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c cc c Name_________________


Directions• As you progress through each of the stations, fill out the following chart. You will 5 minutes at each station.

Question Primary Source #1 Primary Source #2 Primary Source #3 Primary Source #4 Primary Source #5 Primary Source #6
Identify the source
of the document
(when it was
written? who
wrote it? is it a
photo, poem, or
book? Any bias?)

Describe what the

source is trying to
say about
imperialism (Is it
good, bad,
necessary, or

How would a
European react to
this document?

How would an
African react to
this document?
 erialis andthecra leorrica

Directions:Answer the following questions. Use evidence from the primary sources in your answers.

1.cWho benefitted from imperialism in Africa and why? Use four different reasons.

2. Who did not benefit from imperialism in Africa and why not? Use four different reasons why.

3. Are there racist attitudes against the Africans? Is this view held by everyone? Explain.

4. By looking at primary sources, how would you like to be conquered by the Europeans in this time period by looking at what they did to the

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