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Different types of loaders

1. compile and go loader:-

compile and go loader is a type of loader function to have an assembler run in one
part of the memory and places the assembled machine instructions,data as they are
assembled,directly into their assigned memory location.

2. Absolute loaders:-
An absolute loader is the simplest type of loader scheme that fits the general model
of loaders. The assembler produces the output in the same way as in the "complier
and go loader" . The assembler outputs the machine language translation of the
source program.

 The programmer has to specify the address to the assembler that where the
program is to be loaded.
 It is very difficult to realocate in case of multiple subroutine.
 Programmer has to remember the address of each subroutine and use that
absolute address explicitly in other subroutines to perform subroutine linkage

 linking loaders:-

 A Direct linking loader is a general relocating loader and is the most popular
loading scheme presently used.This scheme has an advantage that it allows the
programmer to use multiple procedure and multiple data segments.In addition, the
programmer is free to refrence data or instructions that are contained in other
segments.The direct linking loaders provide flexible intersegment refrencing and
accessing ability.

4. Relocating loaders:-
 It is a type of loader which load the program anywhere in the program.
Initially the programmers write their main program is so that it would transfer to
the location assigned to the square root subroutine(SQRT).
the problem associated with this was that if the length of the program increased
that may overlay the SQRT subroutine so to avoid this problem programmer used
the subroutine that referred to each other symbolically rather then with the address
part of the program.So the Relocating loader placed the subroutine in arbitrary core

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