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Colegio Altoaragón (Huesca)

Mathematics Department

Date: Math CC.SS. II Exam 1 December

1) The exam must be clean, tidy and without spelling mistakes.
2) Answers must be written in pen.
3) Problems should include: data, working out and solution. A solution consisted of only a number would not be a correct
answer. Good luck!

3x 2 + 4
1. Consider the function f ( x) = . You must determine: Domain, asymptotes,
2x − 6
intervals of increase/decrease.(1,5 points)
2. Consider the functions defined by
2x- 2 si x <2
f ( x ) =  x −2 2
e + k si x ≥2
a) Determine for which value of k the function is continuous in the interval [ 0,4 ] (0,5 points)
b)Supposing that K=1, find the equation of the tangent line at x=3 (0,75points)
c) supposing that k=1 , find ∫0
f ( x )dx (0,75 points)

3. Consider the function f :]0,+

∞[→ℜ defined by :

 3 + x2 − x s i 0 < x ≤ 1

f ( x) =  1 x 2
 + s i > 1x
x 4
a)Is f(x) continuous and differentiable in its domain? (1,5points)
b) Find the derivative function .(0,5 points)

4. Find the derivative and integral of the following functions (1,5 points)

2 7 ln(ln ) x dx 5
i )G(x) =2 x+ + 20
(1 − x) 3
ii )
1− x ∫ x lniii
) 2x∫ dx
2x 3

5. Find the coefficients of the equation y = ax2 + bx + c, knowing that its graph passes
through (0, 3) and (2, 1), and at the second point, its tangent has a slope of 3. (1 point)

6. Julia is selling tickets to a concert. She knows from previous experience that the
number of tickets she will sell depends on the price she charges per ticket. The
relationship is given by

 100
 500 − p 0 ≤ p ≤ 12
f ( p) =  3 Where p is the price per ticket( in dollars) and f(p)
250 − 12,5 p 12 < p ≤ 20
is the number of tickets sold.

a)Let M(p) be the amount of money Julia will make from the sale of tickets at price
p. Write the multi-part rule for function M(p) (0,5 points)
b)Sketch a graph of M(p) below.(0,75 points)

c) What price p should she charge to make the most money? (0,75points)

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