the planning of physical layout of server structure.
For example, the use of selector functions does not actually shift load from
application hardware to the infrastructure hardware if JMS and the application
server are running on the same machine.

There are several other concerns to address when using selectors:

o If the payload of the message contains data that will require a selector
function, then it must be duplicated in the message properties. This is not
very efficient.
o If a selector were not utilized, the consumer would be required to examine
the message before it determines if it should continue processing the
message or discard it. This can be accomplished directly against the content
of the message, properties of the header, without payload content being
duplicated in the properties. This is not necessarily a high processing
overhead operation, unless the processing device has limited processing
capabilities. In many cases, this also may be a viable alternative to using
o Selector functions are also used in the routing of messages within the
server infrastructure. They are also available for use in the bridging
functions. See later discussions on destination routing and bridging.

However, for external adapters that execute out-of-process there can be

benefits in using the selector functions. For example, a given adapter may
have limited processing capabilities or bandwidth restrictions, and the
selector could restrict the number of messages sent to the adapter based on
the content of the message header and properties.

Selector functions are also useful when used in conjunction with queue
browser functions. When the server topology changes, such as JMS gets their
own paired servers, saving processing overhead in the application by using
selector functions may result in performance increase of the orchestration

Let me know if you require syntaxes for this.

Pending messages in EMS Queue

There can be various reasons.
1-naming error between sender and receiver
2-permission issue.
3- if more then one receiver then exclusivity issue.
4-may be not in same data structure between sender and receiver.

Usefull Command Lisiting

The command line interface of the administration tool allows you to perform
a variety of functions. The following lists of command usefull for Ems.

Create User: create a new user

syntex : create user <user name> ["user_description"]
example: create user test "Test user" password=test

Show Users: Show all users

syntex : show users
example: show users

Delete user: delete the named user

syntax : delete user <user name>
example: delete user test

Create group: creates a new group of users. Initially the group is

empty. You need to add users in the group.
syntax : create group group_name "description"
example: create group Training "Training group"

Delete group: delete the named group

syntax : delete group <group name>
example: delete group training

Add member: Add one or more users to the group

syntax : add member <group name> <user name>, <user name> ...
example: add member training test

Set password: Set the password for the named user

syntax : set password <user-name> [password]
example: set password test 123

Grant admin : Grant the named global administrator permissions to

the named user or group. For a complete listing of global
administrator permissions
syntax : grant admin user=<user name> | group=<group name>
example: grant admin user=test all
grant admin group=training all
Note: some admin permissions: all:- all admin permissions, change-
connection:-delete connection

Connect: Connect the administrative tool to the server

syntax : connect tcp://<server name>:<port number>
example: connect tcp://server2000:7222

Disconnect: Disconnect the administrative tool from the server

syntax : disconnect
example: disconnect

create topic : Creates a topic with specified name and properties.

Properties are listed in a comma-separated list, as described in topics.conf .
You can set the properties directly in the topics.conf or by means of the
setprop topic command in the EMS Administrator Tool.
syntax : create topic <topic_name> <[properties]>
example: create topic t1

Show Topic : Shows the details for the specified topic

syntax : show topic <topic-name>
example: show topic t1

setprop topic : Set topic properties, overriding any existing

syntax : setprop topic <topic-name> <properties>
example: setprop topic t1 secure,sender_name

addprop topic : Adds properties to the topic. Property names are

separated by commas
syntax : addprop topic <topic_name> <properties,...>
example: addprop topic t1 failsafe

Grant topic : Grants specified permissions to specified user or group on

specified topic. Multiple permissions are separated by commas.
Topic permissions are: subscribe, publish, durable, use_durable
Destination-level administrator permissions can also be granted with this
command. The following are administrator permissions
for topics are - view , create , delete, modify , purge
syntax : grant topic <topic-name> <user=name | group=name>
Note: The best way to define permissions on topic is-open acl.conf and
modify in the file
example: TOPIC=t1 USER=user1 PERM=publish,subscribe,view

purge topic : Purge all messages for all subscribers on the named
syntax : purge topic <topic-name>
example: purge topic t1

delete topic : delete specefic topic

syntax : delete topic <topic-name >
example: delete topic t1

create queue : Creates a queue with the specified name and properties.
The possible queue properties are described in Destination Properties.
Properties are listed in a comma-separated list, as described in queues.conf.
You can set the properties directly in the queues.conf or by means of the
setprop queue command in the EMS Administrator Tool.
syntax : create queue <queue_name> <[properties]>
example: create queue q1

Show Queue : Shows the details for the specified queue

syntax : show queue <queue-name>
example: show queue q1

setprop queue : Set queue properties, overriding any existing

properties. Any properties on a topic that are not explicitly specified
by this command are removed
syntax : setprop queue <queue-name> <properties>
example: setprop queue q1 secure,sender_name

addprop queue : Adds properties to the queue. Property names are

separated by commas
syntax : addprop queue <topic_name> <properties,...>
example: addprop queue q1 failsafe

Grant queue : Grants specified permissions to specified user or

group on specified queue. Multiple permissions are separated by
Queue permissions are: receive, send, browse
Destination-level administrator permissions can also be granted with this
command. The following are administrator permissions
for queue are - view , create , delete, modify , purge
syntax : grant queue <queue-name> <user=name | group=name>
Note: The best way to define permissions on queue is-open acl.conf and
modify in the file
example: QUEUE=q1 USER=user1 PERM=receive,browse

purge queue : Purge all messages in the named queue

syntax : purge queue <queue-name>
example: purge queue q1

delete queue : delete specefic queue

syntax : delete queue <topic-name >
example: delete queue t1

Create durable : Creates s static durable subscriber

syntax : create durable <topic name> <durable name>
example: create durable t1 durable1

Note: why durable: By default, subscribers only receive messages when they
are active. If messages arrive on the topic

when the subscriber is not available, the subscriber does not receive those
The EMS APIs allow you to create durable subscribers to ensure that
messages are received, even if the message consumer is not currently
running. Messages for durable subscriptions are stored on the server as long
as durable subscribers exist for the topic, or until the message expiration
time for the message has been reached, or until the storage limit has
been reached for the topic. Durable subscribers can receive messages from
a durable subscription even if the subscriber was not available when the
message was originally delivered.When an application restarts and recreates
a durable subscriber with the same ID, all messages stored on the server for
that topic are published to the durable subscriber.

Delete durable : Delete the named durable subscriber

syntax : delete durable <durable-name>
example: delete durable durable1

Show config: Shows the configuration parameters for the connected

syntax : show config

Show consumer or show consumers: information about a specific

consumer or all consumers
syntax : show consumer <consumer id> or show consumers
example: show consumer 6 or show consmers

show connections : Show connections between clients and server

syntax: show connections [type=q|t|s] [host=hostname] [user=username]
[version] [address] [counts] [full]
example: show connections

show db : Print a summary of the server’s databases

syntax : show db [sync|async]
example: show db

Creating Bridges in TIBCO EMS

Some situations we might need to create bridge between a queue to queue

or topic to topic or topic to queue or vice versa. Please refer other articles,
to know indepth concepts. Just follow the instructions to create the bridge.

1. Login

Type 'help' for commands help, 'exit' to exit:

> connect tcp://localhost:7222
Login name (admin):admin
Connected to: tcp://localhost:7222

2. Create Queue

tcp://localhost:7222> create queue bridgequeue

Queue 'bridgequeue' has been created
3. Create Queue

tcp://localhost:7222> create topic bridgetopic

Topic 'bridgetopic' has been created

4. Create Bridge with out Message Selectors

tcp://localhost:7222> create bridge source=queue:bridgequeue

Bridge has been created


4. Create Bridge with Message Selectors

tcp://localhost:7222> create bridge source=queue:bridgequeue

topic selector="illinois"
Bridge has been created

Note : If you want to update any bridge, you got to recreate.

5. To Delete Bridge (Only when needed)

tcp://localhost:7222> delete bridge source=queue:bridgequeue

Are you sure (yes,no)? yes
Bridge has been deleted

Ems-Fault Tolerance Setup-A

Fault Tolerance configuration setup

Parameters will be in Bold and Inclined for easy identification

Configuring Primary server

open the c:\tibco\ems\bin\tibemsd.conf (This file is called Ems
configuration file)

Server=EMS-SERVER-RAMU(This value is upto your choice)

Listen=tcp://7222(This value is upto uour choice)
Ft_active=tcp://7444(This value is upto your choice)

Configuring Backup server

Create a folder called Backup in that please copy all the *.conf files(only
configuration files) from c:\tibco\ems\bin\ and place it in

Note:From now we will work in the Backup Folder, open tibemsd.conf file in
the folder

Server=EMS-SERVER-RAMU(This value must match the value of

the server parameter in primary server's tibemsd.conf file)
Listen=tcp://7444(This value must match the value in Ft_active paramter
in primary server's tibemsd.conf file)
Ft_active=tcp://7222(This value must match the value in Listen parameter
in primary server's tibemsd.conf file)
store=c:\tibco\ems\bin\datastore(This value must match the value
in store parameter in primary server's tibemsd.conf file,note that the value
in primary server's tibemsd.conf file is just datastore)

Prepend this path to c:\tibco\ems\bin\Backup\ below list in the backup

sever tibemsd.conf

If you observe the tibemsd.conf file in primary server and compare the
tibemsd.conf file in Backup server
The values for some parameters in primary tibemsd.conf file is jfor example
"users=users.conf" where as in backup server tibemsd.conf file we give
"users=c:\tibco\ems\bin\Backup\users.conf".The reason why because while
installing the Ems server ,it sets these values and it knows where to look for
the path , so thats the reason why the full path is not mentioned for various
parameters in tibemsd.conf for primary server

Ems-Fault Tolerance Setup-B

This post is continuation of Fault Tolerance Setup-A

Go to All programs>Run>type cmd

You will get a command prompt window
Type command: cd c:\tibco\ems\bin
Now you will be inside bin directory

Start Primary Server

Type command: tibemsd (This is a application )

Start Backup Server

Open another command prompt
Navigate to the directory by entering the below command
cd c:\tibco\ems\bin
Give the following command
tibemsd -config Backup\tibemsd.conf (This is not done in primary but
you are doing in back up server , since Primary server tibemsd.conf file is in
same directory as tibemsd application)
In the backup sever command prompt you can see that it is in standby mode
for primary (tcp://7222)

Ems-Fault Tolerance setup-C

This is post is continuation of Fault Tolerance setup-B
Which Explains about testing the Ems-Fault Tolerance setup is Functioning or

Note: clients both publishers/senders or Subscribers/receivers should

connect to both the Ems-Servers using "," comma URL'S so that even the
primary server is dead they can connect to backup server

Create a Jms connection , in this specify both the url's seperated by

commas(JNDI Connection).
Use this conection in both Publisher/Sender or Subscriber/Receiver

Start sending the messages from Publisher to a queue and Start a receiver
who is listening to this queue.
Stop the primary server by entering the command Shutdown in command
prompt,this will cause the server to shutdown
You can observer that backup server becomes Active in the command
prompt, without disrupting the Business Process.

Now start the primary server you will see that this will be in stand-by mode.

Ems Load Balancing Setup A

This topic deals with configuring both Primary and Load Balanced Server
Note:All the parameters will be in Bold and Italic that you are going to use for
Load Balancing

Configuring Primary Server

In this we are going to use 3 files which are given below for configuring
Primary server
1) tibemsd.conf
2) routes.conf
3) factories.conf

Go to location c:\tibco\ems\bin you can find the above listed files.

Open tibemsd.conf file and input the parameters with the Values
Server=EMS-SERVER1(This value can be anything)
Routing=enabled(Thisvalue should be same )
store=datastore(which contain 3 files sync-db,async-db,meta-db)
Save the file and exit

Open routes.conf file and input the parameters with the values,
Note: if the paramter is not there add it.
When you go to bottom of this file you will find the below parameters

[EMS-SERVER2] This should be there by default(Note:Ensure that this

parameter is used in Load Balanced server, should be same name as that in
LB Server)
url=tcp://7144 (change the default port number to your
zone_name=default_mhop_zone (Add this parameter and value)
zone_type=mhop (Add this parameter, the value should be
mhop or shop,depends upon the requirement)
save and exit this file

Open the factories.conf file

Important Note:
# If factory's url is specified in the form
# url = tcp://7222 (or any other port number)
# then it is expanded during JNDI lookup to include the default
# hostname of the machine running tibemsd server, for example:
# tcp://MYHOST:7222
# This enables the use of the same factories.conf file on different
# hosts. However, note that only default host name will be used. On
# servers with multiple interfaces you need to use explicit host name
# in factories url if it should be not the default name.
# Factories using 'localhost' as the host name only work when the client
# and server are on the same computer. You will need to replace
# 'localhost' below with the the appropriate hostname of the machine
# where the server is running.

Add the following parameters, these parameters are not there in the file

url=tcp://7222|tcp://7144 (From the above note actual production scenario
use url=tcp://Machine1:7222|tcp://Machine2:7144)

url=tcp://7222|tcp://7144 (From the above note actual production scenario
use url=tcp://Machine1:7222|tcp://Machine2:7144)
Save and exit the configuration file

Configuration of Load Balanced server

for primary server

Create LB Directory in c:\tibco\ems\bin

Create datastore2 Directory in c:\tibco\ems\bin\LB

Copy the *.conf files from c:\tibco\ems\bin to c:\tibco\ems\bin\LB (only

the configuration files)
Copy the datastore files from c:\tibco\ems\bin\datastore to
c:\tibco\ems\bin\LB\datastore2 (There would be 3 files)

Note: From Now on we will work in LB Directory

The 2 files that we are going to use for Load Balancing server
is tibemsd.conf and routes.conf files

open the file c:\tibco\ems\bin\LB\tibemsd.conf set the below parameteres

with appropriate values

users=c:/tibco/ems/bin/LB/users.conf ( Note:or go for this path "\" if the other
doesn't work)

Note:The reason why we are giving this path in LB Server is because

the tibemsd application knows where to look for the files when you execute
tibemsd in primary server, but for LB Sever tibemsd application is in bin and
the files for that are in different folder.

Open routes.conf file from location c:\tibco\ems\bin\LB\routes.conf

Go to the bottom of the file and modify them as below if anything is there or
add it if it is not there (Reason for this is we just copied the files that have
been chaned for primary server)

url=tcp://7222(This value sould be of primary server listen port)

Save and exit the file

Read the next post Ems-Load Balancing Setup B for testing the LB

LoadBalance Setup-B

This post is continuation of LoadBalance Setup-A

Go to All programs>Run>type cmd

You will get a command prompt window
Type command: cd c:\tibco\ems\bin
Now you will be inside bin directory

Start Primary Server:

Type command: tibemsd (This is a application )
Start Second Server:
Open another command prompt
Navigate to the directory by entering the below command
cd c:\tibco\ems\bin
Give the following command
tibemsd -config LB\tibemsd.conf

In Primary server window u will see 'EMS-SERVER2' connected to url

and in second server window u willsee 'EMS-SERVER1' accepted from host
'machine name'

Creating Ems Server and Adding to Tibco Admin in Linux

Producation Box

Putty into linux machine using your personal account and create a
/tmp/ems folder.

Using SECUREFX, copy EMS 4.4.0 and EMS 4.4.1 software folders from
Windows Shared Drive \\TIBCOSoftware\Linux\ to LINUXMACHINE -
/tmp/ems folder.

Run “sudo su – tibcoadm” and reenter your account password.

Go to The location where the installation files are there and do the
below commands

Run “./TIB_ems-simple_4.4.1_linux24g123_x86.bin –console”

Agree to the EULA and follow the default prompts through the install.

Run “./TIB_ems-simple_4.4.2_linux24g123_x86.bin –console”

Agree to the EULA and follow the default prompts through the install.

Create a /apps/tibco/ems/logs folder

Navigate to /apps/tibco/ems/bin
Run “vi tibemsd.conf”
Set server = EMS1
Set max_msg_memory = 0MB
Set listen = tcp://12000
Set routing = enabled
Set flow_control = enabled
Set logfile = /apps/tibco/ems/logs/mymacchine-mid.log
Set logfile_max_size = 20MB
Set log_trace = DEFAULT
Set console_trace = DEFAULT
Save and quit vi session.

Run “./tibemsd &” from the /apps/tibco/ems/bin folder.

Run “./tibemsadmin” from the /apps/tibco/ems/bin folder.

At the prompt type “connect MYMACHINE:120000”

Username is admin, password is blank.
Show Queues
Type “exit”

Run “vi queues.conf” and scroll to the bottom past queue.sample

and add the following entries:a. PUBLISH.SOAP
Save and quit vi session.

Run “vi factories.conf”

update all port references (7222 and 7224) to 12000 then save
and quit vi.
Connect to the new EMS server (MYMACHINE:12000) using the EMS
Administration Tool.
Type “create route MYMACHINE url= tcp://aix1:12000,tcp://aix2:12000
zone_name=default_mhop_zone zone_type=mhop”

Adding Ems Server to Tibco Admin Uisng Command Line

Navigate to /apps/tibco/tra/5.5/template/domainutility/cmdline/.
Run “vi AddJMSServer.xml and edit the following:
Set DomainName = MYDOMAIN(Tibco Admin domain )
Set AdministratorUsername = admin
Set AdministratorPassword = “Admin Password”
Set MachineName =MYMACHINE(Depends)
Set JMhaa haaecutable = /apps/tibco/ems/bin/tibemsd
Set JMSConfigFile = /apps/tibco/ems/bin/tibemsd.conf
Set JMSUserName = admin
Set JMSPassword = “JMS admin password”
Set HawkCluster =
Set OSName = Linux
Set OSVersion = 2.4.21-40.ELsmp(Depends)
Save and quit vi.

Navigate to /apps/tibco/tra/5.5/bin
Run “./domainutilitycmd -cmdFile

Re: Regarding TIBCO EMS certification practice Question/Answers

Hi Amit,

Here are the sample EMS certification question .

1. If user Bob wants to receive messages on topic $sys.monitor.admin.* he

must have subscribe permission on topic _____.
A. >
B. $sys.>
C. $sys.monitor.>
D. > and $sys.monitor.>
Answer: C

2. A topic A.B is bridged to a queue B.C, and B.C is bridged to a queue C.D.
Where will a message published on topic A.B be delivered?
A. only to B.C
B. only to C.D
C. to B.C and C.D
D. to neither B.C nor C.D
Answer: A
3. What is the limitation of using a foreign JNDI provider?
A. You can only store destinations.
B. You can only store connection factories.
C. You cannot perform fault tolerant JNDI lookups.
D. It has to run on the same machine as the TIBCO EMS server.
Answer: C

4. What are three exceptions that can be generated by calling

Session.Commit() on a session? (Choose three.)
A. JMSSecurityException
B. IllegalStateException
C. MessageFormatException
D. InvalidDestinationException
E. TransactionInProgreshaa haaception
F. TransactionRolledBackException
Answer: BEF

5. TIBCO EMS supports SSL communication between _____. (Choose four.)

A. two routed servers
B. two fault tolerant servers
C. a C client and the server
D. a .Net client and the server
E. the Administration Tool and the server
Answer: ABCE

6. Name the two statements which are true. (Choose two.)

A. In ClientAcknowledge mode, call Message.acknowledge(), acknowledges
unacknowledged messages that the client application has consumed within
the session.
B. In ExplicitClientAcknowledge mode, call Message.acknowledge(),
only the individual message.
C. In DupsOkAcknowledge mode, call Message.acknowledge(), acknowledges
unacknowledged messages that the client application has consumed within
D. In ClientAcknowledge mode, call Message.acknowledge(), acknowledges
unacknowledged messages that the client application has consumed within
Answer: A,B

7) An error occurs when a message is delivered to one of the destinations

but it is bridged to
multiple destinations.
Explain which statement is true.
A. If the producer is using a transacted session, then the transaction is rolled
back (no
message is delivered).
B. Once a message is delivered to one of the bridged destinations, it can
never be rolled
C. The bridge is using a local transaction, so none of the bridged destinations
receive the
D. If the destinations are failsafe, then none of the bridged failsafe
destinations receive
the message.
Answer: A

For storing persistent messages, which two files are used by TIBCO EMS?
(Choose two.)
A. failsafe-msgs.db
B. sync-msgs.db
C. async-msgs.db
D. meta.db
Answer: B,C

9)To install settings from a response file, which three TIBCO EMS installer
modes can be
used? (Choose three.)
A. sysprep
B. rpm
C. silent
E. console
Answer: C,D,E

10)When creating a connection factory, how is the metric parameter used?

A. The metric parameter is used by the server when load balancing client
B. The metric parameter is used to enable client statistics gathering for all
clients using
this factory.
C. The metric parameter is used to control connection resource allocation
within the
TIBCO EMS server.
D. The metric parameter is used to provide client feedback on overall
Answer: A

11) Name the two statements which are true about reliable delivery mode
(Choose two.)
A. All message publish calls will succeed unless the connection to the server
has been
B. Reliable delivery mode decreases the volume of network traffic.
C. Reliable delivery mode is part of JMS specifications.
D. Reliable delivery mode can be used only with topics and cannot be used
with queues.
Answer: A,B

12) In TIBCO EMS for creating TextMessage objects, which is a factory class?
A. Destination
B. Session
C. Message
D. Connection
Answer: B

13) Quite a few of the parameters in the TIBCO EMS main configuration file
Boolean values.
Choose the value set which cannot be used.
A. no/yes
B. disabled/enabled
C. false/true
D. 0/1
Answer: D
14) Choose three exceptions that can be generated by calling
Session.Commit() on a session.
(Choose three.)
A. MessageFormatException
B. InvalidDestinationException
C. TransactionRolledBackException
D. IllegalStateException
E. TransactionInProgreshaa haaception
F. JMSSecurityException
Answer: C,D,E

15)Which step should you take to install the EMS JNDI provider, after an EMS
A. You execute the tibemsjndi process in the /lib directory.
B. You enable the EMS JNDI provider in the tibemsd.conf file.
C. No additional step is required.
D. You copy the com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory to the
/lib directory, and restart the server.
Answer: C

TIBCO EMS Multicast - Features


TIBCO EMS is a distributed and reliable architecture, with support for load-
balancing, routing, and fault tolerant configurations that together remove
single points of failure.


By using TIBCO's messaging solution, companies have been able to reliably

support over 50,000 messages per second and achieve 99.999% uptime.
A distributed message bus with multi-protocol support for Java Message
Service (JMS), TIBCO Rendezvous®, and TIBCO SmartSockets. TIBCO
supports many of the leading open standards, including web services, and
provides adapters for third-party applications and infrastructure including
IBM MQSeries. This makes it possible for companies to reuse their existing
investments and focus on delivering new functionality
Built-in monitoring and management capabilities that provide detailed
administrative functions and statistics and support automation through an
administrative API or command-line shell. Companies can also leverage
TIBCO's common monitoring and management framework for top-down, end-
to-end distributed monitoring and management of TIBCO and non-TIBCO

Multicast - Features

Multicast is a messaging model that allows the EMS server to send messages
to multiple consumers simultaneously by broadcasting them over an existing


Multicast is highly scalable

Multicast reduces the amount of bandwidth consumed
Multicast reduces the number of operations performed by the server
Multicast broadcasts the message only once where as in case of publish and
subscriber for each of the consumer a copy of the message is getting


Multicast does not guarantee message delivery

Messages requiring a high degree of reliability should not use multicast
Multicast offers last-hop delivery only; it cannot be used to send messages
between servers.
Multicast should not be used in applications where security is a priority

Routes Creation In TIBCO EMS

This example will just show how you create routes in EMS, Please follow the
instructions to create routes on two different EMS Servers.
1. Create a copy for bin in c:\tibco\ems and name it to bin2.
2. Open tibemsd.conf under c:\tibco\ems\bin change the following settings
a. Change the server name to EMS –SERVER to EMS-SERVERA
b. routing property to enabled
c. save and exit
3. Open tibemsd.conf under c:\tibco\ems\bin2 change the following settings
a. Change the server name to EMS –SERVER to EMS-SERVERB
b. Change the port to tcp://7224 instead of tcp://7222
c. routing property to enabled
d. save and exit
4. open factories.conf under c:\tibco\ems\bin2 change the following settings
a. Change the GeneralConnectionFactory,QueueConnectionFactory and
TopicConnectionFactory URL to tcp://7224 instead of tcp://7222 ( You can
leave FT and SSL connection factories, only required when you are using
these pairs)
b. save and exit
a. You can start through service instances
b. Using command prompt
i. C:\ticbco\ems\bin\tibemsd.exe –config tibemsd.conf

6. Login to EMS Admin tool on EMS-SERVERA using admin credentials

7. Create route on EMS-SERVERA as follows
a. Create route EMS-SERVERB url=tcp://localhost:7224
a. Using command prompt
i.C:\ticbco\ems\bin2\tibemsd.exe –config tibemsd.conf
4. You will see route established between these two servers, you can check
in the logs or by using the following command in admin console in either of
the servers.
a. show routes
5. create global queue or topic on these two instances
a. create global topics on both the servers as follows (make sure the name
matches for topics)
i. create topic testroute global
b. create global queues on both the servers as follows
1.create queue testroute global
1. create queue testroute@EMS-SERVERA global
6. Test or change the topic/queue names using a sample BW application.
7. There you go with success results in routing

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