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Malaysian University English Test

Sample Question
Many teenagers today are stressed out because of various factors. What do you think is a major cause of
stress to teenagers?
Candidate A
Task A : In your opinion, family problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers. Elaborate on this.
Candidate B
Task A : In your opinion, school-related problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers. Elaborate on
Candidate C
Task A : In your opinion, boy-girl relationships are a major cause of stress to teenagers. Elaborate on
Candidate D
Task A: In your opinion, financial problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers. Elaborate on this.
Answering Techniques
List of commonly used expressions:
1. Good morning/afternoon to everyone…..
2. Good morning/afternoon to the examiners and fellow candidates….
3. Hello everyone….
4. Thank you examiners …let me begin
List of commonly used expressions:
1. Alright, I will begin my presentation on ……………………………
2. I will talk about ………………………………………………………………..
3. Today, I will present my opinion/views/suggestion on …………………………………………………
List of commonly used expressions:
1. In my opinion, (3). I will end by saying ____________________
…………………………………………………….. (4). That’s all from me today. Thank you.
I said that because :
(1)______________________________ 3. From my experience,
For example : …………………………………………..________
________________________________ I believe that ______________________
So: For instance _______________________
________________________________ Hence,___________________
2. I believe that, ……………………………………………………
This is because : 4. As far as I am concerned ………………………..
Take for example: 5. …………………………… the
________________________________ ……………………………………

Conclusion +Closing Statement

(1).So, overall ____________________
(2). All in all/in conclusion/in a nutshell___________
Sample Question
Many teenagers today are stressed out because of various factors. What do you think is a major
cause of stress to teenagers?
Candidate A
Task A : In your opinion, family problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers. Elaborate on this.

Sample Answer
Family Problems =major cause of stress to teenagers
Why & How?
-family-the closest to teenagers/the most important relationship they have
-happy/healthy family /help teenagers/feel confident +supported
-teenagers/need a lot of supports and help to make sense of the world
-only a harmonious family can provide the supports needed
-if family problematic/teenagers will be affected badly
-cause stress
Good morning to the examiners and all fellow candidates.
Today, I will talk about what I think I a major cause of stress to teenagers.
In my opinion, family problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers.

I said this because first of all, family is the most important thing in a teenager’s life. Family provides the

environment and support system needed by teenagers who are still finding their ways in life. A happy

and healthy family will make a teenager feel supported in his life and this will make him feel confident to

face the world. As you know, being a teenager is difficult. There are many challenges they have to face

like the physical changes, school matters and friendships. If a family is problematic, the teenagers will

not be able to get enough supports from his family. His life will be very affected. And this will cause a lot

of stress to him. Take for example a family who is having a serious financial problem or parents who are

going through a bitter divorce. These problems will cause the most stress to the students if compared to
problems with friends or other issues.

Conclusion +Closing Statement

As such, I strongly feel that family problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers. So, that is all from
me today. Thank you.

Specific Techniques
Formulating the Introductory statements

Sample Question
Many teenagers today are stressed out because of various factors. What do you think is a major
cause of stress to teenagers?
Candidate B
Task A: In your opinion, school-related problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers. Elaborate
on this.

2 Minutes Points Preparation

[School-related problems = major cause of stress to teenagers[]
-school problems like time management, waking up early, transportation to school, meals, homework,
activities and examinations.
-cause stress
-so many things to manage and accomplish in so short a time
-teenagers have to train themselves /have to be on themselves in order to cope with schools.
-they are in school most of the times/life revolve around school
-they are stressed out all the time.
-the school is not known as a place for fun
-a school is for learning and activities
-endless activities and works to cover cause stress to students.
Good morning/afternoon to everyone
Today, I will talk about ,……..
From the question: What do you think is a major cause of stress to teenagers?
In your answer: What I think is a major cause of stress to teenagers.

Statement of Points
In my opinion,…..
From the question: In your opinion, school-related problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers.
Elaborate on this.
In your answer: In my opinion, school-related problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers.
I said that because:
In the question: school-related problems are a major cause of stress to teenagers.
In your answer: school-related problems …………….* Explain what the issues are and how plus why they
are a major cause of stress to teenagers]..

School-related problems include the difficulties the teenagers face when dealing with issues such as

-waking up early, catching their transportation, preparing for classes, completing homework, attending
lesions, preparing for exams and etc.

-some teenagers like to have more flexibility or freedom in life. Maybe they were brought up that way .
So they find it difficult to cope with so many things related to the school.

-most teenagers complain about having to wake up so early to go to school and also about the long
hours spent in school.

- in between coming to school and going back, they also have to take part in many activities –so these
cause stress to them.

-for example, the form 6 students who have to be in school until around 3 o’clock.

-for teenagers, having to cope with so many school-related problems are a major cause of stress.

-take for example, students who are weak in certain subjects. They will struggle to master the skills and
to understand the lessons. They will fear that they will fail in the subjects.

-these things might appear tedious or petty to adults but to teenagers-these are their world.


Thus, it would be suffice for me to say that school-related problems are a major cause of stress to
teenagers. Thank you.
Skill Focus:
Stating and Justifying Point of View ( Explanation&Elaboration)

Sample Question
1. Candidate C
Task A : In your opinion, boy-girl relationships are a major cause of stress to teenagers. Elaborate on

Key words: boy-girl relationships are a major cause of stress to teenagers

Techniques You May Use

(i).explain what is a b-g r (ii).explain how it may cause stress to teenagers and (iii). describe how it pose a
major stress to teenagers.

What is b-g-r?
(i) A boy-girl relationship refers to the romantic relationship that a teenager have with someone of the
opposite gender.

How may it cause stress to teenagers?

(i). It may cause stress to teenagers because they are still too young .
Too young for what?
-for the relationship: They are still too young for relationship.
Why is that a problem: This is a problem because they are still too young to understand and manage
their own feelings. They are too young to understand the feelings of the person they are in love with
and most importantly they are just beginning to learn how to manage a romantic relationship which can
be very challenging.

How does it pose a major stress to teenagers?

(i). It cause a major stress to teenagers because :
-they can’t avoid it.
-its part and parcel of growing up process.
-they try to avoid it but it will certainly happen to them.
-family may object the relationship and the school might sanction the practice in school.
-the teenagers will feel very confused and in a dilemma.

In conclusion, boy-girl relationship is a major cause of stress to teenagers. Thank you.

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