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 Instruct patient to take (meds) as his take home medications as prescribed by the physician.
• Noncompliance is the leading cause of worsening disease conditions.

Discuss the dosage, action, side effects, and contraindications of those drugs. Exact dosage is
important as well as proper timing for the drug to be effective.
• To provide knowledge about the medications and will make the client become aware of
what he is taking

 Warn the patient of the side effects because it may be uncomfortable to the patient.
• This is to educate the patient as well as the significant others about the difference
between the side effects of the medications and the recurrence of the symptoms.

 Also, to tell the patient to avoid taking medicines that is not prescribed by the doctor.
 Remind the patient to report to the physician if adverse effects occur.

 Tell patient to avoid exerting too much effort on muscles such as doing strenuous exercises to
avoid injury. Gentle exercise such as stretching is important in maintaining muscle tone, blood
flow, regularity of bowel function, and a sense of well being.
• This is to conserve energy and limit fatigue.

 Avoid places crowded place to minimize exposure and spread of the disease.

 Discussing the purpose of treatments to be done and continued at home and continue
monitoring respiratory condition.
• This is to prevent further injury or accidents.

 Tell patient to continue submitting self to diagnostic examination to make sure that he is not
having any complications.
• It is to determine his status being discharged.
 Tell patient to follow advice of physician or any other health care provider.
This is to ensure that the client is on the right tract of the treatment regimen.
Health Teaching
 Encouraged client to provide adequate rest periods to promote cellular recovery.
 Instructed patient to cover mouth when sneezing and coughing to control spread of infection.
 Encouraged patient to be hygienic and do frequent hand washing.
 Impart to patient to have follow-up check-ups.
• This is to monitor his present condition.

Outpatient Referral
 Remind patient and family that frequent check-ups are important to improve patient’s
condition and maintain optimum health.
Instruct the patient and the family to assess changes in patient’s appearance and breathing
pattern and motor skills particularly his lower extremities.
• Prevention for any other complications may be done once unusuality have been detected.

 Inform family to report for any abnormalities as soon as possible to prevent further
 Advised patient to eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, and increase protein and
caloric intake to promote tissue recovery.
• Vegetables are filled with vitamins that the body needs.

 Advised patient to drink milk 3 times a day to provide calcium to his body and have stronger

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