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Week 2 : Programming with Robots

(Conditional Expressions, While-loops)

Today’s Topic
 New program constructs
 Conditional expression : if, else, elif
 While-loops
Wing IDE Tip (Indent Guides)
 For easy programming
 Indent Guides
 Edit-> Preferences->Editer->Indentation->Show Indent Guides
New functions in robotnote
 Can check if there is a beeper

hubo.on_beeper() = true hubo.on_beeper() = false

 Can check a wall on each side, front, left and right


hubo.left_is_clear()= true
hubo.front_is_clear()= false

hubo.right_is_clear()= true
 Read sections 10~20 doing following tasks.
 Harvest4 (page 6)
 Plant1 (page 7)
 Hurdles3(page 8)
 Hurdles4(page 9)
 Harvest5(page 10)
 ZigZag2(page 10)

 When you have done Task ZigZag2, let a TA mark you

Task | Conditionals – Harvest4
 Modify your program for the Harvest2 task so that is
works for the world harvest3.wld
 Load the “harvest3.wld” file
 load_world(“worlds/harvest3.wld”)

Before After
Task | Conditionals – Plant1

Write a program that plant potatoes

The world should be looked like harvest1.wld at the end


Before After
Task | Conditionals – Hurdles3, 4
 Finish to write jump_one_hurdle() in section 11
 Will check below all maps
 Use a while loop to rewrite it
 You don’t have to use a for-loop of fixed length



Task | While loop – Harvest5
 Modify Harvest4 task program
 It also work when there is more than one carrot on one place
 It should also work for the previous worlds harvest1.wld and

Have to harvest all carrot

on one place
Task | While loop – ZigZag2
 Rewrite Zigzag1 program so that the robot can visit an
empty world of any size in zigzag fashion
 It should works for even and odd numbers of streets and

N is all even and odd numbers


Any Questions?

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