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Dataset Record Counts:

orchadmin describe -d -l <your dataset file>

$APT_ORCHHOME/bin/dsrecords -n <absolute_path_of_dataset> 

dsrecords -n Datasetname

list the info of dataset: 

orchadmin  ll xxx.ds 

show the data in dataset: 

orchadmin  dump xxx.ds

Execute following commands before you use orchadmin utility 

# Set DataStage Environment 

$ cd `cat /.dshome` 
$ . ./dsenv 

# Add PXEngine lib path to LIBPATH variable 


# Add PXEngine bin path to PATH variable 

$ export PATH=$PATH:$APT_ORCHHOME/bin 

# Optional - You may also want to set configuration file if you do not want orchadmin to use the
configuration file from the DataSet descriptor file. 
$ export APT_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/tools/ds/Ascential/DataStage/ 
Configurations/<Your Configuration file name> 

Now execute the orchadmin command. 

$ orchadmin check 

NOTE: You will have to give full path of the DataSet descriptor file in the orchadmin command. 

Hope this helps....

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