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Newsletter of the JPKU Toastmasters Club, New


Vol. 5, Issue 1; January 2011

January 2011 Club No. 858173

Division C, District 82

The Editor’s Note

Its my first newsletter and it seems to be very exciting.. its been a little Mission of
tough but a great experience . January is so used to usher in a new year that we forget that Toastmasters
the club has got a new Executive Committee that has taken charge this very month. I will To provide a mutually
begin with congratulating the new EC and hope we gel together as team. supportive and positive
learning environment
In this issue Immediate past Club President Malkiat passes the baton to Club President Vi- in which every individ-
kas kumar, who shares his plans for the club, Anurag Butoliya talks about the race of his ual
member has the
life, Akhil Sood finds answers to his monster question. Don’t miss the poem by Sir Rudyard
Kipling. In the ‘Hyde Park’ section we invited some thoughts on discussing the last minute
to develop oral
backouts. Read about Himanshu Sharma and Vaibhav Vashishtha, the latest additions to communication
our family in Know thy toastmasters. . and leadership skills,
which in turn foster
Hope you have a good time reading it. self-confidence
2 CONTENTS January 2011

Passing the guard Page 3

The outgoing president hands over the charge of the club to
his successor Vikas and his team The monster question PAGE 5
RACE PAGE 4 -Akhil Sood
—Malkiat Bindra and Vikas Kumar -Anurag Batoliya

Meeting Theme Of The Month Page 7 News and announcements

The Beginning Page 8 and 8 Page 6
Toastmasters of the month and meeting themes
A poem by Sir Rudyard Kipling -Vikas Kumar
-Sanchit Aggarwal
-Sameep Taneja

The Hyde Park Page 11 Best of the Month Page 13

Know Thy Toastmaster Page 9
Handling Backouts Find out our star performers week by week.
and 10
 Vikas Malik,
Let’s get to know the latest addition to our family
 Sanchit Aggarwal
Himanshu Sharma and Vaibhav Vashishtha
 Akhil Sood

Club Contact Details Page 14 Acknowledgments Page 15

3 PASSING THE GUARD January 2011

If you live through your life, you will not realize the things Standing on the brink of a bright new beginning
which have changed. But, if u give a thought, ponder upon the I can feel the fresh new breeze coming to me
things which matter, you might realize a lot has changed with- And I long to set myself free....
out much attention. All you did was your duty, took some help
from others, saw your friends stand next to you and wallah! It‘s I wish this year 2011 brings new joys to your life.
all done.. Something similar happened when I was in charge of
the club from July'10. There were DCP goals, concern for the First of all, I would like to congratulate the newly appointed EC
quality of the club, concerns for other things regarding the club. members – Akhil Sood ( VP - Education), Shraddha Nakra (VP -
Piece by piece, meeting by meeting, month by month, all was Membership), Shreeja Kumar (VP - Public Relations), Vinay
sorted just like that. Jain (Treasurer), Sameep Taneja (Secretary) and Sanchit Aggar-
wal (Sergeant at arms) for being selected as the Executive Committee. I would like to
thank the Selection committee of our club which has shown their trust in this team. It is
Our term did not have many EC members left by the end of the term. But, those who this team's hard work, skills and perseverance which will help our club to reach newer
were there, made sure there was nothing that they could not handle. They made sure heights.
that no one could notice that it was mere few who were handling the job of 7 fully
trained officials. Yes, they were not trained in some specific aspect of the job, but no Serving a club with tradition of achievements is a matter of pride and it is my privilege to
one could tell the difference. These are those people who excel in their life and fulfill be given charge of this "Always Ahead" club. It is said that to be at the top is easier than
their dreams and turn them into reality. They surely made my job very easy. I'll miss staying at the top. Continuous improvement with the ability to reinvent is the utmost re-
the time I spent with these true leaders. quirement of sustained success. Last Executive Committee in their term has set the
achievement bar at a new high. JPKU Toastmasters Club has already achieved the coveted
Isn't that why we are here in the first place? Isn't learning and excelling the first ob- "President's Distinguished Club" Award. Congratulations to all members and EC team for
jective of joining Toastmasters? I have full confidence in the new EC and I am sure the same. Now, it‘s our duty to follow the path laid down by our predecessors and then go
they will take our club to new heights. I was asked to write this down for the Newslet- beyond what has already been achieved.
ter and I was not sure of what I would write. But when I got to write it down, all of it
is coming naturally from the heart. This is the impact the club and its people have had For fellow EC members, my message is to take guidance from our predecessors and strive
on me. I'll surely miss them all.... our best to reach the standards set and then go past them. For members of club, my mes-
sage is to be present and participate. The quality of the club, its meetings is defined by the
Before I say goodbye, I would like to say "All the Best" to the new EC and to Vikas quality of its members and for that members need to participate in all the activities of the
Kr. Malik in particular who has to lead the pack of 7 prominent leaders having differ- club.
ent responsibilities of their own.
I wish you all the success and many new beginnings in your life.

Malkiat Bindra Vikas Kumar

Immediate Past President - JPKU Toastmasters Club President - JPKU Toastmasters Club
4 RACE-Anurag Batoliya January 2011

Quit , Give up ! step & slipped He slipped and fell again So far behind , so hooked to win
You are beaten He still ran to the end
There is just too much against you now, Trying hard to watch himself; Seconds past , he lay there silently They cheered the winner,
This time you can‘t succeed ! His hands flew out ; A tear dropped from his eye As he crossed the line
Hearing the cheer of the crowd ; There is no use of running, High and proud
And as I started to hang my head, He fell flat on his face. I am out , why try No falling, no disgrace
In front of a familiar face.
My downright thoughts were broken, So down he fell , and with him the hope; He thought to rise and disappear, The fallen boy crossed the line,
By the memory of a race. He couldn‘t win it now ! All hopes had fade away Last place
Depressed sad , He only wished to disappear somehow; So far behind , so slipped The crowd gave him a greater cheer
Hopes refilled my broken will; So fallen, A loser all the way. For finishing the race
And I recalled that scene, But as he fell, his dad stood up
For just the thought of that small race & showed his anxious face, to boy so clearly said ―I have lost the race, he said‖ And even though , he came in last
rejuvenates my will. ―Get up and win the race‖ I‘ll have to live with my disgrace Low and head bowed
And then he thought about his dad, He would have thought ,
A children‘s race, young boy, young man He quickly rose, said no damage is done; Who soon He‘ll have to face. He should have won the race
Excitement sure , but also; Behind a bit , that‘s all ! To listen to the crowd,
Fear it wasn‘t hard to tell. Ran with his mind and might ; ―Get up ― An echo sounded low To walk away with grace.
To make up for his fall. Take your place
And all they lined up; So full of hope You are not meant for failure And to his dad, he sadly said
Each thought, to win that race. So anxious to restore himself; Get up ,and win the race ―I didn‘t do too well today‖
Tightly rehearsed , and if not that; To catch up and to win; ―To me you won‖, his father said
At least take the second place. His mind went faster than his legs , He slipped, He rose up again You rose each time you fell
And fell again You haven‘t lost it all
And fathers watched , on side on bench; For winning is more than this And now when the things seem dark
Each cheering for his son He wished he had quit; To rise each time you fall And hard , difficulties right in the mid-
Each boy hoped , to show his father, With only one disgrace dle of the face
That he might be the one. Hopeless as a runner and said; So up he rose, to run once more The memory of that little boy , helps
I shouldn‘t try to race! With a new commit me in my race.
The whistle blew, and off they went He resolved
Young hearts , hopes of fire; In the cheering crowd, he found his father‘s face ―winners loose , but at least he With all the life is like a race
To win, to be the hero; That steady look said again wouldn‘t quit!‖ With ups and downs
Was each young boy‘s desire ―Get up , & win the race‖ That was the inner call And some utter disgrace
To win , just remember that boys call;
One boy in particular; So far behind, He ran To rise each time you fall.
So up he jumped to try again
Whose dad was in the crowd, For the quest to win Rise each time, you fall
Ten meters behind the last;
Was running near the lead and thought ; If I have to gain those meters ‗
―My dad would be so proud‖ I have to run really fast Three times he had fallen, stum-

But as they spread across the field;

Three times he had risen again
Anurag Batoliya
Exerting everything he had;
Into the shallow depths Trying so hard to catch the lead
The little boy who thought to win , lost a
5 The monster-Akhil Sood January 2011

Amidst our busy lives, forever occupied by our routine engagements, only a few of us dare to change the boredom of routine
and undergo a paradigm of shift by doing something creative to break the otherwise monotonous schedule. The ones who begin
are perpetually greeted by a perennial question, Do I belong here?

The question has been so rampant that it has even invaded our daily routine lives as well and very often we find ourselves put-
ting the same question and giving a shot to finding answers. It could be a new group of friends, just acquired, and the moment
you see one in the group, going deeper and further than you expected, in pops the question. I always used to wonder…

Is it my fear of insecurity that is giving a rebirth to this question every now and then? Is it the lack of time that I can devote to
the newly shaping ideas in my brains? Or is it my rising levels of hatred and demotivation which leads me to hang my boots?

I managed to get the best education that I could have but nothing in respect to answering these questions. I felt dissatisfaction
after spending 3 years in college, 2 years of corporate life, countering all the hardships, teachers, bosses, assignments, exams,
project, love and sometime friends too, and yet not sure if I belonged there, I would have certainly added a few new dimensions
to my achievements had I been assured that I belonged there.
Where do I get that assurance from? It sounds similar to insurance but its not as easily available in the market. Inspite of my
willingness to pay a price, I couldn‘t locate a single vendor but eventually i got the assurance I longed for. It was after I left my
job, when I visited my college and a cup of tea with the Principal and a discussion where she wanted the alumni to mentor the
students. Yes, I had my reservations but the persistent faith ended my quest.

Its not about money or profit or motive. Its about society, If you belong to the society, you can adapt and fit into every atom of
that compound. To fit into that big compound, all you need is to think about it. The social responsibilities are not meant for the
text book and their sole purpose is not to fetch you some marks in your exams. They are needed for that eternal satisfaction. Ini-
tiate doing something and you will feel the belongingness. I belonged to my college, It wasn‘t a fluke that i went in there. The
same holds true for you. You belong here….

Akhil Sood
6 News and Announcements January 2011

The new Executive Committee has taken charge for the term January to
June 2011. Please contact them for any issues you face.

Vaibhav Vashishtha is the newest member to join JPKU Toastmaster and

has delivered his Icebreaker with a aplomb.

Vice President (Education) Akhil Sood has completed his Competent

Communication Manual.

JPKU Toastmaster is going to organize its International Speech Contest

and Tabletopics Contest on February 19, 2011. To participate in the inter-
national speech contest, a member has to complete his 6 speeches. Please
try and get your 6 speeches done by the contest date. The EC is willing to
help. Please communicate your willingness.

On February 5, 2011, The Delhi Advanced Toastmasters Club is organiz-

ing a special meeting. It will include three special sessions including
Magic Moments by Deepak Menon. As guests, you will be charged Rs.
200 for attending the meeting.

8th January was the first meeting of JPKU Toast- The first time‖; it took me 2 days to come with this theme. Being
masters Club of year 2011. This time of the year is a very non-creative person, I had no idea what I was going to
the time of resolutions, time of starting afresh on speak on my first attempt as a toastmaster. I also realised that San-
the journey of life. It is also the time when we can
chit Gupta is the first time Table Topics master. Just then, an idea
again have a fresh view at everything that we have
been doing. Toastmaster gives us opportunity to hit me. Why not talk about the first time? Why don‘t I remind
communicate in a more effective way. It is the plat- everyone that there is something called first time of everything we
form where we can learn from our peers, from mentors, from our manu- ever did or of everything we‘ll ever do? Some may be worth re-
als, practice, rectify our mistakes and in the process could be ready for membering and some will be washed away with time.
the future ahead. And as we are starting in this New Year, it is our duty When we start our lives, everything is special, well at that time whatever we do is spe-
to renew our pledge, our commitment to our club, to ourselves as mem- cial only for our parents because we are too dumb to understand anything. As we start
bers. growing old, we also start enjoying small events in our life such as going to school for
the first time or making a friend for the first time, but all this is lost when we become
First meeting of 2011 has a couple of firsts. New executive committee
took charge of their responsibilities and pledged their commitment for adults. Everything becomes planned and we start indulging only in those activities
the betterment of the club and its members. Area C2 Governor con- which are in some way ―profitable‖ to us. We don‘t start anything new just because
ducted this ceremony. Dr. Ritu also presented a session about leadership we want to experience something new.
manuals and the different roles/modules that must be fulfilled for ad- Time will not stop; you will never cease to grow old until you are here. Why not make
vanced leadership awards. It was very beneficial for members who use of this time? Why not learn something only for fun? You can either spend your life
want to complete their ALB and ALS in the coming months. Club will by doing stuff which you regularly do or have plans to do, or you can just pack your
conduct its International Speech and Table Topics shortly and to make bags and go on a holiday to the place where you have always wanted to go but were
member aware of the same a special Mock Table Topics Session was
unable to because of ―lack of time‖. Or you can start learning guitar, which you have
conducted. It gave a very clear picture of all the judging criteria and ac-
tual proceedings of a table topics contest. always wanted to learn in school but now you think that you are too old to learn.

Start something, let there be endless first time experiences in your life, and if you
think you have done enough just think about this question ―When was the last time I
did something for the first time?

-Vikas Kumar -Sanchit Aggarwal

January 2011


Creativity is the process of bringing something new to life- real or
imaginary. It is the art of combining things things to create something The Beginning by Rudyard Kipling
that was never thought before. Creativity is also changing your or oth-
ers perception. Creativity is a skill that can be practiced and is not just
an inspiration that strikes the gifted ones. There are opportunities to
practice creativity in every aspect of our life and at any time. It was not part of their blood,
There are several books that equips us with tools to build creativity. I It came to them very late It was not preached to the crowd,
consider Edward de Bono as a leading authority on creativity and an-
other British author Tony Buzan is also a great writer who offers prac- With long arrears to make good, It was not taught by the State.
tical tools and trainings on creativity and innovation. There are of
course various other authors who study innovation especially in the When the English began to hate. No man spoke it aloud,
context of Business. When the English began to hate.
Companies who adopt an innovation culture are leading in their fields They were not easily moved,
and would continue to do so. The culture of innovation that is required
in business also encompasses execution otherwise no value can be de- They were icy-willing to wait It was not suddenly bred,
rived from it. Google and 3M are well known companies which are
built on innovative products and services. Till every count should be proved, It will not swiftly abate,

Ere the English began to hate. Through the chill years ahead,
We need innovation at Government Policy and institutional level to
succeed to add value at every level and reduce our dependence on When Time shall count from the date
other countries since cost arbitrage will get evened out soon
Their voices were even and low, That the English began to hate.
Surpetition is a new term coined by Edward de Bono which he de-
scribes as ―seeking above‖ or creating your own race. It means creat- Their eyes were level and straight.
ing new ―value monopolies.‖
There was neither sign nor show,

When the English began to hate.

Sameep Taneja

Himanshu Sharma is a pass out from Heritage School , Vasant Kunj. He is currently pursuing Bsc(Hons) at Institute of learning and Management
(IILM), Lodhi Road from university of Brad fort UK
Let‘s get to know more about him..

enhances speaking skills but also leadership

Q1: How did you come to know about toastmasters skills. I feel it should happen at least twice a
and how has the journey been so far? week.
I came to know about toastmasters club through one of
my school friend. The journey has been full of excite-
ment and thrill .The Tabletopics are surely extravagant.

Q2:What are the goals you have set for yourself be-
fore joining toastmasters?
I feel the need for overall personality development, spe-
cially in the spheres of public speaking and enhancing
my confidence levels which are the essence of being a
truely satisfied person.
Q3: What are the things that generate passion out of
I am very passionate about gymming and just love
football. I was in the school team as well.
There is not a single Manchester united match which I
have missed.

Q4: Any suggestions for the Toastmaster meeting in

general and for fellow toastmasters?
I feel that I'm very lucky to have joined toastmasters as it
is a great platform for over all development. It not only

Vaibhav Vashishtha was born and brought up in Dausa, Rajasthan. He did his schooling from different schools of Dausa, Jaipur and Kota. He graduated
in Mechanical Engineering from IET Lucknow and pursued his M.Tech from IIT Bombay in Aerospace Propulsion. I worked as an Assistant Professor
of Fluid Mechanics in KIIT University, Bhubaneswar for 8 months and then in Sharda University, Greater Noida for 8 months. Currently I am working
as project associate in Mechanical Department of IIT Delhi. Lets get personal with him...

Q1: How did you come to know about toastmasters and Q4: Any suggestions for the Toastmaster
how do you react now ? meeting in general and for fellow toastmas-
A friend of mine is a member of Newdelhi ToastMaster club and he ters?
suggested me to join Toast Master. I listen to him as a mentor so de- I like the way we conduct our meetings. It is quite formal and
cided to try it. Now I believe that Toaste master is an ultimate place to disciplined. Especially I like current format of table topics
improve public speaking skills, leadership skills and especially for me very much. My suggestion is to have less number of speakers
it is a nice platform to come out of my routine life style and interact (for prepared speech) we should go for multiple rounds of ta-
with some intellectual people. ble topic speeches.

Q2:What is Vaibhav passionate about?

It is a difficult question for me. I am passionate about solving
engineering problems. It doesn‘t mean that I am a studious
kind of person, it only implies that I enjoy brain storming.
Currently I am solving problems of Computational fluid dy-

Q3: What are the goals you want to achieve through toast-
I want to improve my knowledge of English, want to be a com-
petent speaker, a competent leader and want to have friends
from different kind of professions and having varied interests.
11 THE HYDE PARK- Topic January 2011

The Hyde Park in London is famous for its Speakers’ Corner, which allows anyone and everyone to speak on a topic for as long as they can unless the police finds it offensive,
and the Hyde Park police has had a history of being offended very rarely even on sensitive issues. As a salutation to the freedom of expression, we bring Hyde Park from Lon-
don to our newsletter, and invite everyone to publish their comments on a certain topic, which for this month is: “Handling last minute backouts “

Last minutes are the worst thing which can

happen before the meeting, Especially if Sangeeta Malik
the Toastmaster, or the General Evaluator or Ready Back up speakers
Tabletopic Master backs out. This can be
avoided by assigning these roles at least a All role players shall be asked to inform
week back and confirming the role players about their absence at least 2 days before.
in the middle of the week again.
We should be ready with some alternate
A new session if there is only
plans, such as videos, movie or book review
one speaker.-----‗Speak up
your mind ― Special recogni- or something to ensure that meeting experi-
tion for these impromptu ence is enriching.
Sanchit Aggarwal speakers

Each member should

be encouraged to aim at one
speech in a fortnight.

Vikas Kumar
Akhil Sood
Backouts are something that can‘t be
evaded as there are individual priorities
but I feel backouts wont hurt as much if
we have good presence at the meetings
so that we can assign roles in time.
12 BEST OF THE MONTH January 2011

Here come Here come

the the
results!!! results!!!

15th January : Ritu Arora

22th January: : Akhil Sood
29th January: Vaibhav Vashishtha

15th January: Ritu Arora

22th January: Aneesh Jain 15th January: Ritu Arora & Vinay
22th January: Aneesh Jain

Our Executive Committee Venue of Meetings

 Vikas Kumar: President Vivekananda Vihar, Opposite J.P., Kapur & Uberai, Chartered Accountants, LGF C-4/5 Safdarjung Development Area,
 Akhil Sood: Vice President, Education New Delhi—110016.
 Shraddha Nakra: Vice President, Membership
Time of Meetings
 Shreeja Kumar: Vice President, Public Relations Every Saturday, 12:30 p.m.
 Sameep Taneja Secretary Whom to Contact
For all queries, please contact:
 Vinay Jain: Treasurer Vikas Kumar: +91 9560690622 :;
Shreeja Kumar:+919717675613 ;
 Sanchit Aggarwal: Sergeant-at-arms
Akhil Sood: +91 9810820409;
Shraddha Nakra: +91 9899010 702
Sanchit Aggarwal +91 9810906089;

Always Ahead…!

With this, I come to the end of my first issue of newsletter for

the club. It feels great to contribute to JPKU Toastmasters. I will
like to thank Malkiat, Anurag Vikas, Sanchit ,Akhil, Himanshu,
Vaibhav & Sameep for their in time contributions and making
this a success.

Images is published on the last day of the month. All contribu-

tors are requested to send in their entries to by the 25th of the month.

Club No. 858173

No part of this newsletter maybe printed or reproduced
Division C, District 82 without intimating the JPKU Toastmasters Club. All enquiries
and requests should be directed to the club‘s public relations
Important Links: committee at

JPKU Toastmasters:

Division C members:
District 82:
Copyright JPKU Toastmasters Club, 2010

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