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PUPLHS Entablado the organization of the certified actors in PUPLHS held these

activities during the school year 2010-2011.

In the month of June, PUPLHS Drama Guild changed its name into PUPLHS
Entablado. Also in this month, new batch of officers were elected.

In the month of August this organization was responsible for the doxology during
the celebration of Buwan ng Wika. The chosen members performed an
interpretative dance with the song “Bathala”. It was the first time that Entablado
held other activity besides The Lighting of the Belen.

In the month of October, its president, Christine R. Tamayo, held a workshop for
the first year members of this organization.

And now the most awaited event of this organization, The Lighting of the Belen. In
the month of December, Entablado
members performed the story of the
Birth of Jesus with a twist. The theme
was "Pasko 2010: Sambayanang
Makadiyos, Makakalikasan, at Makatao."
Also on this month this organization held
their Christmas Party that made its
members bonded.

PUPLHS Entablado “Christmas Party”

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