Evaluation Question 4

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Evaluation Question 4

My age range will be around 15-30

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30 30

Pictures of my possible target audience male and female

The gender is unisex for both women and men, because women enjoy thrillers just as
much as men do.


When I asked people what types of films they liked in general they said

Thriller 31%
Romance 8%
Comedy 29%
Action 20%
Animation 12%

What type of magazines they read when I asked this more men said, mechanic and
football magazines also TV guide most women said heat and OK magazine.
The type of phones my target audience had were phones like the Iphone, Blackberry,
JPS and Blackberry and Iphone takeoffs.

When I asked people what they did on the weekends most people over the age of 18
said go to work or go out clubbing/pub with friends and spend moneey. Most people
under 18 said they would go shopping or go to places like skating or the cinema and
spend money.

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