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Texas Science Teacher Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Enhancing Science Knowledge...

Discover Proven Instructional Strategies Utilizing Different Disciplines.

STAT President’s Message

Budget Crisis Brings Tumult Over Education in Texas.

Confusing Language for Science and Math Students

How Vocabulary Can Influence Your Students’ Performance

Science-Fair Scorecard of DFW ISDs

A Study of How Participation Can Be a Predictor of Later Science Success.



STAT Official Publication of the Science Teachers Association of Texas

1 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011



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2 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

©Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 03/11
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3 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011
The Texas Science Teacher
Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011


STAT President’s Message

by Joel Palmer, Ed.D.

Confusing Language for Science and

Mathematics Students
by Sandra S. West and Sandra T. Browning

Cover Story: Enhancing Science Knowledge

through Proven Instructional Strategies
by Gloria Gresham, et. al.

Science-Fair Scorecard of Dallas/Fort Worth

Area Independent School Districts
by Ramesh S. Hegde, Ph.D.

Cover Photo:
“Asexual Reproduction.” Photo of a Kalanchoe plant. © All Rights Reserved.
Image Credit:
STAT Member Susan Broz, IPC Teacher. Pershing Middle School.
The Texas Science Teacher, official journal of the Science Teachers Association of Texas, is published semiannually in April
and October. Enumeration of each volume begins with the April issue.
Editorial contents are copyrighted. All material appearing in The Texas Science Teacher (including editorials, articles, letters,
etc.) reflects the views of the author(s) and/or advertisers, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Science Teachers
Association of Texas (STAT) or its Board of Directors. Announcements and advertisements for products published in this
journal do not imply endorsement by the Science Teachers Association of Texas. STAT reserves the right to refuse any
announcement or advertisement that appears to be in conflict with the mission or positions of the
Science Teachers Association of Texas.
Permission is granted by STAT for libraries and other users to make single reproductions of The Texas Science Teacher for
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For more information regarding permissions, contact the Editor:
4 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011
STAT President’s Message
by Joel Palmer, Ed.D.

A s I sit down at my computer to write

this message, education in Texas is in
Fifty-three: what a daunting number.
Regardless of what happens in the rest of
tumult. According to The Legislative Refer- this session, it is safe to say that education
ence Library there are fifty-three bills that will be different when we reconvene next
affect the Texas Education Code that have fall. We do not know what will happen with
cience Division
been “engrossed.” I did not know what that funding, testing, class size, certification, or
cience Teacher
meant, so I looked it up and this is what I graduation requirements, but there is one
11 found: thing we know for sure: we will have stu-
4 dents in our classes that need instruction,
A legislative proposal that has been prepared and it is our job to provide the best possible
in a final form for its submission to a vote of education.
the law-making body after it has undergone
discussion and been approved by the appropri- This issue has some information to
ate committees. (West’s Encyclopedia of American help you do that. Confusing Language for
Law, published by Thomson Gale) Science and Mathematics Students focuses
on the differing and, at times, confusing
language used in math and science and
TST1104 how it impacts students’ learning. Enhanc-
ing Science Knowledge through Proven In-
structional Strategies, as the name suggests,
looks at reading and writing strategies that
can help students learn. The final article
analyzes how participation in local science
fairs in the North Dallas area impacts the
levels of student interest in scientific fields.
This has implications for the United States’
competitiveness in a global economy.

It is my hope that this issue can give

you something to take your mind off all the
issues surrounding education in Texas, at
least for a little while.

In addition to teaching in Texas classrooms

for more than twenty years, Joel Palmer
serves as the Curriculum Coordinator for
Mesquite ISD. He is also an adjunct
professor for Texas A&M Commerce. He
has been the editor of the Texas Science
Teacher for fourteen years, and is the
President of the Science Teachers
Association of Texas.

5 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Confusing Language for Science and Mathematics Students
by Sandra S. West and Sandra T. Browning

E nglish is one of the more difficult

languages in the world to learn partly
science and mathematics teachers. When
training grades 5-8 science and mathemat-
ics teachers to integrate science and math-
because it is full of homonyms/homophones ematics, the CSM science and mathematics
and synonyms. Words have several different university specialists generally make class-
meanings depending upon the context of the room observations as a team. However one
sentence and the audience being addressed. day, the science specialist conducted an
Specifically for science and mathematics, observation alone in an eighth grade Algebra
there are discipline-specific homophones I class. The mathematics lesson that was
and homonyms. Bearing this in mind, the integrated with science used motion detec-
English language can be a bear for students. tors that had previously been used in the
eighth grade science class. The students
A Discovery! used the probes to gather and analyze the
The issue of confusing language first data on time and distance. The domain and
arose in 2006 when planning a professional range of the data set were then determined.
development session for the project, Mix It As the science specialist observed the
Up: Correlated Science & Math (CSM). In lesson, she wondered why the teacher did
preparation for the first correlated physics not teach range before domain since she
and mathematics lessons, the university considered range a less complex concept.
physics instructor noticed that the univer- That night the science specialist was dis-
sity mathematics instructor was using the cussing and debriefing the algebra lesson
word motion differently. When asked what with the mathematics specialist and asked
motion meant, the mathematics instruc- her why the teacher did not teach range
tor said, “You know, movement” while wav- before domain. The mathematics specialist
ing both hands. The science instructor asked the science specialist to define range.
said, “That is not what we mean by motion The science specialist said that, in this
in physics.” We mean “moving from point instance, it means the span of numbers
A to point B” (Author, 2006). The instruc- from the highest number or value to the
tors then realized that while both science lowest number or value or vice versa.
and mathematics use the word distance, the
meaning of the word in science, while For example, considering the
related to the meaning in mathematics, is numbers 1, 2, …, 9, the range would be 1 to
not the same as in mathematics. This dis- 9. The mathematics specialist realized that
covery led to the realization that science and the meaning of range described by the sci-
mathematics use several of the same words, ence specialist was not what range meant in
but many with very different meanings. this algebra lesson. In algebra, range typi-
cally means the set of y-values of a function
More Discoveries through Rich (see Figure 1). In statistics, range generally
Conversations means the difference between the highest
Since that discovery in 2006, the Mix and lowest value of a set of data (see Figure
It Up projects: CSM projects have contin- 2).
ued to provide professional development to

6 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Ways to Teach
.) d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

If the function f(x) = x+2 is given the values x = {1, 2, 3 ,...} then its range will be {3,4,5, ...}

x f(x)
or domain or range
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 6
5 7

x x+2
Figure 1. Example of an algebraic range.

Sandra took 7 mathematics tests. Her scores are listed below What is the range of her test scores?
89, 73, 84, 91, 87, 77, 94
Ordering the test scores from greatest to least, we get: 94, 91, 89, 87, 84, 77, 73
The difference between the highest and lowest score: 94 - 73 = 21
The range of these test scores is 21 points.
Figure 2. Example of a statistical range.

In science, range also has several meanings, such as (a) an open region over which
animals (as livestock) may roam and feed, (b) a series of mountains, (c) the horizontal dis-
tance to which a projectile can be propelled, (d) the horizontal distance between a weapon
and target, (e) a sequence, series, or scale between limits as in a wide range of patterns in
nature, as well as (f) the “difference between the least and greatest values of an attribute
or of the variable of a frequency distribution ” (Merriam-Webster, n. d.). It is no wonder
that students are confused. Of course, the word range has a number of meanings in areas
other than science or mathematics to further confuse students such as in music (distance
between the lowest and highest notes of an instrument or voice) or the culinary arts (the
kitchen range). This must be especially confusing for English Language Learner (ELL)
students. What is a student to do? What is a teacher to do?

Correlated Science and Mathematics Dictionary

As the CSM team plans ongoing professional development, confusing words continue
to be identified by both instructors and participating grades 5-8 science and mathemat-
ics teacher teams. Collecting those words and compiling a CSM Identifying Confusing Sci-
ence and Mathematics Words Dictionary seemed a logical endeavor to help both teachers
and students clarify the meaning of terms. Following is a sample of synonyms and homo-
phones/homonyms that have been identified in the CSM research. Sample words that have
the same or comparable meaning in science and mathematics, called shared vocabulary,
are also included.

7 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Ways to Teach
.) d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

Synonyms are defined as words that have the same or similar meaning. Merriam-
Webster Dictionary (n.d.) defines them formally as “one of two or more words or expressions
of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses”
or “a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something” (n.p.). A sample of
synonyms from the CSM planning and teaching sessions has been identified (see Figure 3).

Meaning Science Mathematics

the length and direction of a straight line displacement distance

drawn from the start to finish

having the same value or elements on equilibrium balanced

both sides of the process or equation

the result when values in a list are added average mean

and the sum is divided by the number of
values added

an object cannot be folded or rotated in asymmetry no symmetry

such a way that it overlays itself

an object may be folded along a line such bilateral reflective/line

that the shapes on either side of the line symmetry
exactly overlay each other

an object may be rotated such that it radial rotational

exactly overlays itself symmetry symmetry

Figure 3. Sample of synonyms in science and mathematics.

Homophones, or homonyms, are generally thought of as words that sound alike, but
have a different meaning. Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n. d.) defines them as “one of two
or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning” (n. p.). Some of the
homophones that the CSM team has identified include the following (see Figure 4):

8 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Ways to Teach
.) d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

Word/Term Science Mathematics

Arrow symbol vector Ray or vector

constant variable that is kept the same value that does not change, but can be
throughout the types of represented by a letter
investigations called
comparative or experimental

distance actual length measured of a shortest length between two points

particular path taken, may
consist of several line

regular shaped a formula can be used to a polygon with all sides congruent and
object (Ex cube) determine area or volume, angles congruent or a three dimensional
such as finding the volume of solid with faces that are all congruent
a triangular prism or a regular polygons and all angles
cylinder congruent

simple something that is not difficult direct variation, or a relationship

relationship to work or understand between two variables in which one is a
constant multiple of the other, i. e. there
is a constant ratio between 2 quantities, y
= kx

vertical / vertical up and down, as opposed to angles opposite one another at the
angles horizontal intersection of two lines

period 3 numbers in place value between

commas in a list of whole numbers, such
as in 123,456,789, the numbers 456 are
in the thousand’s period
having a graph that repeats after a fixed
interval (period) of the independent

Figure 4. Sample of homophones in science and mathematics.

9 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Confusing Language (cont’d.)

Shared Vocabulary
While many words are used differently in mathematics and science, science and
mathematics also share a common vocabulary (see Figure 5). That is, several words have
the same or similar definition in both science and mathematics. For example, co-linear
means lying on the same line in both science and mathematics.

Word/Term Meaning is the same in both Science & Mathematics

co-linear lying on the same line

order of operations Rules that determine the order in which operations should be

perpendicular Meeting at or forming a 90o angle

radian A unit for measuring angles

square a parallelogram with all sides congruent and all angles

value with an exponent of two, n2

theorem statement that can be mathematically proven (not to be

confused with a theory)

Figure 5. Sample of words with common meanings in science and mathematics.

Recognition of Confusing Language by National Mathematics Standards

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) realizes the difficulty that
students have deciphering between everyday or natural language and content specific
language in mathematics. To address this difficulty, NCTM suggests that teachers make a
conscious effort to help students with confusing words. According to NCTM:

Teachers can help students see that some words that are used in everyday language, such as similar,
factor, area, or function, are used in mathematics with different or more-precise meanings. This
observation is the foundation for understanding the concepts of mathematical definitions. It is
important to give students experiences that help them appreciate the power and precision of
mathematical language. (NCTM, 2000, p. 63)

This disconnect between natural language and content specific language is especially
apparent in an algebra class. Driscoll (1999) identifies the ability to model real situations
mathematically as one of the central purposes for algebra. Therefore, the capacity to
translate from natural language to algebraic expression is crucial. Helping students to

10 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Confusing Language (cont’d.)

bridge this disconnect requires each teacher dominant medium through which these
to have a depth of knowledge and concep- subjects are taught” (p. 81).
tual understanding of the content to enable
students to build their academic vocabulary. Implications
The implications for not identifying
Recommendations for Academic Vocabu- and addressing this problem of confusing
lary Building language in science and mathematics are
Marzano and Pickering (2005) sup- enormous. Students in the United States
port the need for background knowledge and have historically not scored as well as de-
claim that intensive vocabulary development sired on international tests such as Trends
is critical for all learners, especially in sci- in International Mathematics and Science
ence and mathematics. They also support Study (TIMSS) (National Center for Educa-
the need to focus on the different meanings tion Statistics [NCES], 2009) and the Pro-
of the words, such as in science and gram for International Student Assessment
mathematics: (NCES, 2009). Making sense of science and
mathematics vocabulary is an important
Teaching specific terms in a specific way is piece of the puzzle to which science and
probably the strongest action a teacher can mathematics educators and students must
take to ensure that students have the academic attend since improving academic vocabulary
background knowledge they need to under- is such a critical component of improving
stand the content they will encounter in school. student performance. Without a clear un-
When all the teachers in a school focus on the derstanding of the meanings of words when
same academic vocabulary and teach it in the in class, students’ understandings of the
same way, the school has a powerful compre- content being taught can be very different
hensive approach. When all teachers in a dis- from what the teacher intended. Students’
trict embrace and use the approach, it becomes initial ideas and beliefs must be identified
even more powerful. and clarified rather than ignored (National
(Marzano & Pickering, 2005, p. 1) Research Council, 2000, p. 10).

Marzano (2003) also proposes that A Caveat

students’ ability to learn specific content can We are not suggesting a focus on
be profoundly affected by the use of direct building unnecessary vocabulary instruc-
instruction in teaching vocabulary that is tion. The national science standards, Na-
specific to the academic content. However, tional Science Education Standards, and the
this does not mean that teachers should American Association for the Advancement of
emphasize rote memorization of definitions. Science (AAAS) Science for All Americans and
Instead, students should elaborate on the Benchmarks for Science Literacy (BSL) are
meanings of words. Likewise, Lemke (1988) clear about the proper place for vocabulary
emphasizes the role that language plays in in science and mathematics education. For
the understanding of specific content. He example, the AAAS explicitly focuses on
states “educators have begun to realize that deemphasizing memorizing technical vocab-
the mastery of academic subjects is the ulary. According to the AAAS:
mastery of their specialized patterns of
language use, and that language is the

11 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Confusing Language (cont’d.)

Understanding rather than vocabulary should ence. The pressure to cover the curriculum and
be the main purpose of science teaching. test the students often leads people – teachers,
However, unambiguous terminology is also administrators, test makers and parents – to
important in scientific communication and— be willing to accept the glib use of technical
ultimately—for understanding. If teachers terms as evidence of understanding. Students
introduce technical terms only as needed to will soon forget all of those technical words
clarify thinking and promote effective commu- anyway. Few adults can confidently distinguish
nication, then students will gradually build a between revolve and rotate, reflect and refract,
functional vocabulary that will survive beyond meiosis and mitosis, mass and weight, orders
the next test. For teachers to concentrate on and families, igneous and metamorphic rocks,
vocabulary, however, is to detract from science nimbus and cumulus clouds, mitochrondria
as a process, to put learning for understand- and ribosomes. (AAAS, 1993, p. 312)
ing in jeopardy, and to risk being misled about
what students have learned. Yet, a problem with emphasizing un-
(AAAS, 1989, p. 203) necessary academic vocabulary still exists,
particularly with state and district assess-
We are not suggesting drilling on ments that focus on vocabulary. Instead,
vocabulary definitions. Many recommen- the CSM team is encouraging district sci-
dations focus on conceptual understand- ence and mathematics teachers, instruc-
ing instead of rote memorization of defini- tional specialists, coordinators and admin-
tions. Facts and formulas are important in istrators to become aware of this issue of
mathematics and science, but memorizing confusing language between science and
vocabulary or mathematics tables does little mathematics and to address this serious
to explain or make sense of the concepts problem for our students. Equally impor-
behind them. Without a deep cognitive tant is that state and national assessment
understanding, knowledge is easily forgot- leaders and policymakers have a similar
ten. True understanding involves a much understanding of this issue and the rami-
deeper approach to learning about concepts, fications for our nation’s quest to improve
and this takes time. Effective teachers teach STEM education.
topics in greater depth in order to deepen
student understanding (Barber, Parizeau, Our Purpose
& Bergman, 2002). This requires a careful The purpose of this article is to alert
review of materials to ensure that important science and mathematics teachers and other
knowledge is selected and taught as recom- STEM stakeholders to the profound effect
mended by AAAS in Science for All Ameri- that confusing language between science
cans (SFAA) and referred to in (BSL), rather and mathematics has on students’ under-
than a laundry list of vocabulary words: standing of each discipline. However, the
value is not in identifying and sharing what
SFAA uses only those technical terms that the CSM team and others have discovered.
scientists believed ought to be part of every More importantly, science and mathematics
adult’s vocabulary. The clear purpose was to teachers and their students should discover
free teachers from spending most of their time and clarify confusing language for them-
and energy teaching science vocabulary and let selves through rich conversations. Teach-
them concentrate on teaching meaningful sci- ers can have these rich conversations only if

12 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Confusing Language (cont’d.)

the administration provides adequate daily team planning time. Subsequently, similar rich
conversations should occur in classrooms among students and teachers.

An Invitation to Contribute
We will continue to compile a list of confusing words as we discover them. We invite
you to share any confusing words that you identify with us, and we will make them avail-
able to everyone. Please send the words you identify as confusing to Dr. Sandra West at

American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1989). Science for all Americans. New
York, NY: Oxford University Press.

American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1993). Benchmarks for science
literacy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Author. (2006). The Texas Science Teacher.

Barber, J., Parizeau, N., & Bergman, L. (2002). Spark your child’s success in math and science. Berkeley, CA: The
Regents of the University of California.

Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering algebraic thinking: A guide for teachers grades 6-10. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Homophone. (n. d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Retrieved from

Lemke, J. (1988). Genres, semantics, and classroom education. Linguistics and Education 1, 81-99.

Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in school: Translating research into action. Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. (2005). Building academic vocabulary: Teacher’s manual. Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES, 2009). Comparing TIMSS with NAEP and PISA in
mathematics and science. Retrieved from

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics.
Reston, VA: Author.

National Research Council. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

13 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Confusing Language (cont’d.)

Range. (n. d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Retrieved from

Synonym. (n. d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Retrieved from

Sandra S. West is an Associate Professor of Biology at Texas

State University – San Marcos who teaches science and science
methods courses for teachers, supervises science and mathematics
student teachers, and whose research interests include integrated
science and mathematics, safety and inquiry.

Sandra T. Browning is an Assistant Professor at the University of

Houston-Clear Lake. She teaches mathematics methods courses for
teachers and is the coordinator of graduate interns in curriculum and
instruction. Her research interests include integrated science and
mathematics, teacher efficacy, and classroom questioning strategies.

Authors’ Note

This research was support in part by grants from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas Space
Grant Consortium and the Fund for Improvement of Undergraduate Education with additional funding from
Texas State University- San Marcos and the University of Houston – Clear Lake.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Sandra S. West, Department of Biology, Texas
State University, San Marcos, TX, 78666.

14 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Enhancing Science Knowledge Through Proven
Instructional Strategies
by Gloria Gresham, et. al.

M any elementary teachers are

challenged to fit science into their daily
of employing a method for releasing cogni-
tive responsibility to students, and of how
to engage students in science learning in a
schedules partially due to reading and math meaningful way.
expectations reiterated in the No Child Left
Behind Act’s goal of all students perform- In examining research on inquiry
ing at or above grade level by the year 2014 learning, the teachers discovered that in-
(, 2008). Oftentimes, in an effort to quiry is the foundation of science instruction
meet accountability expectations, elemen- because learning science requires students
tary teachers concentrate on reading and to intellectually and physically interact with
math instruction and find that they are left and question content while the instructor
with precious little time to devote to science. moderates the process through “…explana-
Moreover, numerous teachers in elementary tions, clarifications, and examinations…”
schools discover learning science content (Hammerman, 2006. p. xxv). Teachers also
challenging for students because the vocab- found that “Teaching Standard A” of the Na-
ulary of science is more specialized with new tional Science Education Standards (1996)
words being frequently introduced through- expected them to deliver an inquiry-based
out the text (Baer & Nourie, 1993; Ediger, science program and assess the learning
2002). The faculty of an elementary campus strategies to ascertain student development
in East Texas was no different in that teach- of science knowledge. A proven inquiry plan-
ers found the teaching of science a constant ning model was analyzed, the 5 E Learn-
challenge. For these instructors, a conse- ing Cycle Model, which included a five-step
quence of their reading and math focus was lesson delivery approach: Engagement,
that their state standardized test scores in Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and
science, the Texas Assessment of Academic Evaluation (Coe, 2001). Engagement referred
Skills (TAKS), were lower than reading and to an object, event, or question to engage
mathematics scores. In fact, science TAKS students and connecting to what students
scores had prevented the campus from know and can do. Exploration employed
performing above the “Acceptable” level on hands-on activities with teacher guidance.
the Texas accountability ranking system for The Explanation phase consisted of students
several years. explaining concepts learned in Exploration,
and the teacher introducing new concepts
After much discussion, the teachers and clarifying concepts. Elaboration was the
decided to attack this concern by engag- step where students applied learning. Final-
ing the assistance of three local university ly, Evaluation included students assessing
professors. First, the professors facilitated a their own knowledge as well as the teacher
review of current literature relating to effec- assessing knowledge gained.
tive instructional strategies and the teach-
ing of science. Through the review, teach- In their review of vocabulary and read-
ers gained knowledge of the importance of ing instructional strategies, teachers discov-
inquiry learning, of using vocabulary and ered that since reading capacity affects stu-
comprehension strategies to boost reading, dents’ grasp of science content, systematic

15 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

to Teach
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

and explicit vocabulary instruction is one of The next review of literature involved
the most important instructional interven- examining the concept of releasing or trans-
tions teachers can employ to aide student ferring cognitive responsibility for learning
understanding (Marzano, Pickering, & Pol- from teacher to student. According to the
lock, 2006). In a similar manner, compre- Pearson and Gallagher model, the respon-
hension is enhanced through implementing sibility for completing a task follows this
modeling strategies and graphic organizers. sequence: (1) teacher responsibility, (2) joint
Shared reading, echo reading, choral read- responsibility between the teacher and stu-
ing, and paired reading are modeling strate- dents, and (3) student responsibility (1983).
gies teachers can employ to assist readers Diehl (2008) defined this release of respon-
with challenging material (Carbo, 1997). sibility, “from outer control to inner control”
Shared reading involves the teacher plac- (p. 1). It is the outer control to inner control
ing text in front of students, reading while that allows students to become independent
pointing to the words, and pausing to ask learners.
questions. Echo reading, according to Carbo
(1997), is when the teacher discusses a Because active intellectual and physi-
passage and reads the text aloud while the cal engagement is critical to learning, teach-
students follow along in the text. Then, the ers also reviewed what experts said about
teacher reads a small portion of the text, social interaction and learning. They found
and students read it back. Choral reading that Vygotsky’s (1978) theory of learning is
includes reading a passage in unison, and embedded in social interaction. Vygotsky
paired reading is when two students take believed that a student’s learning is inter-
turns reading a passage. When students are psychological; meaning is gained through
fluent and can read with little support, they interaction with others. Schlechty (2001)
engage in independent or silent reading. described this collaboration or affiliation as
displayed by interaction from instructor to
It was discovered that responding to student, student to instructor, and student
reading assists students in constructing to student (2001). When considering both
meaning and comprehending text. Marzano, the importance of social learning and the
Pickering, & Pollock (2006) found that us- Gradual Release of Responsibility Model,
ing non-linguistic organizers and identifying teachers detected that collaborative work is
similarities and differences increases stu- a method of gradually releasing responsi-
dent performance. Reading and then writing bility. To release responsibility was viewed
about what one reads also promotes critical- by the teachers as a process, moving from
thinking and conceptual understanding a teacher-directed whole group lesson, to
(Baker, et al., 2004; Wallace, Hand, & Prain, small group participation, to partner work,
2004). More importantly for this study in and finally to the individual. Small group
particular, the teachers found that requir- interaction, in particular, provides an av-
ing students to complete various writing enue for greater participation, feedback, and
exercises, such as exploratory writing, field mutual construction of meaning when com-
notes, description, and written discussion of pared to whole-group participation (Evertson
experiments, are critical elements of inquiry & Emmer, 2009).
learning and science instruction (Ryan and
Walking-Woman 2000). ...Continued on Page 18.

16 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

Region 4’s Gateways to Biology is a year-long instructional

program utilizing a less-is-more approach that maximizes
opportunity for student learning of the specific concepts and
processes mandated by the 2010 TEKS for Biology. This
instructional resource features a full-color student edition
organized around thematic units within a spiraling curriculum.

More than 50% of the instructional time is hands-on

experiences, making learning fun and interesting for today’s
students. In addition, research-based literacy strategies are
embedded to help meet the needs of the struggling reader.

The included Gateways to Biology teacher resource CD features—

• Reproducible masters for • TEKS correlation chart
classroom activities and
laboratory investigations • Five curriculum-based
• Microscope slide jpeg files
• EOC simulation
• Lesson plan calendar

Teacher comments from the pilot

testing of Gateways to Biology:
“Gateways to Biology engages students
and keeps them active. It makes them more
responsible for their own learning.”

“Gateways to Biology gives students lifelong

skills to help throughout high school.”

“I like what it offers. I like the hands-on

spiraling approach. It’s what science
needs to be . . . ”
For customized professional development and to the
large-quantity orders, contact 2010 TE
or order online at KS!
Teacher Edition: 460-1505 Student Edition: 460-1506

STAAR™ versions of Gateways to Science for grades 3–8 are now available for preorder by
contacting Chemistry and Physics editions are currently in development.
17 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011 707154
to Teach
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

As the teachers synthesized findings ducting a field investigation, debriefing, and

from the literature review, they crafted a transferring learning. The objective was stat-
plan of attack. Since the district required ed in “student-friendly” terms, formally writ-
implementation of a curriculum aligned to ten, and posted for the week. For example,
the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills the objective for the fourth grade TEKS, 5 (C)
(TEKS) that outlined units of study, the “compare and contrast a variety of mixtures
teachers decided to build on this curricu- and solutions such as rocks in sand, sand
lum and focus on a structured planning in water, or sugar in water” might look like
approach that included information from this, “You will learn what the word mixture
the literature review. Their solution was to means and tell how a variety of mixtures are
create and employ a five-day planning and alike and how they are different.” Following
instruction model titled the Science Con- the discussion of the week’s purpose, the
tent Weekly Planning Model (see Figure 1), teachers assessed student prior knowledge
reminiscent of the 5 E Learning Cycle Model. relating to the upcoming field investigation
This new model would include specific read- by implementing a graphic organizer such
ing and writing strategies, a schedule to im- as a Circle Map. A Circle Map is one of eight
plement the concept of the gradual release of Thinking Maps® used to define what stu-
responsibility, and specially designed forma- dents know (Hyerle, 1996).
tive and summative assessments. For ex-
ample, each week of instruction ended with Next, an inquiry-based field investiga-
a short, TAKS-formatted practice and elimi- tion relating to the content was introduced
nated the test preparation “drill and kill” ac- to students as a problem to solve (National
tivities that had revealed little success in the Science Education Standards, 1996). In
past. In addition, a new type of assessment teams, students noted the stated problem in
was added that required students to reflect their science journals, crafted and applied
upon their findings and synthesize results. their hypotheses, recorded results, and then
composed conclusions. Teachers served as
Weekly, teachers focused on one par- guides to assist and clarify understanding
ticular standard of the TEKS outlined in as small groups of students completed their
the district’s aligned curriculum four to five investigation. For example, when students
week unit of study. Each day of the week studied mixtures, the stated problem was
had specific purposes and instructional to determine how to separate sand from
strategies intended to foster inquiry learning iron filings in a closed, glass tube. Students
and comprehension of science knowledge. actively engaged in solving this problem and
Teachers believed this consistency would were “thrown” into the content, the field in-
provide structure, and, that over time, stu- vestigation, prior to formal instruction over
dents would gradually learn the purpose for vocabulary. The science class ended with
each day’s instruction as well as how that teachers questioning students about their
day was an important part of the overall learning as a formative assessment provid-
plan. ing a foundation for the transfer of learning
to the next day (Sousa, 2006).
Day One
This day’s intent was setting the
week’s objective, engaging attention, con-

18 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Enhancing Science Knowledge (cont’d.)

Figure 1. Science Content Weekly Planning Model

Science Content Weekly Planning Model

Set the


1. Access Prior
1. Access Prior
2. Vocabulary Instruction
2. Present Problem to
Solve 3. Content Reading
(Shared, Echo, Choral,
3. Field Investigation
Paired, Independent)
Using Scientific Method
4. Responding to Text
4. Reflection/Transfer/
with Graphic Organizers
Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment

1. Access Prior
Knowledge DAY FOUR
2. Explicit, Engaging 1. Access Prior
Instruction Knowledge
3. Team Inquiry 2. Individually Work the
Activities Text
4. Partner Application 3. Reflection/Transfer/
Activities Formative Assessment
5. Reflection/Transfer/
Formative Assessment

1. Summative
a. TAKS-
formatted Gloria Gresham
questions Work: PO Box 13018, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962
(5 to 10)
936 468 1751
b. Scenario Essay Home: 3919 Timberwood Drive
Nacogdoches, TX 75965
936 560 9221

19 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

to Teach
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

Day Two
First, teachers used graphic organizers or posed questions to access and review con-
tent learned from the previous day (Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2006). Next was a text
connection to the previous day’s field investigation. Students would spend time in learning
the meanings of the vocabulary introduced during the previous day’s field investigation.
During vocabulary instruction, teachers implemented strategies for vocabulary building,
as well as content reading and writing connections. Vocabulary strategies implemented
such as Word Charts required students to craft definitions, define characteristics, and list
examples and non-examples of each term. Then, content reading strategies were employed
to provide a way for students to “work” expository text relating to the field investigation
content. Since not all students were instructionally ready to read grade level text, teach-
ers provided opportunities for less able readers to see effective reading being modeled. The
strategies were chosen were based on the needs of the students.

Students who needed some support worked in pairs while independent, fluent read-
ers worked alone. Teachers met individually and in small groups with readers requiring
more reading support. Moving from strategy one, shared reading, to strategy five, silent/
independent reading, each strategy required increasingly more reading independence of
students and less modeling by teachers (Carbo, 1997). As the year progressed, all of the fol-
lowing strategies were utilized.

1. Shared Reading – The teacher read the story while “pointing out” key words and pausing
to ask questions.
2. Echo Reading – The teacher read aloud a small portion of the text, and the students
read the same portion back to the teacher.
3. Choral Reading –The teacher and students read a passage in unison.
4. Paired Reading – Two students alternated reading a passage. The teacher paired a more
able reader with a less able reader.
5. Silent/Independent Reading – Each student read alone.

Two types of formative assessment of student work were employed. First, students
completed graphic organizers in their science journals in response to readings. Text struc-
ture determined which type of thinking was required and which type of organizer was ap-
propriate. Eight different organizers called Thinking Maps® (Hyerle, 1996) plus Venn Dia-
grams were used during the year (see Figure 2).

20 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Enhancing Science Knowledge (cont’d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

Figure 2. Responding to Text Through Graphic Organizers

The first graphic organizer shown in this photograph is a Venn
Diagram. The student responded to text and compared and
contrasted a conductor to an insulator. In the second graphic
organizer, a Circle Map, the student defined an electric circuit.

After students completed the graphic organizer, they reflected on their learning for
the day by answering questions such as, “What was learned?” and writing in their science
journals (see Figure 3).

The graphic organizer and reflection provided daily formative assessment of student
understanding. Finally, the day’s lesson closed by previewing the next day’s content.

Figure 3. Displaying Learning Through a Tree Map

Shown is a Tree Map. The student constructed her
interpretation of this graphic organizer as needed to
display what she learned during the lesson.

21 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Enhancing Science Knowledge (cont’d.)

Day Three dence from the text. The intent was to pro-
Teachers opened Day Three with in- vide students with rehearsal so they would
struction that purposefully activated knowl- have additional opportunities to retain con-
edge acquired in Day One and Day Two, tent (Sousa, 2006). The role of the teachers
explicitly filling in needed content or clearing in this strategy was to guide and support.
up any misconceptions. PowerPoint pre- Next, students engaged in a writing activity
sentations, demonstrations, and video clips that provided connection to content. Teach-
were utilized for instructional input as well ers assigned one of the following as a writing
as reinforcement. On Day Three, the focus activity, summary, gist, main idea, or three
of the lesson was on the concept of cogni- facts learned, and charged students with the
tive responsibility gradually shifting from task of reflecting upon the week’s content
teacher to students (Pearson and Gallagher, in their science journal. These opportuni-
1983). First, students worked in teams to ties provided the teachers with an additional
construct knowledge through engaging in, means of formative assessment prior to the
inquiry-based group activities. One such next day’s formal, summative assessment.
activity was learning the difference between The class concluded with students reviewing
inherited and learned behaviors through a the day’s learning and teachers previewing
scenario concerning horse behaviors and the events of the next day.
physical traits. Next, to continue the process
of releasing more cognitive responsibility, Day Five
students were paired and engaged in other The final step in the Science content
application activities to rehearse content. Model Planning Model was a formal, sum-
The class ended with teachers asking stu- mative assessment involving two types of as-
dents to individually reflect upon what was sessment items: application-level, multiple-
learned, thus providing formative assess- choice questions and a written assessment
ment. As a result of these activities on Day (Khatri, Reeve, & Kane, 1998). The short,
Three, students rehearsed content through multi-choice questions were developed to
whole group, small group, partner format, mirror the format of the state standardized,
and finally individual reflection, thereby fifth grade science exam (TAKS). The short
following the process of gradually releasing answer written assessment consisted of a
cognitive responsibility from whole group scenario that required students to think crit-
instruction by the teacher to individual stu- ically and synthesize what they had learned
dent reflection. during the week.

Day Four Evidence of Success

The cognitive shift of responsibil- The Science Content Weekly Plan-
ity continued on Day Four. After activating ning Model was instrumental in focusing
students’ knowledge of the previous day’s instruction on science at the elementary
content, students responded orally to ques- level and in implementing proven instruc-
tions that required closed (one-answer) and tional strategies that led to academic suc-
open-ended responses (more than one an- cess and science knowledge gain. At the end
swer). Individually, students engaged with of the second year of implementation, the
text passages that were previously read on campus achieved the rating of Recognized,
Tuesday and supported answers with evi- the intended goal. Even more exciting was

22 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Enhancing Science Knowledge (cont’d.)

the change in attitude toward science that students exhibited. The teachers reported that
students were eager to walk into the room; “You could see it in their eyes when they graced
the door,” exclaimed one teacher. Observations revealed that during science class, stu-
dents were actively engaged, responsible for their learning, and worked cooperatively. One
example of this success in science was shown by a student identified for special education
services. Previously, the student had never passed any state examination. Over the course
of the year, the student began to raise his hand to answer questions and participated in
all group and individual work. His special education teacher asked his teacher what he
was doing to inspire the student. The special education teacher noticed a marked, positive
change in the student’s retention capacity and learning attitude. When the state science as-
sessment results were received, this student passed!

In addition, responses by the teachers involved in The Science Content Weekly Plan-
ning Model revealed that the model was easy to implement because it provided more a
consistent structure of daily activities and simplified planning. Students and teachers knew
what was expected and focused learning on identified state curriculum standards. Included
in the Model are proven instructional strategies that emphasize students constructing sci-
ence knowledge through an inquiry approach.

Authors’ Biographical Information

Gloria Gresham is an associate professor in the Department of Secondary

Education and Educational Leadership at Stephen F. Austin State University.
She has served as a teacher, administrator, and university professor.

Linda Black is an assistant professor in the Department of Secondary Educa-

tion and Educational Leadership at Stephen F. Austin State University. She is
very involved in Advanced Placement in Texas.

Alan Sowards is a professor in the Department of Elementary Education at

Stephen F. Austin State University. He is a well-known and utilized consultant
in the area of elementary science instruction.

Kimberly Welsh is an assistant professor in the Department of Elementary

Education at Stephen F. Austin State University. Her area of expertise is read-

Ken Dickerson is presently an assistant principal at McMichael Middle

School in Nacogdoches Independent School District (NISD). He has served
as a fourth and fifth grade teacher in NISD.

23 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Enhancing Science Knowledge (cont’d.)


Baker, W. P., Barstack, R., Clark, D., Hull, E., & Goodman, B. et al. (2008). Writing-to-learn in the inquiry-science classroom: Effective
strategies from middle school science and writing teachers. Clearing House, 81(3), 105-108.

Baer, G. T., & Nourie, B. L. (1993). Strategies for teaching reading in the content areas. Clearing House, 67(2), 121-122.

Carbo, M. (1997). What every principal should know about teaching reading. New York: National Reading Institute.

Coe, M. A. (2001). The 5 E learning cycle model. Retrieved from

Ediger, M. (20020. Factors which make reading expository text difficult. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 29(4), 312-317. (2008). Differentiated accountability: A more nuanced system to better target resources. Retrieved from

Evertson, C. M. & Emmer, E. T. (2009). Classroom management for elementary teachers (8th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Hamerman, E. (2006). Eight essentials of inquiry-based science. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Hyerle, D. (1996). Visual tools for constructing knowledge. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Khattri, N., Reeve, A. L., & Kane, M. B. (1998). Principles and practices of performance assessment. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & Pollock, J. E. (20060. Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student
achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

National Research Council. (1996). National science education standards: Standard A. Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press.

Pearson, P., & Gallagher, M. (1983). The instruction of reading comprehension. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 8(3), 317–344.

Ryan, P., & Walking-Woman, I. (2000). Linking writing to the process of scientific inquiry: Strategies from writing teachers in the disciplines.
Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Education. ERIC Doc. Rep. No. ED458655.

Sousa, D. (2006). How the brain learns (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Thinking Maps®. (2009) Thinking Maps, Incorporated. Retrieved from

Wallace, C. S., Hand, B. , and Prain. (2004). Writing and learning in the science classroom. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer.

24 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Science-Fair Scorecard of Dallas/Fort Worth Area Independent
School Districts
by Ramesh S. Hegde, Ph.D.

Abstract trict level and from there go to regional, state

In an effort to glean insights into the Dal- and international level competitions. With
las Region Science and Engineering Fair (DRSEF) hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake in
participation from Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) area scholarships and awards, the competition at
independent school districts (ISDs) as a measure of this event is intense and at the highest level
student interest and competitiveness in Secondary Sci- can be termed as Science Olympiad for pre-
ence Education (grades 7 – 12), a research analysis of teens and teens.
12 years of DRSEF data (1999 - 2010) was undertak-
en, with specific focus on the most recent 4-year data Speaking of teens competing in
(2007 - 2010). Plano ISD, with 11.7% of the total an- Science, let us look at some facts as they
nual student enrollment share of the area ISDs, leads relate to Science literacy of U.S. students in
the pack with 46.9% share of the total projects partici- the international context. In a recent inter-
pating at the DRSEF and a participation index (PI) national exam – Program for International
of 402, indicating a more-than-four-times the average Student Assessment (PISA), 2006 - that is
likelihood of participation at the competitive event. supposed to assess the ability of 15-year-
Coppell ISD with only 2.3% of the student enroll- olds to apply Math and Science knowledge in
ment share had a participation index of 322. Among real-life situation, students from the United
the 13 major ISDs included in the analysis, Dallas states ranked 21st among the 30 countries
ISD with the largest student enrollment (30% of total) of the Organization for Economic Coopera-
ranked a distant 8th (PI = 60) and Garland ISD with tion and Development (OECD) that were part
the second-largest (12.6%) student enrollment ranked of this competitive assessment (1). Results
7th (PI = 70) in DRSEF participation index. Interest- from the study showed that U.S. students
ingly, Plano ISD, with the highest number of projects scored lower than the OECD average and
entering DRSEF in both Physical and Life sciences that they lagged behind their peers in 6 of
categories, had higher number of project entries in the the 27 non-OECD countries in Science lit-
Physical sciences category than in Life sciences cat- eracy (1, 2). Although there are differing
egory. By contrast, Dallas, Garland and McKinney, opinions among experts on the validity of
three other ISDs with significant number of partici- this study, results nevertheless support the
pating projects, had more projects in Life sciences cat- notion that all is not well with the Science
egory than in Physical sciences. The findings reported Education in the United States; perhaps
here have significant educational (science education, in there is either a declining interest in Science
particular) and community implications in the DFW education among U.S. students or quality of
metropolis. Science education in the nation, something
  which is not easy to measure, has been de-
Introduction teriorating.
Another year of Elementary and Sec-
ondary Schools Science Fair competitions Another report (3) also provides sup-
has gone by for the Independent School porting evidence that even though overall
Districts (ISDs) in DFW metroplex. As is enrollment in Science and Technology (S&T)
well known, participants compete in several fields increased in the last 15 years, the rel-
science-subject categories at their schools, ative share of S&T enrollment has declined.
first. The winners then advance to the dis- The policy report also pointed out that the

25 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Ways to Teach
d.) d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

existing statistical data are not adequate for • Participation Index (PI) = (share of sci-
measuring and analyzing the levels of stu- ence-fair participation as % total/share
dent interest. With this backdrop, the cur- of student enrollment as % of total)*100.
rent study was undertaken with the follow- Indexing is a data normalization tech-
ing objectives: nique that helps make “apples-to-apples”
comparison of various ISDs on their level
• To analyze the recent trends in Dallas of participation. An index of 100 indicates
Regional Science and Engineering Fair average participation. Participation index
(DRSEF) participation, as a measure of of >100 (over-indexing) is above-average
interest/competitiveness in science edu- participation and <100 is below-average
cation, at the junior (grades 7 & 8) and participation (under-indexing).
senior (grades 9 – 12) divisions of DFW
area ISDs of public-school system, char- Data and Analytical Methodology
ter schools and other private institutions DRSEF comprises 20 Dallas-area
• To share the case-study analytical find- cities registered to exhibit projects
ings with the science coordinators and/ (
or administrators of ISDs so that with the Data from DRSEF at the individual and sci-
supporting evidence they have of their ence-category level were obtained from the
level of Science-fair participation vis-à-vis Fair President, Dr. Simon Dalley of Southern
their peers they can make an informed Methodist University (SMU), Dallas, TX (4).
decision on improving their science edu- Using the data at this stage of the science-
cation fair competitions allows us to compare the
• To publicize the results of the case study participation from and competitiveness of
so that legislators and policy makers at different independent school districts,
the State-level and administrators of ISDs charter schools and other private schools
devise ways for maintaining (wherever from 20 cities of DFW Metroplex that make
ISDs have an edge over others) and/or up the Dallas regional-level competition.
improving Science education in ISDs DRSEF data collected were aggregated to
three levels - ISD, division and science-
Definitions of Metrics/Analytical category - for comparative purposes.
Techniques Longer-horizon participation data (1999 –
2010, 12-year period) was available only
• Average or Mean – arithmetic average of for senior-division; junior-division partici-
the data included in the study or analysis pation data was available for only the last
• Data normalization – is a technique four years (2007 – 2010). Most of the trend
that allows data in different scales to be analyses and ISD comparisons (junior vs.
brought to a common scale with the ap- senior divisions and physical vs. life cat-
plication of a mathematical or statistical egories), therefore, were focused on 2007 –
operation so that the data can be com- 2010 data. Annual student-enrollment data
pared and valid conclusions drawn. were obtained from Texas Education Agency
• Participation per thousand (PPT) = (num- (TEA), Austin, TX (5). The two data ele-
ber of participating projects/students ments – science-fair participation data and
enrolled)*1000. student-enrollment data – were used in

26 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Science-Fair Scorecard (cont’d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

the computation of metrics (see metrics definitions above) so that valid comparisons of ISDs
could be made both at the division level and science-category level.

Analytical Findings
Overall senior-division science-fair participation trends (1999 – 2010)
The long-term trend on science-fair participation at the senior-division level is pre-
sented in Fig. 1. Although substantial year-to-year variation is discernible (blue line), there
is a declining trend (red trend line) in general. Average number of project entries in the
DRSEF senior division in the last six years (2005-2010) was 14% lower than that in the
prior six years (1999-2004), while the average student enrollment increased 17% (Fig. 2)
between 1999 and 2009 academic years.

Fig. 1. Total Senior Division (Grades 9-12) Projects Participating in Dallas

Regional Science Fair, 1999 - 2010

y = 1.5382x2 - 28.853x + 460.98
Number of Projects Participating

400 R² = 0.6153






1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
432 392 396 375 404 307 329 357 291 294 372 332

Fig. 2. Total Students Enrolled in ISDs around D/FW Metroplex,

Grades 9 - 12, 1999 - 2009
Senior Division Students Enrolled

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Students
103,18 101,88 112,10 113,27 118,54 126,75 126,88 132,39 134,56 136,93 137,12

NB: DRSEF data for 2010 in Fig 1 above corresponds to academic-year student
enrollment data for 2009 in Fig 2 and so on.

27 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Science-Fair Scorecard (cont’d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

The declining numbers of senior-level projects observed above can be explained, at

least in part, by the significant reduction in DRSEF participation from two large ISDs, Rich-
ardson and Irving. Participation from other new ISDs such as Coppell, McKinney, Frisco,
Cedar Hill, De Soto and Lancaster in the last four years was not enough to offset the declin-
ing trend. Evidently, the decline in participation at DRSEF is even steeper at the junior-
level (trend data not available; Dr. S. Dalley, personal communication).

ISDs’ participation trends by division in the last four years (2007 – 2010)
Plano ISD has consistently had the lion’s share of projects participating in DRSEF in
both junior and senior divisions, followed by Dallas ISD (Table 1). It is important to note
that Coppell and McKinney ISDs have steadily increased their share of participating proj-
ects at DRSEF over the last four years, surpassing Garland ISD in the last two years. Also
significant to note is that Dallas ISD whose participation at the fair has been decreasing
since 2007 has rebounded back in 2010, with a total of 113 projects, majority of which
(65%) was at the junior-division.

Table 1. Number of Science Project Entries by Division at the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (2007 - 2010).
2007 2008 2009 2010

Total- Total- Total- Total-

School District Junior Senior 2007 Junior Senior 2008 Junior Senior 2009 Junior Senior 2010
Allen ISD 6 1 7 11 2 13 10 1 11 6 1 7
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD 20 14 34 12 16 28 4 17 21 4 21 25
Cedar Hill ISD 0 0 0 3 2 5 6 11 17 8 9 17
Coppell ISD 12 15 27 24 14 38 29 27 56 27 23 50
Dallas Diocese 9 21 30 0 21 21 4 16 20 0 0 0
Dallas ISD 69 51 120 58 49 107 38 40 78 73 40 113
De Soto ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0
Frisco ISD 0 0 0 11 0 11 10 1 11 9 1 10
Garland ISD 39 21 60 27 24 51 17 33 50 16 26 42
Harmony Science Academy (Charter) 19 20 39 12 19 31 18 28 46 13 18 31
Irving ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0
Kemp ISD 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lancaster ISD 0 8 8 0 13 13 2 5 7 8 8 16
McKinney ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 47 57 0 57
Mesquite ISD 22 9 31 12 0 12 9 0 9 4 2 6
Plano ISD 137 126 263 119 118 237 130 170 300 134 149 283
Richardson ISD 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 3 3 0 10 10
Waxahachie ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 2
Other* 7 4 11 3 7 10 4 7 11 17 22 39
Grand Total 340 291 631 292 294 586 328 372 700 376 332 708

* Includes Home School System and Private Schools (county-specific or otherwise)

28 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Science-Fair Scorecard (cont’d.)
Lessons on Caring (cont’d.)

ISDs’ participation trends by science-category in the last three years (2007 – 2010)
Table 2 shows the most recent 4-year DFW area-ISDs participation trend in Physi-
cal vs. Life Sciences categories. Plano ISD, with the highest number of projects entering
DRSEF in both Physical and Life sciences categories, had higher number of project entries
in the Physical sciences category than in Life sciences category. By contrast, Dallas,
Garland and McKinney, three other ISDs with significant number of participating projects –
had more projects in Life sciences category than in Physical sciences. Coppell ISD partici-
pation was more evenly spread between the two science categories, except in 2009.

Table 2. Number of Science Project Entries by Category at the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair
(2007 - 2010).

2007 2008 2009 2010

Total- Total- Total- Total-

School District Life Physical 2007 Life Physical 2008 Life Physical 2009 Life Physical 2010
Allen ISD 3 4 7 6 7 13 5 6 11 3 4 7
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD 14 20 34 6 22 28 9 12 21 9 16 25
Cedar Hill ISD 0 0 0 2 3 5 11 6 17 13 4 17
Coppell ISD 13 14 27 19 19 38 31 25 56 23 27 50
Dallas Diocese 16 14 30 19 2 21 9 11 20 0 0 0
Dallas ISD 84 36 120 69 38 107 46 32 78 68 45 113
De Soto ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 9 0 0 0
Frisco ISD 0 0 0 6 5 11 2 9 11 4 6 10
Garland ISD 38 22 60 31 20 51 29 21 50 29 13 42
Harmony Science Academy (Charter) 19 20 39 12 19 31 17 29 46 16 15 31
Irving ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0
Kemp ISD 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lancaster ISD 4 4 8 11 2 13 3 4 7 9 7 16
McKinney ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 17 47 32 25 57
Mesquite ISD 14 17 31 5 7 12 2 7 9 3 3 6
Plano ISD 119 144 263 108 129 237 135 165 300 126 157 283
Richardson ISD 0 0 0 5 4 9 3 0 3 7 3 10
Waxahachie ISD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2
Other* 5 6 11 5 5 10 10 1 11 21 18 39
Grand Total 330 301 631 304 282 586 348 352 700 364 344 708

* Includes Home School System and Private Schools (county-specific or otherwise)

29 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Science-Fair Scorecard (cont’d.)

ISDs’ participation relative to student enrollment in the last four years (2007 – 2010)
Among the major ISDs in the DFW Metroplex (Table 3), Plano ISD, with a share of
11.7% of the student enrollment had not only had the highest number of projects partici-
pating at the DRSEF (46.9% of total) but also the highest number of participation per 1000
students enrolled (11.61 PPT) in grades 7 – 12 that make up the combined junior and se-
nior divisions of the Dallas regional-level competition. Dallas ISD accounted for 2nd high-
est number of participating projects, on an average, but ranks 8th in PPT, although it ranks
first (30.0%) among the DFW area ISDs in the percent share of student enrollment.

Computation of a metric called Participation Index (PI) by normalizing the participa-

tion data with the student enrollment data (see definition above), allows us to compare the
DRSEF participation of various ISDs on the same scale. Therefore, PI is a true reflection of
ISD participation at the competitive DRSEF. Note that PI of 100 is an average participation;
>100 is above-average, whereas <100 is below-average. Comparing the ISDs on this met-
ric, it is evident that Plano ISD had the highest PI of 402 (over four times more likely than
average in science-fair participation) followed by Coppell ISD (PI = 322, with 2.3% of the
student-enrollment share), Lancaster ISD (PI = 143, with 1.3% of the student-enrollment
share) and McKinney ISD (PI = 103 with 4.3% of total student enrollment) – the only four
ISDs with above-average likelihood of DRSEF participation (Table 3). Among the 13 major
ISDs included in the analysis, Dallas ISD with the largest student enrollment share - nearly
a third of the total - ranked a distant 8th (PI = 60) and Garland ISD with the second-largest
(12.6%) student enrollment ranked 7th (PI = 70), both with a below-average DRSEF partici-

Table 3. Comparison of Major ISDs in DFW Metroplex on Student Enrollment and Science-fair
Participation Metrics (Combined Junior & Senior Division) over 2007 – 2010 period

Average Average Projects

Annual Share of Project % Total per 1000
Student Student Entries Participating Students Participation
School District Enrollment Enrollment Per Year Projects Enrolled Index
Plano ISD 23,320 11.7% 271 46.9% 11.61 402
Coppell ISD 4,594 2.3% 43 7.4% 9.31 322
Lancaster ISD 2,656 1.3% 11 1.9% 4.14 143
McKinney ISD 8,635 4.3% 26 4.5% 2.98 103
Cedar Hill ISD 3,817 1.9% 10 1.7% 2.55 88
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD 11,223 5.6% 27 4.7% 2.41 83
Garland ISD 25,117 12.6% 51 8.8% 2.02 70
Dallas ISD 59,858 30.0% 104 18.1% 1.74 60
Allen ISD 7,299 3.7% 10 1.6% 1.30 45
Mesquite ISD 16,507 8.3% 15 2.5% 0.88 30
Frisco ISD 8,814 4.4% 5 0.9% 0.60 21
Richardson ISD 14,651 7.3% 6 1.0% 0.38 13
Irving ISD 13,336 6.7% 1 0.1% 0.04 1

30 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Science-Fair Scorecard (cont’d.)

Conclusion in Nov 2009 to inspire boys and girls to excel

If this study provides some supporting in math and science. This is a welcome step,
evidence to the widely prevailing perception however symbolic it may be, in the Federal
that student-interest in science education government’s efforts to accord science the
in the United States may be declining, then respect and the place it deserves and in
there is a need to explore the subject further boosting the morale of all those who are in-
and understand what factors might be con- terested in working towards the betterment
tributing to this decline. Based on the body of science education in the United States.
of knowledge available to us so far (1, 2, 3)
and current public and policy discussions/ In addition to the immediate implica-
debate happening on Science issues around tions of this study to the science education
the country, it appears that a variety of fac- of DFW-area ISDs, what are the benefits of
tors – demographic, cultural and/or social this study to society at large? An increased
- contributing either directly or acting in participation in science fair not only stimu-
concert with other factors, may be responsi- lates student interest in scientific inquiry
ble for the not-so-good state of affairs in the and experimentation, but it also promotes
nation’s science education today: (a) public awareness about current science
issues and (b) a two-way dialogue and de-
• Science curriculum bate between scientists and society at the
• An environment where the teaching of local level (6).
Science and Math may be perceived as
burdensome What can we do to promote DRSEF
• Quality of teachers and science teaching participation?
• Challenges in federal funding of educa-
tion relative to other priorities • Schools (science teachers) need to publi-
• Value placed by the general public on cize better and reinforce the importance
education vs. athletics of student participation in science fairs,
especially at the high-school level
In spite of the prior evidence (1, 2, 3) • Make participation in science fairs or sci-
and findings of this study suggesting that ence research projects mandatory
there has been a declining interest among • Offer extra credit to students for partici-
U.S. students in science education, it is pation in science fairs or science research
heartening to note that at least one of the projects
contributing factors listed above may be • Have award winners at the science fair
changing for the better – funding for educa- share their project findings and participa-
tion, in general, and science education, in tion experiences at school general assem-
particular. President Obama has promised bly – at their own schools as well as other
to increase funding for Science education. area schools
Similar to honoring winning athletes at the • Encourage scientists engaged in research
White House, President Obama hosted a at the local universities and/or research
White House Science Fair, the first ever, institutes to share their scientific activi-
on Oct 18, 2010, that fulfills his promise of ties and/or act as mentors to budding
Educate to Innovate campaign he launched scientists at schools

31 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

Science-Fair Scorecard (cont’d.)

• Build and facilitate a culture of shared learning and interaction among area ISDs as
it relates to science-fair competition, science education and scientific investigation at
school level

The author would like to acknowledge the help of Dr. Simon Dalley of SMU and Texas
Education Agency for providing the DRSEF data and student enrollment data respectively.


Dr. Simon Dalley, DRSEF Chair Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. Participating Junior and Senior
Division Projects data. Personal Communication, 2009 and 2010.

National Center for Education Statistics, 2007. Highlights from PISA 2006: Performance of U.S. 15-Year-Old
Students in Science and Mathematics Literacy in an International Context. [Web release Dec 4,
2007; accessed 1/15/2010].

OECD Global Science Forum. 2008. Report from a workshop on Improving the Dialogue with Society on
Scientific Issues, September 17-18, 2008 Paris, France. Retrieved February 10th, 2011 from

OECD, 2006. Evolution of Student Interest in Science and Technology Studies - Policy Report. Retrieved
February 10th, 2011 from

OECD, 2009. Top of the Class – High Performers in Science in PISA 2006. Retrieved February 10th, 2011

Texas Education Agency, Austin, TX. 2009. ISDs Student Enrollment Data, 1999 - 2009.

Ramesh Hegde has a Ph.D. in Crop Science from University of

Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an MBA in Marketing from
the University of Texas at Dallas. He has 15 years of research
experience in the area of Plant and Environmental Sciences. He
has been actively involved in judging for over 10 years in Plano
District and Dallas Regional science fairs.

32 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

The Publication of the
Science Teachers Association of Texas
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The Texas Science Teacher.

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novative science activites, and other items of interest.

• The Texas Science Teacher is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers pertinent to science education from
all fields of science and science teaching. Contributions can be research articles, research notes, book reviews,
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33 The Texas Science Teacher • Volume 40, Number 1 April 2011

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