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by Konrad Ott

1. Introduction

egretfully, both scientists and political agents use the
umbrella term ‘sustainable development’ in an in-
creasingly indiscriminate and arbitrary way. The po-
litically most inuential concept of ‘sustainable development’ in
Germany is the three-pillar concept. It demands that we should
equally consider economic, social, and ecological development.
Initially, it improved the footing of environmental concerns
and helped to reconcile concerns that were formerly thought
contrary. However, the results of several research projects dem-
onstrate that the three-pillar model has been reduced to a list-
ing of any societal objectives that agents happen to think im-
portant.1 But for logical reasons, any concept that encompasses
very much (extension) must lose specic meaning (intension). If
so, we should try to overcome the three-pillar model, i. e., inte-
grate it into a comprehensive theory.
For greater clarity on the pathway towards such a theory,
it seems helpful to distinguish spheres or layers of the overall
debate on sustainable development. Döring & Ott (2001) pro-
pose the following model :

(1) Idea
(2) Concepts
(3) Guidelines (resilience, sufciency, efciency, etc.)
(4) Dimensions (environment and nature, social systems,
economy, education, culture, etc.)
(5) Management rules in single dimensions
(6) Objectives (targets, time frames, set of instruments)
(7) Indicators
(8) Implementation, monitoring, etc.

2. The Idea of Sustainability reasons to expect that rational persons are
to some degree risk-averse. Accordingly, the
On level (1) and at the starting point of theo- difference principle implies that, as rational
ry formation is the ethical idea of sustainabil- persons, we should decide to maximise the
ity. It is based on obligations toward future good at the lowest ‘normal’ social position,
generations and presupposes intergenera- i. e. that of an unskilled worker. When ap-
tional equity (see Chapter 6). Most ethicists plied in risk evaluation, the difference princi-
would agree to a denition similar to this : ple takes the shape of the ‘minimax’ criterion
Sustainability means that present and future (see Chapter 6.5c). I hold that the rational
persons have the same right to nd, on the aver- persons behind the veil will, indeed, adopt at
age, equal opportunities for realising their con- least such a rule of distributive justice.2 After
cepts of a good human life. The denition com- having agreed upon a concept of sustainable
bines an intergenerationally extended right- development, they may institute even more
based morality (‘same right’) with a broadly strictly egalitarian principles (e. g. limited in-
dened teleological objective (‘good human equality of income3) if they think that these
life’). Accordingly, sustainable development is are necessary for its implementation.
development that reaches or maintains a sus- Rawls himself asked what a fair inter-
tainable state. This straightforward denition generational saving schedule would be. The
avoids the many confusions that result from concept of a saving schedule makes more
the murky notion of development. Techno- room for environmental concerns than the
logical improvement and economic growth economically more restricted concept of a
are components of sustainable development saving rate. However, Rawls did not distin-
only if they contribute to a sustainable state. guish rate and schedule as sharply as I think
At the core of my argumentation on this it should be done. He writes :
level is a Rawlsian ‘veil of ignorance’ (see
In attempting to estimate the fair rate of sav-
Chapter 6.4d). Let us, again, imagine that
ing the persons in the original position ask what
we are a group of rational, free persons be-
is reasonable for members of adjacent generations
hind the veil and argue about which concept
to expect of one another at each level of advance.
of sustainability we should choose.
They try to piece together a just savings schedule
As quoted in Chapter 6 (page 48), Rawls
by balancing how much at each stage they would
identies three basic principles of justice.
be willing to save for their immediate descendants
The basic-liberty principle and the equal-op-
against what they would feel entitled to claim of
portunity principle are both lexically prior to
their immediate predecessors. (…) When they ar-
the so-called difference principle. It says that
rive at an estimate that seems fair from both sides
social and economic inequalities are partly
(…) then the fair rate (…) is specied.4
justied if they are ‘reasonably expected to
be to everyone’s advantage’. What this may It seems in good accordance with Rawls’
mean is open to interpretation. For three rea- theory to modify the veil of ignorance so that
sons, Rawls argues in favour of an egalitar- it, rst, hides one’s place of birth and the his-
ian interpretation that he labels ‘democratic torical period of one’s lifespan, while, second,
equality’ : First, he is deeply convinced that granting the persons behind it some general
contingent facts of life that impair an individ- ecological knowledge. They should know
ual’s prospects should be compensated for in why, how, and to which extent human so-
a just society. Second, his pre-analytic vision cieties depend on natural endowments (‘life
of justice is egalitarian. Third, there are good support systems’). They could, for instance,

acknowledge that ecological systems provide (a) Assuming that this is possible, sus-
a lot of valuable functions that are vital to hu- tain one welfare level W L 1 indenitely
mans (‘instrumental values’, see Chapter 5). (W L 1 ∞).
Considering all this, they should then discuss (b) Begin with an unsustainable welfare
the question of a fair intergenerational sav- level W L 2 and let it cause a subsequent
ing schedule. welfare level W L 3 (W L 2 → W L 3).
Behind the veil, we have reasons to adopt W L 2 is the highest of the three welfare lev-

a comparative standard of intergenerational els, W L 3 the lowest (providing for little more
justice. It requires that the average living than the basic needs), and W L 1 is in between.
conditions should be at least as good in fu- A rational person will prima facie prefer to
ture as they are today – if they can be sus- enjoy the highest welfare level possible dur-
tained indenitely. This is a big ‘if ’, indeed, ing her own lifetime (W L 2 > W L 1 > W L 3).
but it is not unreasonable to assume that a However, if the persons behind the veil are
high quality of life (as distinct from the stand- risk-averse enough to have agreed on the
ard of living) is sustainable without the deple- difference principle, they will prefer option
tion and over-exploitation of natural resourc- (a) when considering that anyone could be
es. If so, it would intuitively seem unfair to- among those born in the times of W L 3. De-
ward future generations to bequeath to them ciding to sustain one good, safe welfare level
only as much resources as they need to satisfy indenitely is the even more obvious choice
their basic needs (‘absolute standard’ 5). We when we act as representatives of family lines,
accept egalitarian standards in many realms as Rawls suggests. I see no convincing reason
of practical reasoning, e. g. in equal treat- why we should adopt an ‘absolute’ standard
ment before the law, equal liberty for any- of intergenerational equity under the condi-
one, or in the negative duty not to discrimi- tions dened by the veil of ignorance. There-
nate persons because of their race, gender, or fore, the standard should be egalitarian.
religious beliefs. Different concepts of sustainability are propos-
In other cases we act from a presumption als for different intergenerational saving sched-
in favour of equality that implies a burden of ules. This is certainly true if we assume that
proof for those who want to distribute goods all concepts of sustainability need to identify
unequally. (There are good reasons, though, an intergenerational bequest package and
to distribute goods unequally according to that, in effect, ‘bequest package’ means al-
criteria like responsibility, merit, contribu- most the same as ‘saving schedule’. It is be-
tion, or special needs.) When we picture hu- hind the veil of ignorance that our arguments
mankind as an ongoing chain of generations for different concepts of sustainability must
with the same basic qualities and needs, it be acceptable. Thus, they must be independ-
seems intuitively right to presume that hu- ent of individual concepts of the good life
mans are equal in terms of intergenerational and of religious doctrines. In Rawls’ words,
fairness. they must be ‘freestanding’.
This moral intuition is in reective equi-
librium with the reasonable choice that we
3. The Choice of a Concept
make behind the veil of ignorance. If we
are then asked to choose between different After accepting the basic ethical idea, we
developments of social welfare, dened in need to choose between general concepts.
terms of quality of life, we may consider the The fundamental choice is between ‘weak’
following options : and ‘strong’ sustainability. Both concepts


disagree on what we should conserve for the for. The precautionary principle, the mini-
sake of future generations (i. e. the fair inter- max criterion, and the safe minimum stand-
generational bequest package) and, more ard shift the burden of proof in cases where
specically, on whether natural capital can stakes are high and uncertainty is prevailing
be substituted for. Weak sustainability argues (see Chapter 6.5c). They justify a prescrip-
that what counts is the overall value of the tion to maintain a constant amount of natu-
bequest package. Natural and articial capi- ral capital indenitely because we cannot be
tal are, in principle, substitutes. Therefore, certain whether or which natural entities will
the depreciation and degradation of natu- be substitutable at any time in the future.
ral capital is permissible under the idea of Second argument. The concept of weak
intergenerational justice if articial capital is sustainability cannot be reconciled with the
produced at the same rate. Note that ‘capi- right of future generations to enjoy equal
tal’ is just shorthand for ‘means of produc- welfare opportunities and equal freedom of
tion’. The notion of natural capital is meant choice. Because we know little about the
to emphasise the autopoietic nature of living preferences and lifestyles of future genera-
nature. tions, the bequest package should contain
Strong sustainability, in contrast, empha- all kinds of goods, including natural capital.
sises that the human sphere is embedded in The ignorance argument does not support
a natural system (‘biosphere’) and assumes weak sustainability. The opposite is true. The
that natural limits ought to constrain our ac- persons behind the veil of ignorance know
tions.6 Articial capital can only sometimes that they have a concept of the good life, but
substitute for natural capital. In general, not which one. They know that many people
both kinds of capital are complementary. in modern societies place high values on ‘out-
Those who claim that a natural entity is sub- door living’, on ‘recreation in free nature’, on
stitutable bear the burden of proof. Strong ‘living lightly in nature’, ‘spiritual encounter
sustainability argues in support of a constant- with nature’, on wilderness experiences, and
natural-capital rule. It notes that natural cap- the like. At least some individuals are, say,
ital has already grown scarce and will prob- biophilic self-perfectionists who try to live
ably become the limiting factor for economic according to ‘green’ virtues.8 If, behind the
production. Therefore, strong sustainability veil, we chose weak sustainability, it could
suggests that developed societies should in- happen to us that the veil is uplifted and we
vest in natural capital. Which indicators we nd ourselves biophilic naturalists in a ‘full
use to measure sustainability depends on the world economy’ where unspoiled nature has
basic conceptual choice. been lost. This might not be a catastrophe
Recent literature offers a number of argu- from the viewpoint of pure economic theo-
ments that can help us make a rational choice ry, but it would be a highly uncomfortable
between weak and strong sustainability.7 I situation for any such nature-loving person.
present them in a nutshell. Therefore, if we prefer to avoid such an out-
First argument. There is no criterion that come with the veil put on, we should opt
allows us to cut the web of life to separate the for a saving schedule that preserves natural
useful from the useless. In matters of moral capital.
importance, we should better err on the side Third argument. To substitute even for
of caution. Weak sustainability optimistically only one ecosystem means to nd substitutes
and riskily assumes that natural endowments for every single of the many kinds of func-
and ecological functions can be substituted tions, amenities, and services it provides. To

say the least, it is highly uncertain whether if economists accept the necessity of critical
we will be able to do so. The multifunctional- natural capital, they implicitly drop the as-
ity of ecosystems in conjunction with uncer- sumption of unlimited substitutability.
tainty speaks in favour of a ‘constant natural These arguments in mind, the choice be-
capital rule’. tween weak and strong sustainability is not
Fourth argument. The case of the Pacic is- a matter of belief. Rational persons behind
land of Nauru is a paradigm example against the veil of ignorance have good reasons to
weak sustainability. Heavy mining has almost discard weak sustainability. If so, our concept
completely destroyed the island’s natural en- of sustainable development should better
vironment. Today, the inhabitants afford a rest on the principle that, prima facie, natu-
high living standard from the interests of ral capital should be kept constant over time
their accumulated capital. They import food because it is almost impossible to draw a line
and freshwater. At a rst look, life seems between its critical and non-critical com-
comfortable in Nauru’s coastal settlements. ponents. We should better choose strong
According to the measures of weak sustaina- sustainability as a guide to our actions. In-
bility, it is the most sustainable country of termediate concepts that emphasise the pre-
the world. However, the average quality of cautionary principle and the safe minimum
life has not increased. Many people suffer standard come to very similar conclusions :
from poor health or alcoholism,9 and the Modern environmental policy must be an
life expectancy of males is decreasing. The actively precautionary policy that conserves
case of Nauru shows that weak sustainability and invests in natural capital.10
ignores some crucial parameters of human
4. What Is Natural Capital ?
Fifth argument. Articial and natural capi-
tal are often complementary. This is Daly’s The contested notion of natural capital,
(1996) main argument. Complementarity, which is at the heart of strong sustainabil-
as Daly understands it, means that several ity, comprehends natural resources like fresh-
kinds of capital (i. e. means of production) water, soil, forests, sh, the ozone layer, the
are necessary to ensure a continued stream of climate system, ecosystem services and func-
useful goods. If one kind of capital vanishes, tions, species richness, genetic diversity, and
the stream of goods declines or stops. For units of cultural signicance. Many compo-
example, shing vessels and sh or sawmills nents of natural capital are living beings or
and forests are complementary goods. On results of life, like coal or crude oil.
their own, Daly’s argument do not justify Natural capital is characterised by inter-
adopting strong sustainability. But as part of nal and dynamic complexity. Its components
a more comprehensive line of reasoning, the form a network of relationships. In principle,
complementarity argument counts. they are mutually non-substitutable (e. g.,
Sixth argument. Many economists now ac- fertile soil cannot be substituted with clean
cept that a minimum stock of natural capital air). Landscapes are ‘units of signicance’ 11
is critical for human survival and well-being. and, as such, components of natural capital
If so, weak sustainability needs to integrate that should be preserved (see Chapter 9). Es-
a notion of critical natural capital, includ- pecially with regard to landscapes, a complex
ing criteria for its determination. These will understanding of natural capital must also
be both economic criteria for genuine sav- consider different degrees of ‘naturalness’.
ings and physical or ecological criteria. But


Natural capital is a Totalitätsbegriff that So far, we have argued behind the veil of
encompasses several other such concepts. ignorance. Persons behind it have a general
We are far from understanding it thoroughly. ecological understanding, but no knowledge
Future research should also focus on the re- of specic cases. In the Rawlsian theory, we
lationship between natural capital and culti- are permitted to vary the features of the
vated natural capital. However, it is already original position. We could vary the objec-
safe to say that, in the light of this complex tive circumstances the persons are familiar
notion, persons who have already adopted with behind the veil – but to do so is beyond
strong sustainability need to make a lot of the scope of this chapter. In any case it seems
amendments to the saving schedule. safe to argue that we may use the Rawlsian
thought experiment to agree on principles,
on a reasonable choice between competing
5. Conclusion concepts, and on general management rules.
Strong sustainability leaves room for the The implementation of strong sustainability,
dynamics of natural systems. It is by no however, requires political pathways that we
means morally repugnant12 because it does are unable to go behind the veil.
not grant absolute priority to nature conser-
vation in any single case. The opportunity
costs of implementation are not unbearable.
Strong sustainability is compatible with mar-
ket-based economics, a liberal culture, and a
democratic state. It does neither require nor
support policies that neglect the production
of other types of capital. I think we should
permit some substitution of ‘pristine’ natu-
ral capital with ‘cultivated’ natural capital.
However, this presents us with a conceptual
dilemma concerning non-renewable natural
resources like oil and coal. If we use them,
they will be depleted after some time, which
is not in accordance with sustainability. If we
are not permitted to use them, this implies
that no one is entitled to make use of non-
renewables, which seems absurd. Strong sus-
tainability can escape this dilemma by com-
bining the Hartwick rule with a permission
for only very modest depletion. Accordingly,
we are obliged, rst, to invest the revenues Notes
from the use of non-renewables into research
1 Brand & Jochum (2000) 2 see Hinsch (2002),
and development toward renewable resourc- chapter 9 3 Daly (1996) 4 Theory of justice, § 44
es (Hartwick rule) and, second, to use only 5 Krebs (2000) argues in favour of an absolute standard
as much oil, coal, and natural gas as the sink of intergenerational equity. 6 see Daly (1996) 7 see SRU
(2002), p. 67, and Neumayer (1999) 8 Cafaro (2003)
capacity of the global climate system allows 9 Gowdy & McDaniel (1999) 10 Lerch & Nutzinger
(see Chapter 10). (1998) 11 Holland (1994) 12 cf. Beckerman (1994)


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