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English Pronounced Lakota

acknowledgment hah-OO hau

all my relations mee-TAH-koo-yay oh-WAH-seehn mitakuye owasin

bear root OH-shah osha

beyond understanding wah-KAHN wakan

dinner WOH-tah wota

eagle wahn-BAH-lee wanbli

fire P'KAY-tah p'eta

food woh-YOO-tay woyute

Grandfather toohn-KAH-shee-lah Tunkshila

Grandmother Earth OOHN-chee mah-KAH Unci Maka

healing ceremony loh-WAHN-pee lowanpi

no HEE-yah hiya

now wah-NAH wana

OK OH-hahn ohan

Pipe chah-NOOHN-pah Cannunpa

prayer woh-CHAY-kee-yay wocekiye

sage pay-JHEE H'KO-tah peji h'ota

sun sance wee-WAHNG wah-CHEE-pee wiwang wacipi

sweat lodge ee-NEE-pee inipi

sweet grass pay-JHEE SKOO-yah peji skuya

take away the light ah-ee-YUK-pah yoh aiyuhpa yo

thank you pee-LAH-mee-yay pilamiye

thanksgiving WOH-pee-lah wopila

tobacco chahn-LEE canli

vision quest hahn-BAH-lay-chay-yah hanbleceya

water mah-NEE mni

yes hahn han

Lakota Pronounced English

aiyuhpa yo ah-ee-YUK-pah yoh take away the light

canli chahn-LEE tobacco

Cannunpa chah-NOOHN-pah Pipe

han hahn yes

hanbleceya hahn-BAH-lay-chay-yah vision quest

hau hah-OO acknowledgment

hiya HEE-yah no

inipi ee-NEE-pee sweat lodge

lowanpi loh-WAHN-pee healing ceremony

mitakuye owasin mee-TAH-koo-yay oh-WAH-seehn all my relations

mni mah-NEE water

ohan OH-hahn OK

osha OH-shah bear root

p'eta P'KAY-tah fire

peji h'ota pay-JHEE H'KO-tah sage

peji skuya pay-JHEE SKOO-yah sweet grass

pilamiye pee-LAH-mee-yay thank you

Tunkshila toohn-KAH-shee-lah Grandfather

Unci Maka OOHN-chee mah-KAH Grandmother Earth

wakan wah-KAHN beyond understanding

wana wah-NAH now

wanbli wahn-BAH-lee eagle

wiwang wacipi wee-WAHNG wah-CHEE-pee sun sance

wocekiye woh-CHAY-kee-yay prayer

wopila WOH-pee-lah thanksgiving

wota WOH-tah dinner

woyute woh-YOO-tay food

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