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UnME Jeans

Case write-up
Introduction. UnME Jeans is a successful junior denim company. It has been able to charge premium

price due to its unique trendy styles and limited edition collections. Till now company has been

focusing its promotion efforts on traditional media like TV and magazines. But growing popularity of

digital media made UnME Jeans question the efficiency of its current media plan. Shall the company

devote a larger portion of its marketing budget to Web 2.0? If yes, what online media shall it choose?

Analysis. The company’s main target is active teenage girls between 12-24 years old who have unique

style and taste in fashion. Rather than watching TV these girls prefer spending their time surfing the

web. They like taking part in creating online content, sharing it with friends through social networks,

expressing themselves. They dislike “forced” advertisement and prefer to avoid it when possible. Thus,

traditional media channels can no longer provide access to this consumer segment, neither can they

succeed in grasping their attention.

Recommendation. Given the current trends in UnME Jeans target segment’s media preferences, I

would heavily recommend that the company redirects its marketing budget towards WEB 2.0. It best

matches the Y generation and most importantly the UnME Jeans brand identity (trendiness matches

with consumer co-creation, uniqueness with self-expression, appreciation for differences of opinion

and taste with idea of sharing). Using Web 2.0 is more cost effective in the long-term and can enable

the company to build brand awareness among a huge cyber world community with a much more

precise targeting.

I believe UnME Jeans should focus its effort on Facebook. It best suites the demographics of the target

segment and has the highest average time spent on the website with the highest frequency of return

of the user to the page. It is the fastest growing social media, and this trend will most likely sustain

over a longer period of time than any other online media. Facebook can act as a discussion forum

where users interact with the brand and discuss their interests. Shared friend icons can make the

brand more visible while widgets and feeds can promote more engagement.

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