Letters of The Enochian Alphabet and Their Meanings

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Letters Of The Enochian Alphabet And Their Meanings - Chart 1

Enochian Enochian English  

Letter-Name Letter Letter Meanings Associated With The Letters

Un A A The Pulsating Unbridled Force

Pe B B Container

Ged G G Nourishment

Gal D D Physicality

Graph E E Power of Being

Orth F F Connection and Unification

Ceph Z Z Movement

Na H H Life

"Hath"   "T" Goodness

Gon I I,J,Y Spirituality

Veh C C/K The Crowing Achievement

Ur L L Learning, Teaching, and Purpose

Tal M M Perfection and Completion

Drun / Drux N N Emergence

Pal X X Support

Med O O Insight and Consciousness

Mals P P Speech and Freedom

Ger Q Q Righteousness and Humility

Don R R Growth and Holiness

Fam S S The Cosmic Container

Gisa T T Cosmic Nourishment

Vau U U,V,W True Law

The letter "T" is used to represent the hidden Enochian letter "Hath".

Explanation of the Meanings

The Letter Un (A) expresses oneness. Within its realm is the master, the head, the prince, and the chief ruler of the
unbridled force. It is by this dimension of existence, the dimension of the Creator, the external dimension of
Godliness, that the "pulsating unbridled force" becomes known.

The Letter Pe (B) expresses blessing. Within its realm is the "container" of blessing which pour forth to be a lasting
comfort for creation and for man.

The Letter Ged (G) expresses nourishment. Within its realm is both recompense and "nourishment".

The Letter Gal (D) expresses physicality. Within its realm is the doorway to the manifestation of the Creator's
transcendence. But in the realm of physicality is poverty and leanness - which is the poor and deficient aspect of the
realm. Only when physical existence is coupled with the recompense and nourishment of Ged (G) is physical
existence balanced. Gal (D) and Ged (G) must maintain and balance each other.

The Letter Graph (E) expresses the power of being. Within its realm is the power of self-expression. The garments
of expression are thoughts, words, and actions. That which is not manifest is brought into awareness and
consciousness by thoughts. Words and actions bring thoughts to the awareness and consciousness of others.

The Letter Orth (F) expresses connection and unification. Within its realm is the energy intelligence that makes a
"connection" in order to establish a time-transcending eternal "unification" and completion.

The Letter Ceph (Z) expresses movement. Within this realm is the power of "movement". However, this realm also
contains a hidden realm of arms and weapons. And what are weapons for? To bring into peace or to bring into being
that which opposes peace. When arms are used to bring peace into being, the arms are used to oppose that which
opposes peace. When arms are used to oppose peace, they initiate destructive actions that break the peace. Arms are
thus used to either make movement, or prevent movement.

The Letter Na (H) expresses life. Life is that which contains Divine essence, thereby permitting it to transcend the
limitations inherent in the circumstances of its physical existence.

The [secret and hidden] Letter "Hath" ("T") expresses goodness. It is from this realm of "goodness" that Divine
light flows into creation and into man.

The Letter Gon (I,J,Y) expresses spirituality. The energy intelligence consciousness of Gon (I,J,Y) if that of
projecting the "unbridled pulsating energy of Un (A) into physical manifestation. That is "spirituality". However,
this is also the realm of "Will". It channels the "Will" of the Creator, as well as the "will" of man.

The Letter Veh (C/K) expresses "The Crowning Achievement". This is the realm of the Glory of the Creator. It
contains honor, respect, glory, splendor, majesty, reverence, and distinction. Within this realm is also the "binding
force of the whole of creation". Should the Letter Veh (C/K) ever leave its celestial place, all of the created and
uncreated worlds would begin to shake. The throne of heaven would tremble and quiver. The creation process would
fall into ruins. However, this is also the realm of extermination, extinction, annihilation and destruction. Also within
this realm is the transitory, the temporal, and the ephemeral.
The Letter Ur (L) expresses learning, teaching, and purpose. It is within this realm that there is learning, teaching,
and therefore purpose. Since the world requires a manifest king, it certainly requires purpose, learning, and teaching.

The Letter Tal (M) expresses perfection and completion. Within this realm is perfecting and completing. This is the
realm of the King of Heaven. Since the world needs a manifest king, the world needs Tal (M) "perfection and
completion", the Ur (L) "learning, teaching, and purpose", and the Veh (C/K) "the Crowning Achievement", for the
world cannot exist without a king.

The Letter Drun [also spelled Drux] (N), expresses emergence. Within this realm of "emergence" is sprouting,
propagating, shining, and "flourishing." This is the realm of the "wonderful." But within this realm is also the
untimely emergence, the untimely birth: abortion. This realm also has the action of falling down, falling out, falling
away, and sinking. In this realm are the "Fallen."

The Letter Pal (X) expresses support. This is the realm of support for it upholds the "Fallen." The energy
intelligence of Pal (X) is that of Orth (F) - "connection and unification" - projected into time and conditioned
physical existence. This tells us that the "support" of Pal (X) relates to "spiritual" support.

The Letter Med (O) expresses insight and consciousness. That which is hidden within this realm is Insight and
Consciousness. The numerical value of Med (O) is 70, which means that Med (O) is the energy intelligence of
Ceph (Z), whose numerical value is 7, projected into existence. The energy intelligence of Ceph (Z) is movement,
which here means the flow of Un (A). Hence the energy intelligence of Med (O) is that of the flow of Un (A)
projected into existence, and this flow is "insight" and "consciousness." [However, also revealed within this realm is
perverseness, sin, guilt, crime, and iniquity.]

The Letter Mals (P) expresses speech and freedom. This is the realm of speech and freedom. It is by speech that the
Holiness of the Creator is communicated, and it is by appropriate acts of free choice that redemption and deliverance
came about. However, the very freedom inherent within this realm permits transgression, blemish, flaw, and loss of

The Letter Ger (Q) expresses righteousness and humility. This is indeed the realm of "righteousness" and
"humility." However, righteousness and humility must be concealed and not come out in the open, lest it give the
world a cause for offense.

The Letter Don (R) expresses growth and holiness. The numerical value of Don (R) is 100 and its energy
intelligence is that of "growth" and "holiness." Growth and holiness are related to the pulsating unbridled force of
Un (A), whose numerical value is 1, thrust into cosmic existence. And it is related to the energy intelligence of
"spirituality", Gon (I,J,Y), whose numerical value is 10. [Within this realm of growth and holiness is also the realm
of collapse.]

The Letter Fam (S) expresses the Cosmic Container. The numerical value of Fam (S) is 200, and its energy
intelligence is "cosmic container." The other energy intelligences having to do with "container" are Pe (B), which
has the numerical value of 2 and the energy intelligence of "container" or vessel archetype, and Veh (C/K), which
has the numerical value of 20 and the energy intelligence of "container" projected into physical existence. The
"cosmic container" is a container of contexts. At the cosmic level, every action, every expressed statement, every
thought has simultaneous multiple valid context. Each context provides for the possibility of our inner movement, a
movement that chooses a context by which we interpret any situation. And whatever the dimension one wants to
measure this on, these simultaneously valid multiple contexts permit interpretations that can range from one extreme
to another. The inner movement permitted by the cosmic container is our freedom, our freedom to give our
situations a context and by this means an interpretation. From the energy intelligence of Don (R), we learn that each
situation as we experience it does not have its context in it. The situation does not contain its limitation. Rather, its
context comes from within us. It is internally generated, something we each do as an exercise of our free will.
[Within this realm of "The Cosmic Container" is also the realm of godlessness, wickedness, unrighteousness,
lawlessness, injustice, and unlawful gain.]
The Letter Gisa (T) expresses Cosmic Nourishment. This is indeed the realm of Cosmic Nourishment, for within
this realm is all that is good and true. [However, within this realm of "Cosmic Nourishment" is also the hidden realm
of falsehood: false thought, false speech, false action. Existing within this hidden realm are the liars and the
slanderers, who work toward destroying truth and goodness. Existing also within this hidden realm is the hollow, the
base, the depressed, the indolent, and the negligent.]

The Letter Vau (U,V,W) expresses truth and true law. The numerical value of Vau (U,V,W) is 400. Its energy
intelligence is the archetype of physical existence projected into cosmic manifestation. As such it is related to Gal
(D), which has the value of 4 and whose energy intelligence is the archetype of physical existence. It is related to
Tal (M), which has the value of 40, and whose energy intelligence is perfection and completion. [However, within
this realm of "truth" and "true law" is also hidden the realm of deadly sickness, pestilence, destruction, and death.]

Letters Of The Enochian Alphabet And Their Meanings - Chart 2

Enochian Enochian English Primary Meanings Associated

Letter-Name Letter Letter With The Letters

Un A A The dual principle that represents all that exists and all
that does not exist; the positive and negative; life and

Pe B B The symbol of all habitations and receptacles; of anything

that "contains".

Ged G G The activity; the motion of the contained; limited

existence or non-existence; it is Un (A) in Pe (B).

Gal D D The archetype of physical existence.

Graph E E The principle of universal life.

Orth F F The archetype of all fertilizing substances.

Ceph Z Z The completed fertilizing act.

Na H H The "enclosure" of all un-evolved cosmic energy.

"Hath"   "T" The symbol of the initial female energy.

Gon I I,J,Y The opposite of Un (A); it is a steady-state; continuity.

Veh C C/K The archetype of receivers

Ur L L The principle of the conscious, connecting link.

Tal M M The archetype of the maternal creative principle.

Drun / Drux N N The archetype of all individual existences.

Pal X X The archetype of female fertility; the ovum.

Med O O The illuminating principle behind the act of impregnation

(Ceph - Z).

Mals P P The same as Na (H); the "enclosure" of all un-evolved

cosmic energy.

Ger Q Q A symbol of womanhood, in a social sense.

Don R R An exalted state of Un (A), transcending the negative or

death aspect.

Fam S S The archetype of universal or cosmic "containers".

Gisa T T The "Spirit" of God.

Vau U U,V,W The archetype of all cosmic existence.

Letters Of The Enochian Alphabet And Their Meanings - Chart 2a

Enochian Enochian English Secondary Meanings Associated

Letter-Name Letter Letter With Five Of The Letters*

Ceph c C/K The cosmic final attainment of individual existences.

Tal m M The cosmic state of fertility in man, both in mind and


Drun / Drux n N The symbol of the interplay of the cosmic energies.

Mals p P The same as Na (H), and Mals (P).

Ger q Q The archetype of womanhood, in a mythical sense.

* These secondary usages are applied when the letter is used at the end of a Word or Name.

The Enochian Dictionary

Edited and Proofed by

Fra:. Michael 111

AAF amongst 15
A-AI-OM amoungst us 192
AAIOM amongst 192
AAI amongst 72
AALA placed 26
AAO amongst 42
ABAI stooping 77
ABRAMG prepared 215
ABRAMIG prepared 275
ACAM .7699 402
ADGT can 27
ADNA obedience 66
ADOHI kingdom 101
ADROCH mount 441
AF 19 9
AFFA empty 18
AG none 14
ALAR settled 120
ALDI gathering 78
ALDON gird (up) 98
ALI successively 74
A 6 6
ALLAR bind 128
A-M-IPZI (i) fastened 234
AMIRAN yourselves 312
AMMA cursed 192
ANANAEL secret wisdom 136
ANGELARD thoughts 192
APILA liveth 89
AQLO in 84
AR that 106
AS was 13
ATH works 16
ATRAAH girdles 128
AVAVAGO thunders 196
A 6 6
AVAVAGO thunders 196
AVINY millstones 246
AZIAGIAR harvest 255
AZIAZOR likeness 220


BABAGE south 40
BABALON wicked 110
BAEOUIB name righteousness 186
BAGHIE fury 90
BAGLE for 37
BAHAL cried 26
BALIE salt 89
BALIT just 88
BALTIM justice 178
BALTOH righteous 59
BALT justice 28
BALTOHA righteousness 65
BALTOH righteousness 59
BALZARG stewards 142
BASGIM day 176
BAZM mid-day 110
BIA (?) 71
BIAH stand 72
BIALO voice 109
BI-EN unto my voice 125
BIGLIAD comforter 151
BLANS harboured 76
BLIARD comfort 183
BLIAR comfort 179
BLIOR comforters 203
BLIORA comfort 209
BLIORAX comfort 609
BLIORS comfort 210
BLIORT comfort 212
BOGPA reigneth 58
BOLP be thou 52
BRANSG guard 176
BRGDO sleep 147
BRIN have 215
BRINT hast 224
BRINTS truth 231
B-RI-TA have talked 180
BUSD glory 86
BUSDIR glory 246
BUTMON mouth 254
BUTMONI mouths 314


CAB rod 311

CA-CACOM flourish 1032
CACRG until 714
CAFAFAM abiding 414
CAMLIAX spake 870
CANAL workmen (?) 370
CAOSGA earth 357
CAOSG earth 351
CAOSGI earth 411
CAOSGIN earth 461
CAOSGO earth 381
CAOSGON earth 431
CAPIMALI successively 539
CAPIMAON numbers of time 551
CAP-MI power 465
CARBAF sink 420
CASARM made 509
(e)CA therefore 306
CASARMA whom 515
CASARMAN under 565
CASARMG who 517
CASARMI (under) whom 569
CHIA are 367
CHILDAO diamonds 409
CHIRLAN rejoiceth 525
CHIS are 368
CHISA are 374
CHIS-GE arenot 386
CHIS are 368
CHISO shall 398
CIAL 29996 374
CIAOFI terror 459
CICLE mysteries 678
CICLES mysteries 685
CINXIR mingles 970
CNILA blood 424
COCASB ages (time) 648
COCASG times 651
COLLAL sleeves 360
COMMAH trussed 517
COMO window 450
COMSELHA circle 452
CONST thunders 396
CORAXO thunders 866
CORMFA numbers 529
CORMF number 523
CORMP numbered 559
CORS such 437
C unto 300
C 4 300
CORSI such 497
CRIP but 469
CRO-OD-ZI second beginning 533
CRO-ODZI beginning 533
CRP but 409
C ye 300
C with 300


D into 4
D third 4
DAOX 5678 440
DARBS obey 122
DA there 10
DARG 6739 118
DARSAR wherefore 223
DAX loins 410
DAZIS heads 86
DAZIZ heads 88
DE your 14
DIU angle (?) 134
DLUGA giving 96
DLUGAM given 186
DLUGAR giving 196
DOALIM sin 198
DODS vexing 45
DODSEH vexation 56
DO-O-A-IN his name 180
DO-O-A-IP in the name 139
DO-O-I-A in the name 130
DORPHA looked 150
DORPHAL looking 158
DOSIG night 109
DRILPA great 187
DRILPA great 187
DRILPI greater (than) 241
DRIX bring 564
DROLN any 192
DR which 104
DS which 11


ECRIN praise 520

ED-NAS receivers 77
EFAFAFE vial 41
EF visit (us) 13
ELO first 48
EL first 18
EM nine 100
EMETGIS seal 194
EMNA herein 156
EMOD 8763 134
ENAY (lord?) (hath?) 126
ENAY lord 126
EOLIS making 115
EOPHAN lamentation 106
ERAN 6332 166
ERM with 200
E first 10
ETHAMZA covered 131
ETHARZI peace 195


F visit 3
FAAIP voices 84
FABOAN poison 100
FAFEN from 72
FAFEN train 72
FAONTS dwelling 105
FARZM lifted 208


GAH spirits
GAH glory
GA 31 14
G-CHIS-GE are not 394
GE 18
GEH art 19
GE-IAD lord 88
GIGIPAH breath 152
GIVI stronger 198
GIZYAX earthquakes 543
G-MACALZA power or presence 433
GNAY doth 124
GNETAAB governments 94
GNONP garnished 147
GOHE saith 49
GOHIA we say 105
GOHO saith 69
GOHOLOR lift 207
GOHOL saying 77
GOHON have spoken 119
GOHUS (I) say 176
GONO faith 118
GRAA moon 120
G with (?) 8
GROSB sting 150


HAMI creatures 157

HARG planted 115
HE song 11
HOATH worshipper 47
HOLDO groaned 73
HOL-Q measureth 79
HOLQ measured 79
HOM liveth 121
HOMIL true 189
HOMIN age 231
HUBAR lamps 182
HUBARDO lanterns 216


I is 60
IADPIL to him 147
IAD god 70
IAIADIX honor 596
IA-IAL conclude 140
IAIDA the highest 136
IA-IDON all powerful 210
IALPIR flames 243
IALPON burn 163
IALPOR flaming 213
IAL-PRG burning flames 191
IAL-PRT flame 192
IALPRT flame 192
IAOD beginning 100
IEHUSOZ mercies 187
ILONON branches 228
ILS thou 75
ILSI thee 135
IL thy 68
IM-VA-MAR apply 422
IN mine 110
INSI walkest 177
IO-IAD (that liveth forever) 160
IPAM beginning 165
IPAMIS end 232
I is 60
IP shall 69
IP not 69
IRGIL how many 236
ISRO promise 197
I-ZA-ZAZ have framed(?) 99
I in 60
IZIZOP (highest) vessels 177
I is 60
I all 60
I they 60


LADNAH ark of knowledge 75

LAIAD secrets 84
LAP for 23
LAP things 23
LA first 14
LAP i am 23
LARAG neither 128
LAS rich 21
LI the 68
LIMLAL treasure 180
LOHOLO shine 107
LOLCIS buckles 413
LONCHO fall 419
LONDOH kingdoms 123
LONSA everyone 101
LONSHIN (their) power 206
LONSHI power 156
LORSLQ flowers 193
L-O the first 38
LRING stir 226
LU nor 78
L first 8
LUCAL north 392
LUCIFTIAN brightness 566
LU-LA be 92
LUSD feet 89
L one 8
L first 8
L 5 8
LUSDA feet 95
LUSDAN feet 145
LUSDI feet 149


MAASI laidup 169

MABZA robe 116
MAD your god 100
MADRID iniquity 264
MALPIRG fires 281
MALPRG firey 221
MANIN mind 256
MA-OF-FAS not to be measured 145
MAPM 9636 195
MATB thousand 110
MATORB echoing 240
MIAM continuance 246
MIAN 3663 206
MICALP mightier 473
MICALZO mighty 503
MICA-OLZ mighty 503
MICAOLZ mighty 503
MICMA behold 546
MIINOAG corners 304
MIR torment 250
MIRC upon 550
MOLVI surges 258
MOMAO crown 246
MOMAR crowned 316
MOM moss 210
MONONS heart 257
MOSPLEH horns 155
MOZ joy 129


NA-NA-E-EL pouring 140

NANBA thorns 117
NAPEA two-edge sword 81
NAPEAI swords 141
NAZARTH pillars (gladness) 181
NAZAVABH hyacinthine 153
NAZPS sword 81
NETAAB government 86
NIDALI sounds (mighty) 188
NIIS come 177
NIISO come (away) 207
NIISO come 207
NI 8 110
NOAN become 136
NOAR become 186
NOAS become 93
NOBLOH palms 124
NOCO servent 410
NOIB yea 145
NOMIG even 238
NONCI you 490
NONCP place 439
NOQOD (thy) servent 154
NOQODI ministers 214
NOQOL servents 158
NOR-MOLAP sons of men 323
NOROMI sons 360
NOR-QUASAHI sons of pleasure 370
NORZ six 189
NOTHOA garments (midst?) 126


OADO weave 70
OALI placed 104
OANIO amoment (24thpart) 176
OBELISONG deliverers 208
OBLOC garland 373
OBOLEH garments 84
OBZA half 50
OB 28 35
OD and 34
ODO open 64
OE-CRIMI sing praises 650
OHIO woe 121
OHORELA law 185
OI this 90
OI thatis 90
OIAD just 100
OIAD (of) god 100
OL made you 38
OLANI two times 154
OLLOG men 84
OLLOR man 176
OLN made 88
OL of 38
OLORA man 174
OL 24 38
OLPRT light 156
OM understand 120
OMAX know (great) 526
O-MICAOLZ bemighty 533
ON in your 80
ONDOH kingdoms 115
OOAIN amongst 176
OOANOAN eyes 202
OOAONA eyes 152
OOGE chamber 78
OP 22 39
OROCH under 461
ORRI stone 290
ORSBA drunken 148
ORSCOR dryness 567
OS twelve 37
OTHIL seat 108
OVOARS center 243
OVOF magnified 133
OX 26 430
OXEX vomit 840
OXIAYAL mighty (seat) 570
OZAZM make (me) 144
OZIEN hands 159
OZOL hands 77
OZONGON winds 207
O five(5) 30


PA-AOX remain in 451

PAGE rest 33
PAMBT (to)me 119
PANPIR life 234
PAPNOR remembrance 204
PARACLEDA wedding 449
PARADIAL dwellings 199
PARADIZ virgins 194
PARM run 205
PAR in them 115
PASHS children 30
PATRALX rock 538
P-D thirty-three(33) 13
PEAB oak 30
PEOAL 69636 63
PIAMOL righteousness 203
PIAP balance 84
PIDIAI marble 199
PILAH moreover 84
PILD continually 81
PIL firmament 77
PIR holy ones 169
PIRIPSOL brightness 283
PIRIPSON heaven 325
PI places 69
PLAPLI partakers 100
PLOSI as many 114
POAMAL palace 149
POILP divided 116
PRGE fire 127
PRGEL fire 135
PUGO unto 117
PU-IM sharp sickles 229
P of 9
P 8 9

Q or 40
Q content 40
QA-A-AN your creation 108
QAADA the creator 62
QAAL creator 60
QAAS creation 59
QAA creation 52
QANIS olives 163
QUAR 1636 216
QUI-I-N wherein the cre 280
QUI-IN wherein 280


RAAS east 119

RAASY east 179
RACLIR weeping 574
REST-EL praise him 144
RIOR widow 290
RIT mercy 169
ROR sun 230
RSAM admiration 203


SAID wonder
SAISCH brothers
SALBROX sulphur 556
SALMAN house 167
SAMVELG righteous 199
SAPAH sounds 29
SIAION temple 213
SIATRIS scorpions 249
SOBA whose 48
SOBAM whom 138
SOBCA they whose 348
SOBOL whose 80
SOBOLN west 130
SOBRA whose 148
SOLPETH hearken 74
SONF reign 90
S fourth (?) 7


TA as 15
TABA to govern 26
TABAAN governor 82
TALHO cups 54
TASTAX (going) before 437
TATAN wormwood 80
TA-VI-LIOD and second 247
TAXS 7336 422
TELOCH death 358
THIL seat 78
THILD seats 82
THILN seats 128
TIBIBP sorrow 148
TLIOB creatures 112
TOATAR hearken 160
TOH triumph 40
TOLTORG earth 194
TOL with 47
TOL on 47
TOL all 47
TORGI creatures 207
TORZU arise 218
TORZUL rise 226
TOX him 439
TRANAN marrow 221
TRIAN shall 225
TRINT sit 228
TROF building 142
TURBS beauty 191
T also 9
T it 9


U-I-V third (angle) 200

UNAL these 134
URAN notsee 226


VABZIR eagle 250

VAOAN truth 162
VAUL work 154
VAUN (work?) 196
VCIM frown not 520
VEP flame 89
VGEAR strength 194
VGEG strong 96
V-GE-GI v-ge-gi 156
VI second 130
VIRG nests 238
VI-VI-LV second angle 338
VIV second 200
VLCININA happy 604
VLS ends 85
V-MA-DEA strong towers 186
VMD called 164
VMPLIF strength 240
VNALAH skirts 141
VNAL these 134
VND-L the rest 132
VNIGLAG decend 210
VNIG requires 188
VNPH anger 130
VOHIM hundred 251
VONPH wrath 160
VONPHO wrath 190
VONSARG unto 271
VORS over 207
VOVIN dragon 280
VOVINA (the) dragon 286
VPAAH wings 92
VPAAHI wings 152
VRAN elders 226
VRBS beautified 182
V the 70
VRELP seer 197
VX 42 470


YOLCI bring 458

YORB roar 195


Z they 9
ZACAM moved 411
ZACARE move 431
ZACAR move 421
ZAMRAN show 261
ZAR courses 115
ZIEN hands 129
ZILDAR flew 187
ZILODARP conquest 226
ZIMII have entered 279
ZIMZ vestures 168
ZIN waters 119
ZIRDO i am 203
ZIR him 169
ZIR i am 169
ZIRDO servent 203
ZIRE lord 179
ZIRN wonders 219
ZIROM were 289
ZIXLAY stir 543
ZIZOP vessels 117
ZLIDA water 87
ZNRZA sware 174
Z-Ol hands 39
ZOMD midst 133
ZONAC apparelled 395
ZONG winds 97
ZONRENSG delivered 264
ZORGE friendly 157
ZUMVI seas 299

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