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Preface to the second edition

In preparing the second edition of this book, the authors have been
concerned to maintain or expand those aspects of the subject that are
specific to chemical and process engineering. Thus, the chapter on
gas-liquid two-phase flow has been greatly extended to cover flow in the
bubble regime as well as to provide an introduction to the homogeneous
model and separated flow model for the other flow regimes. The chapter
on non-Newtonian flow has also been extended to provide a greater
emphasis on the Rabinowitsch-Mooney equation and its modification to
deal with cases of apparent wall slip often encountered in the flow of
suspensions. An elementary discussion of viscoelasticity has also been
A second aim has been to make the book more nearly self-contained and
to this end a substantial introductory chapter has been written. In addition
to the material provided in the first edition, the principles of continuity,
momentum of a flowing fluid, and stresses in fluids are discussed. There is
also an elementary treatment of turbulence.
Throughout the book there is more explanation than in the first edition.
One result of this is a lengthening of the text and it has been necessary to
omit the examples of applications of the Navier-Stokes equations that
were given in the first edition. However, derivation of the Navier-Stokes
equations and related material has been provided in an appendix.
The authors wish to acknowledge the help given by Miss S. A.
Petherick in undertaking much of the word processing of the manuscript
for this edition.
It is hoped that this book will continue to serve as a useful undergradu-
ate text for students of chemical engineering and related disciplines.

F. A. Holland
R. Bragg

May 1994


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